Ratings for star wars is weird right now. There's been so much damage to the brand, but even the shows that SHOULD have done a lot to fix that aren't getting the viewership (andor).
And then with the strike going on and no promotion happening across the board it's really hard what lesson to take from the lower views and loss in subs.
This show had definite issues, but overall was a positive, not nearly as much as andor I don't think, but still should be in the "win" column vs obi-wan, book of boba Fett, etc.
Mando is kind of in the same place though, too... The Mando parts of boba Fett where pretty great, and people liked season 1 and 2, but 3 fell flat for most fans. Season 3 dealt with a lot more clone wars/rebels storylines so the execs could take it that the extended stuff bores people, but in reality, I think they just need to work harder to bridge the gap between the cartoons and live action.
From what I can tell, pretty much across the board if you watched rebels/clone wars, you enjoyed ahsoka, and if you didn't watch those shows, ahsoka was pretty bad.