I know they see Lang as the more marketable character as Ant Man, but I'd rather seem him as Yellowjacket. Yellowjacket is cool, Ant Man, not so much.Hank Pym is Michael Douglas.
Choo Choo Motherfuckers.next stop on the marvel-can-do-no-wrong train, can't wait
The scientist he's yelling at? Peter Billingsly.
That is not Wasp (janet) that is Hope, who didn't exist in 616 but is known as the daughter of Hank and Janet, which makes sense chronologically. Maybe it'll be more confirmed when we see an older Wasp, she was actually evil and is known for wearing the red ant suit.Yeah anyone else notice that Wasp is seemingly training him? Cuz haircut.
This movie is between very enjoyable and very cheesy to me. It's not the direction or anything, it's just the character itself. Motherfucker rides ants and shit and runs on dudes' guns. They better go heavily on the heist/comedy route more so than the fighting route.
I mean I'll see it no matter what.
Fortunately this isn't a democracy, it's a cheerocracy, and I say Bring it On was a lot of fun.Only thing that makes me scared is the director. His past accomplishments are pretty terrible
Bring It on