The only problem I have with the CGI is what appears to be Spidey catching Gwen and crashing through that huge rose window. Gwen looks like a manican or doll there. The pillar scene doesn't bother me in the least.The shit at the end with the big pillars and shit still looks like bad game CGI. The rest of the action stuff looks pretty awesome.
Yeah, just like Revenge of the Sith.I don't care what you guys say. This shit looks good and this reboot is a ton better without Toby and Kirsten. It's got a darker feel.
No that was just plain gay. This movie series is better in every way to the first one. I dont think that is even debatable.Yeah, just like Revenge of the Sith.
You follow up 10 posts of people sucking the movie's dick based on a trailer with "I don't care what you guys say, I want to suck it's dick!"I don't care what you guys say. This shit looks good and this reboot is a ton better without Toby and Kirsten. It's got a darker feel.
Toby was a decent Peter Parker and I felt very comfortable with him in that role as it felt very close to the 616 universe he came from. Spider-Man though, at no fault to him, wasn't the Spidey I've come to know and love since the 70's. The Spidey in Amazing was much closer to how I think he should be. The action scenes, the movements and yes his banter/sarcasm. Andrew Garfield isn't a bad Peter Parker but he is much more like the Peter Parker of the Ultimate Universe than the 616 Universe and it has been shown this is going to be a world crafted after the Ultimate Universe. The movie fits what it's trying to accomplish.You follow up 10 posts of people sucking the movie's dick based on a trailer with "I don't care what you guys say, I want to suck it's dick!"
So brave.
And no, it's not better than the original 2. It's only debatable if you're retarded. There's so much revisionist history about Tobey since Spidey 3 it's laughable. He was good/great in the first two movies and was almost universally praised at the time. Then the 3rd turd plopped and now people are sucking Jon Ralphio's dick and talking about how horrible Tobey was.
THAT SAID! This one looks miles better than the first ASM(which was a piece of shit covered in poop) and if they manage 2 good movies out of 3 it would be easy to argue ASM > Originals.
I have to fight it!Yeah that or ASM1 was a piece of shit. It is possible for a superhero movie to be bad. Did you defend Elektra? Because the only thing that put ASM1 above Elktra was a couple of the action scenes. I had more written up but it's pointless. Some of you think saying it's based on Ultimate Spider-Man excuses it being a piece of shit, when Peter in ASM was nothing like Peter in USM. Even if he was itdoesn'tforgive the movie being garbage.
Gah! I said I was done with this. I'm sorry, I'll stop this time for reals. Seriously. Sorry.
LOL these expressions.I have to agree with the non-Tobey crowd. I thought he was terrible in every movie. His facial expressions kill me. I can't even post them all but here are just some of my favorites that still haunt me every time I see Spider Man shows up on my DirecTV guide.
Are you fuckin with me? You call him emo, are you not looking at these images? Did you, just like most of us purge SM3 out of your mind with the disco walk? I, like most did enjoy SM1 and 2 but sorry him being insecure is how he seems in every movie..Gatsby anyone?Tobey was a perfect Peter Parker. He was insecure, yet seemed like a brilliant science nerd. This new faggot with the poofy hair just screams emo sk8r boi cunt. I'm so fucking angry about this. FUCK.