All things Brandon Sanderson


Karazhan Raider
So spoilerish but only if you haven’t read the first book, rest is just my speculation:
So Odium killed Honor and took his shard and presumably they were combined similar to preservation and ruin. Since the bearers take on the “intent” of the shard, I assume that Odium has taken on some aspect of Honor which will lead to a very conflicted being. I wonder if this is going to impact the void ringer behavior


Trakanon Raider
So spoilerish but only if you haven’t read the first book, rest is just my speculation:
So Odium killed Honor and took his shard and presumably they were combined similar to preservation and ruin. Since the bearers take on the “intent” of the shard, I assume that Odium has taken on some aspect of Honor which will lead to a very conflicted being. I wonder if this is going to impact the void ringer behavior
As I understand it, no, Odium very specifically doesn't take up other shards, since he doesn't want to change his nature. Instead, he somehow shatters the shard, so that while the power still exists (and thus still allows its magic to still exist), it's now too diffused for someone else to take it up. He apparently did the same thing to Devotion and Dominion in Elantris (well before the time the book is set in).


Karazhan Raider
As I understand it, no, Odium very specifically doesn't take up other shards, since he doesn't want to change his nature. Instead, he somehow shatters the shard, so that while the power still exists (and thus still allows its magic to still exist), it's now too diffused for someone else to take it up. He apparently did the same thing to Devotion and Dominion in Elantris (well before the time the book is set in).
Huh, interesting. I would have thought Odium was trying to become the new Adolsium


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Agree. Pretty hype at this one coming soon. Also a little sad that we'll be 1/4 through when it releases as I want MOAR content.
Yea, I'm done reading anymore chapters. I'm curious how schizophrenic Shallan is going to become. =/


Trakanon Raider
Saw Edgedancer in the book store today. It's weird how they printed it, it's pocket-bible sized. Already have it in Arcanum Unbounded though, so didn't purchase.

Chapters 22-24 spoiler below

Disappointed we didn't get any dialogue between Dalinar and the new Radiant that showed up with Tarvgarian. As soon as she was introduced I was expecting that to be the focus of the chapter. Doh!
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Arcanum Unbounded, if I remember correctly, only had a few chapters and not the whole novella.


Molten Core Raider
The news release on his site says "Edgedancer, a novella that was originally published last year as part of Arcanum Unbounded, was just released in eBook Edgedancer..." but I haven't read it, so really can't say yay or nay with any certainty. However, the new version apparently also includes Lift's interludes from Words of Radiance as a prologue, which might explain the difference in page counts.


<Bronze Donator>
I've gotten rid of most of my actual books, but I'm always tempted to pick up hardcovers by Sanderson.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>

Holy autism, Batman.

I just finished the latest released Oathbringer chapters, and finally something cool happened! It seems like the beginning of this book is much slower than WoR, and we're getting less compelling and revealing info, but that could just be me.

I'm greatly looking forward to this being released!
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Trakanon Raider
Definitely with you on that, Lightning Lord Rule. This week's chapters finally had something awesome happen.

Happy to see Shallan doing work. She's been very pessimistic about her own abilities. She's wanted to conceal them from people because "if all I can do are illusions, it's bad if our enemies know I can do illusions." Finally seeing her make progress with her Lightweaving, and finding out how effective she can really be, was pretty awesome. I've been expecting greatness from her, and now we've seen what's possible. Good stuff.

Was a little disappointed with Renarin. "Took off his shardplate gloves and healed the wounded bridgemen" a couple of times. I think that it's lack of his own PoV that's holding his character back. I want to see what he can do, how we interacts with his spren. What does it mean that he can "see things"? I'm sure Sanderson will expand on this, but last night seemed like: Bridgement got hurt, Renarin healed him. Another one got hurt, Renarin healed him. No flash at all. Instead of a Cleric CH rotation it was a Bridgeman tank rotation with 1 cleric.

Also, where are Jasnath and Wit? Fuck! She needs to show back up!
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
RE: Jasnah
I bet Sanderson is saving Jasnah for the chapter just before the interludes as a kind of mid-book cliffhanger. He tends to do that quite a bit, which I'm fine with. It's standard writing technique to increase the anticipation and keep the reader interested to keep going.
She'll probably show up in Kholinar and meet up with Kaladin with Wit in tow.


<Bronze Donator>
Edgedancer was pretty good and fun. I liked it. I'm ready for Oathbringer, little over a week away


Trakanon Raider
Has anyone seen if the audio book will release at the same time? I've been digging audio books for when I'm running. I can lose track of the time I'm working out if I'm into the book.


Trakanon Raider
Has anyone seen if the audio book will release at the same time? I've been digging audio books for when I'm running. I can lose track of the time I'm working out if I'm into the book.
Amazon says Audible release is scheduled for the 13th. Surprisingly one day before the hardcover / Kindle release.