After Earth


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
whole thing is based on scientology as someone else already said


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My understanding is this is Will Smiths version of Battlefield: Earth. Pretty much the whole movie is based on Scientology auditing. No thanks.
Something else on this.

The striking similarities between Will Smith's new film After Earth and the teachings of SCIENTOLOGY as it tanks at box office and is panned by critics

CBA to actually read it though because my level of fucks given about this movie are minimal at best.

edit: OK now I am reading it. Fresh Prince's character is named "Cypher Raige".

Cypher Raige.


Avatar of War Slayer
No the problem with The Village is they start the movie with credits like... new England 18th century...
I take back any nice things I said about the Village I think
I tried to rewatch it to refute this. as I am pretty sure it doesn't say this.
what I did see, was a tombstone that we see a father crying over, dated 1890-1897. Which does imply as you note, but it does not expressly say, new England 18th century, or 19th, as 1800s would be.

That said, I only made it about 15m before I couldn't take anymore and had to stop it. my god it was so boring and badly acted. I didnt remember how bad the acting was.


Vyemm Raider
I went to see this thinking it cant be as bad as what the critics are saying.

I have nothing further to add......


Molten Core Raider

9 Scathing Reviews of After Earth

1. "Is 'After Earth' the worst movie ever made? Maybe not; there's always 'Battlefield Earth' to remind us how low the bar can go. But that's the wrong question, since it implies that this bizarre enterprise is a movie in the conventional sense." -- Joe Morgenstern, Wall Street Journal

2. "Have alien body snatchers made off with M. Night Shyamalan? There is no small irony that this sci-fi action adventure is about surviving a serious crash. The scorched earth left behind by 'After Earth' is sure to leave a scar on everyone involved." -- Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times

3. "Once upon a time, Hollywood parents gave their children sports cars as gifts. These days, apparently nothing less than a big-screen vanity project will do for Junior." -- Manhola Dargis, New York Times

4. "Summer 2013 has its first bomb, and sadly, it's landed right on Will Smith." -- Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News

5. "The level to which 'After Earth' is a catastrophe is amazing, but what's even more impressive is the lengths everyone must have had to gone to for such an epic level of failure." -- Laremy Legel,

6. "Though he shares screenplay credit with Gary Whitta, Shyamalan is clearly a director-for-hire here, his disinterest palpable from first frame to last." -- Scott Foundas, Variety

7. "By the standards of M. Night's Shyamalan's recent films, 'After Earth' is surprisingly not horrible." -- David Edelstein, New York

8. "Not since John Travolta kicked the tires on 'Battlefield Earth' and pronounced it good to go has there been a big-name sci-fi flameout quite as disastrous as Will Smith's 'After Earth.'" -- Kurt Loder, Reason

9. "Yes, it's that bad." -- Peter Travers, Rolling Stone


Bronze Squire
I'm sure it's becoming a contest now of who can trash that movie the most but I can't believe it could be THAT bad...


Buzzfeed Editor
i find it hard to believe its worse then the last airbender.
I don't think that's possible. Usually when movies fall below Last Airbender, they get a campy/funny quality to them, that makes them somewhat enjoyable--you see this in a lot of B movies. Last airbender is really the lowest a movie can go without crossing that threshold. So it's just horrible, without any of the "fun" or campy qualities of being horrible.

In other words, it's serious horrible.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I take back any nice things I said about the Village I think
I tried to rewatch it to refute this. as I am pretty sure it doesn't say this.
what I did see, was a tombstone that we see a father crying over, dated 1890-1897. Which does imply as you note, but it does not expressly say, new England 18th century, or 19th, as 1800s would be.

That said, I only made it about 15m before I couldn't take anymore and had to stop it. my god it was so boring and badly acted. I didnt remember how bad the acting was.
I'm pretty sure i saw a theatrical version where they credited new england & date (dont care or remember century). Plus you've seen the tombstone yourself which pretty much sets the false trap to completion anyway, needless to say ive never watched that crap a second time.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
i tended to enjoy lady in the water... clearly wasn't a great movie but i enjoyed it. i enjoyed signs because i really liked mel gibson's character. 6th sense was clearly a great movie, but unbreakable is the m.night movie that does it for me. 6th sense was a great movie but after the second viewing there's NO point to watching it. the first time you enjoy the twist. the second time you watch to see how things played out BEFORE the twist was revealed. but after that it's just... meh.... unbreakable, however, for me, is a movie that i ALWAYS enjoy. not sure what it is? maybe because i love superheroes. maybe it's because sam jackson was awesome in it from start to finish... i don't know.. i just love that movie.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Air Bender was worse. It's just popular to bash MDS and Will Jr at this point. You remake this movie the same way with a different cast and director and it would be completely ignored like most sci-fi movies.


I am a big Shyamalan's apologist, but he is making it tough for me. In Lady in the Water and The Happening there was still a couple good scenes here and there, but in the Last Airbender there was at best a couple good shots!

I'll pass on this one.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
What blows my mind is that Smith (allegedly) approached MNS, not the other way around. Maybe he really enjoyed making Karate Kid with him or something (or enjoyed how MNS treated his son, etc)?

On the other hand maybe no other director would give the script the time of day.