Adventures with Corndog: Corndog's Fish Store


Triggered Happy
Great to see that your hard work is going places and nice to have you back on the boards.


Life's a Dream
I've watched quite a bit of your videos when I got started with a small aquarium setup (20 gallon tall). I'm enjoying doing this. I picked up a few Oto's, and 2 albino cory catfish. Also 2 black moore goldfish. Also a standard pleco. All of my fish are small, but they get along. After seeing your algae eater video a while ago, I wanted to get a hillstream loach, but they don't have them anywhere out here (Hawaii). Oh well.

My pleco doesn't really go after the glass at all. Just hangs out on the sunken wood that I have. And the oto's spend 99% of their time attached to amazon sword's. I also have some rotala that keeps growing taller and taller. The fish don't eat it, but they constantly pull it out of the ground. I've even gotten to using zip-ties to connect quite a few stalks together, but they STILL pull them free for whatever reason. Asshole goldfish. Oh well, I'm enjoying this minor hobby. I also picked up a python auto clean/fill system so i don't have to fuck around with spilling water while doing changes and refills. It's already making my life a lot easier. I had to buy that on, but they didn't ship to Hawaii, so I had it sent to my dad's house in Philly, then he sent it to me. Around $100 after all was said and done, but I'm happy with it.


Life's a Dream
Today was frustrating. The electrician I hired originally quoted 4 days to get the work I wanted done. That was last Saturday. He was also supposed to start last Friday not Saturday. Then after starting a day late, he took Sunday off for football. Early in the Week he thought he'd be done by Thursday. Thursday came and went and said he'd be done before noon today. Today came and went and says he needs 3 more hours to finish it up. But has another job starting tomorrow... And apparently he is going to start that job tomorrow and come back and finish my work on Monday... Very aggravating, since the work hes doing is great work and at a great price.

I'm just flabbergasted that once he was running behind he never once put in extra time after 5pm... I know myself would have stayed all night tonight until it was done as I'd of been a day late from my quote again.
I started reading this thread from the very first post. So far it's interesting, but I can't wait until the store is up and running (I know it is in real life, but it isn't yet in this thread) Regarding your electrician problems, it's a very common situation with EVERY contractor of every type. The best way to handle it is to never pay ahead of time. Have a set schedule in place for work completed and payment to follow. Like... If it was only a 4-day process, have goal posts in mind. Pay whatever up front, just for materials (most contractors have no capital to get things started without it).
As the first day comes to a close, go over the work that was accomplished compared to what they expected to get produced. You could pay a little bit at that point, but even then, only around 20% of the total due.

Do the same thing again at the end of day 2 and 3. Then pay everything in full, including any extra that may have occured after the work has been completed. But if you have it set up differently, you'll just pay it in full at a later date. The biggest thing with contractors is NOT to pre-pay. They now have the money and don't have to actually accomplish the work. You want to leave them coming to you to get paid. It sucks that it has to be this way, but that's what dealing with EVERY contractor has taught me. You only pre-pay if you're a sucker and don't actually care about the results.


Life's a Dream
Woah, that feels like such an old picture now. I got rid of the goldfish a LONG time ago and now it's a highly populated Gourami tank, and it's fantastic. Here's my 2 densely populated tanks now. I do a 50% water change every week or two, just to make sure everything stays healthy.

First up is the same 20 gallon tall.

And next up is a strange 6 1/2 gallon half hexagon style that I got for $35 at Walmart. To be honest, I like this tank the most. I'm always doing something with it. Since Christmas, I changed up the factory lighting with an old LED block which is beautiful, and just yesterday I modded the cover to attach a drop-on filter in addition to the sponge filter, and it's such a peaceful tank.

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Aychamo BanBan

Woah, that feels like such an old picture now. I got rid of the goldfish a LONG time ago and now it's a highly populated Gourami tank, and it's fantastic. Here's my 2 densely populated tanks now. I do a 50% water change every week or two, just to make sure everything stays healthy.

First up is the same 20 gallon tall.

And next up is a strange 6 1/2 gallon half hexagon style that I got for $35 at Walmart. To be honest, I like this tank the most. I'm always doing something with it. Since Christmas, I changed up the factory lighting with an old LED block which is beautiful, and just yesterday I modded the cover to attach a drop-on filter in addition to the sponge filter, and it's such a peaceful tank.

Dude, delete this shit. Direct links to your real name, city state, Instagram, etc. I hope you’ve never uttered one bad word on this forum. Biden is about to be president!
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Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Nice tanks. Gouramis have always been some of my favorite community fish.


Life's a Dream
I haven't done anything worthy of hiding who I am. I'm not an activist or anything else. Just a conservative (I guess that means I'm a Terrorist now), but whatever. I'll continue to not hide who I am.

