Albion Online


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Assuming they have more people live then in this pre wipe beta, they're seriously going to need to double the world size. Assuming the game and servers perform flawlessly, the first few weeks is still going to be a complete mess with all mobs and nodes just being completely raped at all hours.

They also need to figure out something different then LP, which is points you spend to level up "early" and get more of each month. You start with I think three months worth which will get one of your skills to tier 8? Maybe a couple skills I'm not sure. Once you're out of LP you're in for the long hall grind (about 4x the fame?) to level. It promotes multi accounts in big guilds that can gather the resources to funnel to different individuals that specialize in different crafting and gathering things.

If they address the above smartly, and deliver some nice qol and balance stuff then we might have a pretty fun game on our hands.
Re: overcrowding, isn't the idea that the game is only fun in crowded areas where players need to kill each other to gain wealth?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Re: overcrowding, isn't the idea that the game is only fun in crowded areas where players need to kill each other to gain wealth?
At the beginning of closed beta, the problem was in the early (Green) zones where PvP doesn't exist. Since the launch of beta, they mitigated that by effectively increasing node and mob respawn rate in those areas by 300%. When you get to PvP zones (yellow, red, and black), the problem isn't bad... since you can kill off your competition.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Some good info from the last few days...

Safe/Yellow Zone Progression Improvement (Sneak Peak)
  • Provide higher tier mobs and higher tier PvE content in the green and yellow zones
  • Introduce the token/expedition/blueprint system, with a focus on safe/yellow zones (but not exclusive to these zones, see below)
  • Buff red and black zones. Ensure that the rewards are always better than in green/yellow if you dare take the risk.

World size to be doubled by the end of closed beta.
  • For reference, closed beta is scheduled to end in February.

"Hardcore" vs "Casual" Debate - Our Stance
  • Symbiosis between "carebear" and hardcore players in Sandbox MMORPGs
  • Have a great safe zone experience as a strong baseline for the world
  • No "forcing" players into PvP
  • Encouraging and enabling players to do PvP through top notch open world PvP content, rewards and features

Other tid bits:
Spawn rates to increase in red & black zones soon.
Destiny board revisions and fame changes go live next week.


Molten Core Raider
Read the link first. They make some good points and take a lot from Eve Online which has no forced pvp.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Discussions - Albion Online Forum

It's just a question of Risk vs Reward balance. You need a tremendous amount of reward to offset the additional risk of PvP. After reading through that thread I don't have any trust that they will balance that RvR enough.

I'm pretty burnt out on peace zones after playing ArcheAge. The game had the same strategy in the above link, but failed to tune it to reward staying in PvP zones in some very specific cases. So you saw hordes of people hiding in peace zones and the world PvP suffered greatly.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Discussions - Albion Online Forum

It's just a question of Risk vs Reward balance. You need a tremendous amount of reward to offset the additional risk of PvP. After reading through that thread I don't have any trust that they will balance that RvR enough.

I'm pretty burnt out on peace zones after playing ArcheAge. The game had the same strategy in the above link, but failed to tune it to reward staying in PvP zones in some very specific cases. So you saw hordes of people hiding in peace zones and the world PvP suffered greatly.
All the updates are definitely going in the right direction though, I'm seeing this turning into a possible eve light. I'm not sure if Bondurant is being sarcastic but that video looks like great pvp to me. If they can balance out some skills I think pvp will be top notch in the 5v5 and under realm. My biggest concerns are if they can make the progression feel good and not too grindy (IE t4 still being usefull in pvp situations, so those folks can still participate while leveling up) and if they have real solutions for the zerg fest that red / black zones will become.

I really think the devs are heading in the right direction - forced open world pvp just won't work for a healthy game population anymore, and finding a good symbiosis as they say, between carebares and hardcores, is the best we can hope for, ah la Eve.

edit: and ya, archeage completely fucked it up - again going back to eve, I think territory control over highly coveted assets will be what makes the game... but that means zerg fest so who knows


2 Minutes Hate
I've largely been ignoring this game because people have said some not so good things about it. Should I start paying attention? Is this game actually worth looking at?


Was really tempted to drop $30 on this last night but after watching some videos I can imagine that grinding some pretty lackluster mats for disposable gear over and over after dying might not be so much fun. This is one of those games you really need a crew to play with going into it, or finding some people in game quickly.

Currently balls deep in archeage but with maintenance today I might just succumb. Is there a RR guild for closed beta>release?


Molten Core Raider
It's a serious grind fest and without a crew it's kinda pointless.
I'm currently t5 but just cannot keep grinding. PvP is me being jumped by 8 people or me killing one person who's gathering.

With some decent free time and a good group of friends this would be fun but it's certainly not casual enough for me.


What is the point/goal of the game? Since there's no levels and just fame to craft better gear, why are we creating said gear? To pvp?

Why are people pvping? I saw you get silver from kills and you can loot their gear but I imagine you won't be getting many if any upgrades that way. Is there any boss fights or reasons to be a dominate pvp guild other than bragging rights?

In archeage you pvp for honor or get ghost ships/kraken for gold and gear.

Is this basically the same that gear is the ultimate carrot?


In ultima online for instance there wasn't any real goal it was a sandbox but pvp was the fastest and easiest way to get supplies and gold to inevitably keep pvping and buy bigger houses, which isn't really a bad thing but I'm just curious what I'd be getting into before paying for another beta game to be disappointed, like dayz and h1z1.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You've basically got the gist of it as far as I know.

I don't know how carebear it is now, but originally the game was set up to be a PvP + resource gathering game. If they have a bunch of zones you can gather resources in, then I'm not sure what it is.

If you're not PvPing, the game is basically competing against Diablo3, Path of Exile etc. If you are PvPing then the game can be fun. But in order for it to be fun there have to be enough players to have real resource contention.


Molten Core Raider
there's also another big update next week that fixes some issues (like more fame etc) so I might stick around to check that out.


Trakanon Raider
I've been following the game off and on but I can't figure out what i'm looking at... one moment I feel like it's the second coming of UO. Then I think it's some mash up of UO + LoL + Diablo + WoW. I'm sure playing it would clarify what the game really is but after dropping money on a few other games, i'm a little hesitant to jump in.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
It's eve light with shit graphics and I think it's pretty questionable the in game economy will work long term. Gameplay and pvp are pretty fun though. UO is my all time favorite game and I don't think they compare well at all.


It's eve light with shit graphics and I think it's pretty questionable the in game economy will work long term. Gameplay and pvp are pretty fun though. UO is my all time favorite game and I don't think they compare well at all.
Agree. Albion is a fun game in a good guild, but does not hold nearly the depth of UO. Nor will Albion have UOs community.