I hope someday the pendulum swings and they get to make movies about how Indians actually treated white people (and other tribes of Indians).Show sucks. So tired of the why are whites attacking us poor indians!
Not really, there are many exceptions, one such is Ballad of Buster ScruggsThey were billy bad ass'in up on whites asBut thats all we've done for the past 25-30 years, let people play the victim.
Not really, there are many exceptions, one such is Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Apocolypto had a great depiction of whichever central/south american indian empire that was
It's slow, but I think we're getting to some truth.
Apocolypto had a great depiction of whichever central/south american indian empire that was
All this deportation shit Ive seen lately has been really entertaining to watch, too. Apparently the Spanish Conquistadors were White Men, too! But yea, I cant remember what it was that I watched. But it was the history of some guy and how he journeyed inland with a woman translator and there was a king that was a mix of south American and Spanish that had a small nation there? And then they worked together to overthrow some other douche nozzle Aztec person. Etc. etc. It was interesting to follow along because all this time I had never once been curious how just a handful of the Spanish laid waste to a supposed millions+ of people. I knew the plagues probably had the most impact, but that didnt just automatically transfer into a half dozen ships worth of men being able to take over vast swaths of a continent.People forget that a big reason the Spanish conquest of the Central/Southern Americas was able to even happen is because there were lots of smaller tribes/civilizations that were getting fucked over by the Maya/Aztec/Inca and they decided to side with the Spanish. The indigenous people in the Americas weren't a murderous hivemind monolith. If they were, the Conquistadors or early settlers would have all been wiped out.