

Silver Baronet of the Realm
Speaking OG eq what was the hardest/longest to figure out how to kill? Like talked about dial up was a bitch and hiding behind walls sucked casting spells on timers.

Og EQ was amazing trying to kill Vox 100 + people just getting slaughtered like nothing. Graphics/lag was so bad you would just look at nothing and cast spells and read chat

Fuck now I'm getting nostalgia thinking of Kedge keep and those fucking zones
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
NWN was released in 2002, there were unlimited time ISPs way before that. I remember playing UO (97 - 99) then EQ (99 - 04) on 56k, as a kid for large amounts of time and my parents wouldn't have put up with a single bill over $100 (probably even $50 would have gotten me in trouble). I could have sworn it was AOL before switching to DSL, probably around 2001.

AOL unlimited internet for $19.95 came out in Christmas of 1996
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
AOL unlimited internet for $19.95 came out in Christmas of 1996
Thank you. I had unlimited internet but if I called my friend in another area code I was fucked. The long distance phone calls what fucked my parents
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Thank you. I had unlimited internet but if I called my friend in another area code I was fucked
Most of the overage charges that people remember weren't because of pay-by-minute internet service. It was because they used a non-800 number (like a local number or out of state number) and then got hit by by their phone company after spending 1000-2000 minutes online.

The other revolutionary part was AOL introducing a 800 number to dial up into to avoid insane phone bills


Silver Baronet of the Realm
In northern California we would call and hang up. Massive bill going out but nothing coming in, pretty much did one ring and wait for a call back. I feel old knowing Pacific bell but you guys are making me feel younger
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
In northern California we would call and hang up. Massive bill going out but nothing coming in, pretty much did one ring and wait for a call back. I feel old knowing Pacific bell but you guys are making me feel younger


<Silver Donator>
I guess dragon warrior was my first RPG video game. Though, Shining In The Darkness was a much better representation of one.
I had Shining in the Darkness, was a great game.

Remember renting shining force, the tactics game, and it was pretty good too if I remember.
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Tranny Chaser
Thatll Do Rosario Dawson GIF by Star Wars
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Most of the overage charges that people remember weren't because of pay-by-minute internet service. It was because they used a non-800 number (like a local number or out of state number) and then got hit by by their phone company after spending 1000-2000 minutes online.

The other revolutionary part was AOL introducing a 800 number to dial up into to avoid insane phone bills
But AOL charged you for using the 800 number. That's what fucked us in my story. Tech support didn't want to give out the 800 dial in numbers and when they finally did, they never told us they were going to charge us per minute. My parents were smart enough to disable long distance on the dedicated internet phone line.


Avatar of War Slayer
Chukzombi Astrocreep was my shaman's name. i was also known as the Undead Shaman. i used Astrocreep as my board name when i rerolled here after Millie banned me in 2007. i came back in 2009. had that name for a few years and then switched it back to chuk/Chukzombi. a user name i began using for online gaming since 1993 when White Zombie videos first appeared on Beavis and Butthead. before that in arcade games (Chk or Chz) since fucking Donkey Kong in 82.. cuz Chuck is my actual fucking name. before EQ, there was Sierra Online INN and The Realm. yeah I'm fucking old and if you remember any of those things, so are you.

The Realm was awesome, loved that game till EQ took over
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Millie's Staff Member
I felt like a leet haxxor sploit master when I discovered the run you could do and get a defender sword from a chest - over near the desert town.

Stealing from houses was the fun times
I had a level 550 adventurer who was stupid powerful and my thing was wandering around the woods just north of Leinster and luring thieves into combat. There was a glitch that you could enter combat. Cast an ice spell and then leave combat with your opponent stuck in game. You announce in chat. "So and so is stuck at x location. Go and pickpocket them!" People would swarm over them and rob them blind. It was my contribution to stamping out theft.
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Avatar of War Slayer
I developed a fear of people quickly in that game- because I got ganked by a "Oh I will help you level, join my group!" then they walk up and thwack you with their Wrathe 2h sword and take all your noobie gear just cuz.
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Millie's Staff Member
I developed a fear of people quickly in that game- because I got ganked by a "Oh I will help you level, join my group!" then they walk up and thwack you with their Wrathe 2h sword and take all your noobie gear just cuz.
That game had potential to be cool, but they never had plans for it beyond what it was at launch. I guess they just figured you would level up to 100. Then just sit at an inn in Leinster and stand around all day. They didn't encourage you to PvP even though you could. They made it so if you PvP too much then you got put in jail for a real life sentence of weeks. I got put in there for ten days. So I would log in at night and just stare at the little rat walk around the jail cell for a few hours. Little by little my 10 day real time would be over and then I could go back out and play again. I heard a story that a guy I played with had PvP so much that when the jailer finally caught him he had a one year prison sentence and just noped out and quit the game. It was 50 dollars a year. So it wasn't like it was free. There was no point to the realm once you leveled beyond the monsters.
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