Don't avoid everything hes written based on Mistborn; I know most people seem to rave about it but he lost me at book 2 (read 3rd anyway, it got worse) in that series also for similar and other reasons. The Way of Kings, Steelheart and a few others are quite enjoyable reads.I finished Mistborn book 2 and... ugh. The big reveal and the way it ended with the well - it all felt so cheap so gimmicky. I kept shouting DO NOT WANT at the audiobook in my car. Probably looked like a maniac driving home stuck in traffic.
I have no desire to finish the trilogy or read anything else by him.
Do you have your appointment set up for the ophthalmologist after? I know I'll have eyestrain by the end of the week.2 more days bros, 2 more storming days
Nerd=PDo you have your appointment set up for the ophthalmologist after? I know I'll have eyestrain by the end of the week.