Ghost is female in this. I hope it upsets a lot of manbabies.
Wasp was always the better fighter. I can't ever remember her actually using giant powers, but I haven't read comics in forever. Ant-Man was the brain that did the small-giant thing as well as kept a bunch of gadgets and shit on him.
Well they've known they were going to do IW before they knew they'd make an A-M2 so it was in development first. They've got a lot more money sunk into it so they wanted it to have the full summer in which to run rather then come out at the tail end of it. And there might be something in A&W that tips off a plot point in IW they don't want to come out before that movie does though I doubt it. But Ant-Man has been in a lot of the set photos from bystanders during production of IW2.
yeah I could see that happening. but still continuity right out the window.
She is so fucking hot. Holy shit.
I just IMDB'd her and holy shit, she was in Deadwood.
So we would have gotten that trailer in theaters if they didn't push it forward a week?
I was thinking more along the lines that the trailer would follow its namesake and actually appear at the end of the film.I think they didn't place it there because it would have confused audiences since they aren't even in the movie.
so uh that didn't really answer at all the question of "so where was ant man during infinity war"
not that i really care. trailer looks ok, nothing terrible but not really that interesting and pretty lazy quips