And yeah, Gourami are such great (peaceful) fish. Hell, one of the little Otocinclus' in the tank tends to attack them like a Remora "attacks" a shark. I guess it's just trying to suck onto their side, but they don't seem to like it so they'll swat at it with their long feeler whisker things.
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Vyemm Raider
Still blown away by how much his business has grown. He is the Amazon of fish tank supplies it looks like now.

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Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
I remember reading this thread when I got saddled with the family business after my father had to go overseas for a year 2 weeks after we opened. Wished I had even 10% of the acumen for business that he did and loved reading all the ideas he had for more of the extra media posts and videos about aquarium topics in general just to give that extra boost to the store. Has to be one of the best threads on the forum for sure. Was awesome just reading everything come together over time and so happy to see just how well he's doing. Some American dream shit right here.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah I really liked this thread. It boosted my interest for a while after putting fish off my whole life. Have had one for a couple years now and I dig it. Easiest pet to take care of.
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Aychamo BanBan

Wait that video is Corndog?? If so that pumps me up so much. That’s awesome he has that badass wear house and store!!
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Aychamo BanBan

Yeah ole corndog really blew up since he started 8 years ago.

Its really impressive. All of our local fish stores have closed in the last decade. Literally only Petco and Petsmart now. And fucking Corndog has his empire. I’m really pumped for him that’s awesome.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I still check in on Foh a few times a week, I just don't post much as I don't have as much time.

On a basic level, I find business comes down to a grind. Save up money, invest it in the next item, that farms money faster. Rinse and repeat. I just replaced mmorpg addiction with RL money farming. At some point I just realized, farming platinum or gold is the same as farming dollars. Doesn't really matter how slow you do it, if you do it a lot. Over time you find the better farm spots, upgrade your gear. Maximizing return for efforts.

Obviously a very simplistic approach, it's just hard rolling as a level 1 halfling with a rusty sword farming copper. Once your life has an upkeep cost of mortgage and bills, you can't really decide to reroll. I was lucky to have a friend to invest startup money that allowed me to farm it back and then continue to go on. At the high end you still have to "don't stand in the poison" but it gets easier to avoid as you learn the encounters. Then you just teach the others in your raid how to dodge it, and the new hires are new recruits. I really see lots of parallels to guild leading, raiding, min/maxing in gaming to the business world.

I wanted to add, I am still always stockpiling as if Naxx is coming. The consumes costs are high when learning something new. So if I want to delve into a new product development, new selling space etc, save up knowing you'll fail a lot, before you learn the encounters to then farm them.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I still check in on Foh a few times a week, I just don't post much as I don't have as much time.

On a basic level, I find business comes down to a grind. Save up money, invest it in the next item, that farms money faster. Rinse and repeat. I just replaced mmorpg addiction with RL money farming. At some point I just realized, farming platinum or gold is the same as farming dollars. Doesn't really matter how slow you do it, if you do it a lot. Over time you find the better farm spots, upgrade your gear. Maximizing return for efforts.

Obviously a very simplistic approach, it's just hard rolling as a level 1 halfling with a rusty sword farming copper. Once your life has an upkeep cost of mortgage and bills, you can't really decide to reroll. I was lucky to have a friend to invest startup money that allowed me to farm it back and then continue to go on. At the high end you still have to "don't stand in the poison" but it gets easier to avoid as you learn the encounters. Then you just teach the others in your raid how to dodge it, and the new hires are new recruits. I really see lots of parallels to guild leading, raiding, min/maxing in gaming to the business world.

I wanted to add, I am still always stockpiling as if Naxx is coming. The consumes costs are high when learning something new. So if I want to delve into a new product development, new selling space etc, save up knowing you'll fail a lot, before you learn the encounters to then farm them.
And just like that, this board now understands how businesses work.
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Tranny Chaser
I still check in on Foh a few times a week, I just don't post much as I don't have as much time.

On a basic level, I find business comes down to a grind. Save up money, invest it in the next item, that farms money faster. Rinse and repeat. I just replaced mmorpg addiction with RL money farming. At some point I just realized, farming platinum or gold is the same as farming dollars. Doesn't really matter how slow you do it, if you do it a lot. Over time you find the better farm spots, upgrade your gear. Maximizing return for efforts.

Obviously a very simplistic approach, it's just hard rolling as a level 1 halfling with a rusty sword farming copper. Once your life has an upkeep cost of mortgage and bills, you can't really decide to reroll. I was lucky to have a friend to invest startup money that allowed me to farm it back and then continue to go on. At the high end you still have to "don't stand in the poison" but it gets easier to avoid as you learn the encounters. Then you just teach the others in your raid how to dodge it, and the new hires are new recruits. I really see lots of parallels to guild leading, raiding, min/maxing in gaming to the business world.

I wanted to add, I am still always stockpiling as if Naxx is coming. The consumes costs are high when learning something new. So if I want to delve into a new product development, new selling space etc, save up knowing you'll fail a lot, before you learn the encounters to then farm them.
So, what do you do when SOE Corona makes the encounters for only 18 in the next raid? What’s the next game / adventure?
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