Avatar of War Slayer
The overall rebel timeline is already set in the rebels TV show, but there is still room to flesh out the characters we see in Andor.Yeah I guess given the nature of the time jumps, each 3 ep being 1 year leading into RO, I figured they would wrap most of S1 up and NOT leave us with a big cliffhanger/a ton of continuing storylines. I assumed it would end with Andor essentially fully joining Luthen, Bix Escaping, Maybe the rebels announcing or something.
Still need to wrap up Syril Arc, Deedra, Stuff with Saul (If hes back), Etc.
For the various rebels and Mon Mothma: They are all independent cells until after Mon Mothma starts to directly denounce the empire/Palps and is forced into hiding. Her fleeing Coruscant is one of the uniting events for the Rebel Alliance and that directly leads to the internal disagreement with Saw Gerrera's "extremism."
There is no way Deadra is going anywhere as she is the main "bad guy" and Syril is her love interest stalker dude. For Saul, I assume you mean Saw Gerrera? He is in Rogue 1, so none of these characters should have been expected to be "wrapped up" already.
Season 1 is mostly "How Andor fully commit to the Rebel cause" (with a pinch of the leadership in the making) and season 2 will (probably) be how the rebel cause turns into the rebel alliance.
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