Not reading any spoilers, but I hope he does some kind of quick catch-up from the first book. I LOVED the first one, but don't have the time for a reread before book 2 comes out. I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't actually remember what happened to Kaladin towards the end.
It's a tiny clue and can be easy to miss.Sorry but where does it appear that Shallan has a shardblade? Must of missed that
At least nearly every character who has abilities beyond the normal seems to consider shardblades to be tainted in some way, so the danger of that should hopefully be minor.I don't think Kaladin will get too op until half way into the series where they figure out how to remake shards, and make him a shard spear!
Yep that was it. Like you said, I didn't notice it until the reread.The other part with Shallan and 10 heartbeats comes in chapter 8, "Nearer the flame" and is before we are formally introduced to the concept of a shardblade taking 10 heartbeats to summon, so it is often missed except on a reread (which I am currently in the process of).
Szeth mentions ten heartbeats in his first chapter, but it is Dalinar I believe who really explicates the process of summoning it. The first quote with Shallan and the blade is:
"She raised her freehand to her head, suddenly overwhelmed by the weight of House Davar's situation, her part in it, and the secret she now carried, hidden ten heartbeats away."