You are very obviously way out of your element here on a technical level, and your argument sucks on top of it. When you do a Google Image Search and are presented with the indexed images, you get this:
View attachment 506222
So the image you're presented in the index is in fact pulled from the original source. There's some complex caching at the CDN level to speed this up, which is what you see in the img src tag, but the content is pulled from the original source and links to the original source. Further, Google is not presenting this as their own work, unlike an LLM or Diffusion model.
Additionally, you completely skipped over the fact that Google provides countless ways for content owners to control how their content is used by Google. If Paramount suddenly wanted all of their content removed from Google, they would access their Google Search Console, delist their websites from Google, and send C&D orders and DMCA letters and it would be gone within days. This cannot happen the way LLMs or Diffusion models work, there is no way to snip the content out of the model.
How do you make your living as a lawyer with arguments like these?