Apartment Woes


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Starting about 4 weeks ago, my wife and I started to notice a certain spot of the floor in our bedroom starting to "sag" a little bit. Almost like a divot in the floor/carpet, roughly the size of a small shoebox. I thought it was a bit abnormal, but didn't pay it much attention, since it only seemed to be in the one spot. Well, about 2 weeks go by and we start noticing a few more, smaller in size, but they've also started to crop up in the hallway/living room. Naturally, I called the office/management company and let them know. They said that it may just be the carpet getting old, but they'll send somebody out to look at it.

Well, about a week goes by, nobody shows up, and now the apartment reeks like sewage. I call again, this time more pissed off, letting them know that it's obviously some sort of water damage/rot/sewer leak and that they need to send somebodytoday. Around 6pm that day (Tuesday), the maintenance "supervisor" shows up. He immediately notices the smell, takes a look in the bedroom, and concludes that it's possible a beam may have shifted. He searches the apartment for a bit to try and find crawlspace access, but there isn't one. He explains to us that they'll have somebody show up to investigate no later than Thursday, but they'll need permission to enter in case they have to start pumping water, or anything else serious, but not to worry, because they'll put us in a hotel if the damage is extensive. He then takes a look around the grounds, finds the crawlspace, but says that he'll need a key to get access.

Needless to say, Thursday comes and goes and I don't hear a word from anybody at the management company, the maintenance supervisor, or anyone else. I text the maintenance supervisor asking him what the hell the deal is and he says he wasn't able to get the key, because he "e-mailed" the management company and they hadn't responded yet. However, he'll be here on Saturday (today) to take a look at it by not later than 11AM. Well, it's now 1pm and once again I've heard nothing from him, nor anyone else. Needless to say, this mess is frustrating as fuck and I'm really curious what my legal options are at this point. I guess they'll take it serious once the foundation collapses, but I don't want to wait around for that. I know the obvious answer is, "just move". The thing is, not only is moving a huge hassle that I don't want to deal with, I'm sick of renting companies treating tenants like absolute garbage. Does anyone have any experience dealing with a similar situation that could offer some advice?
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Molten Core Raider
Shit like that is always so frustrating. I don't have any legal advice, but start hounding those fuckers until actually fixing the problem becomes less of a hassle for them than dealing with you.

I had a number of issues with a property management company where they kept jerking me and my wife around on the phone and then never followed through. I drove over to their main office, gave the secretary shit until she gave me the address of the work site of the guy in charge, and went there and just yelled at him in front of his staff until he agreed to solve the issue right away.

Don't give them an inch. If the supervisor isn't doing shit, hound the office, if they aren't following through, go above that. If he said he will be there at 11 and doesn't show, make sure it becomes some higher up's problem right away. There should be half a dozen voice mails for him by now, and for anyone higher up in the company. Don't bother with texting or Email or any of that shit, make his phone ring for an hour straight if you have to until he picks up.

Fuck... I'm all worked up just thinking about it. Good luck!

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Look up landlord tenant laws in your state. Shit like mold presents a health hazard and in most states, landlord ignoring health hazards is grounds for termination of your lease after some period after proper notice.

Last year my wife lived in AZ for the entire year (we live in NY normally) and her apartment got flooded. No one bothered to do much other than dry the carpet and some mold formed inside the walls. The managing company was dragging their feet so i put them and their corporation office on notice that in 5 days (the period required by AZ before i can terminate a lease) the lease will be terminated due to their violations of some sub section of the landlord tenant laws. My wife was moved into the corporate suite while the shit in her apartment was fixed over the next few days.

Make sure you make yourself a pain in the ass not just to the managing company, but also to their corporation offices. If they arent doing anything to remedy a potentially hazardous situation, you need to make sure that you are threatening the people who can actually put some pressure on the deadbeats in charge of fixing shit.


Yikes, first part of your story hits home, I'm noticing the same things in mine. Guess I'll be giving maint a call :/


Bronze Squire
The squeaky wheel gets greased. I've yet to find an instance where this idiom doesn't hold true.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Well, finally got through to the management office after letting them know via voicemail that I submitted complaints with both the housing authority and a code compliance group that our city has set up. They called me and let me know that they'd setup reservations for a hotel until the repairs are completed.

I also spoke with an attorney, but they said that there isn't really a whole lot that you can do "preemptively" about potential health/property hazards. I'd have to wait until they manifest. It'd all just be speculation prior to that. However, he did say I should be able to terminate the lease over the issue and that he'd recommend letting the management company know that we want a "liveable" hotel room.


Make sure you have written correspondence as well. Bug the hell out of them on the phone but also have all the details of your complaints in writing in case of legal action.


A Mod Real Quick
If you pull out your contract you'll more than likely see a section that states how long they can legally expect you to stay in a hotel provided at their cost before you can terminate your lease. I know our contract had it because I actually read the thing before I signed it.


<Prior Amod>
Yeah, make sure the hotel room they put you in has a kitchenette in it. You shouldn't be burdened with paying extra for take out and going out to eat because they suck at maintaining their building.

The health thing is spot on. I rented a place where we found out the landlord painted over black mold, had a shit ton grow back behind my oldest sons crib after living there for 3 months. I moved out and called the housing authority. They gave me a run around and assumed I had been evicted and was trying to cause trouble for said landlord. I told them I hadn't been and drove by it two weeks later and it was condemned. Was told I would have to wait to see if my son had respiratory issues later in life before I could do anything in terms of legal action.


In your state there are certain violations of the lease which amount to a constructive eviction. Hot water, heat, and sewage issues usually easy to qualify and still obtain equitable remedies in court and break the lease. Look it up in your state.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
If you're in Texas you're fucked. From my experience, they can pretty much walk into your apartment, take an Ebola dump on your floor, rub your face in it, then demand their rent check the next day, "or else". When I lived in an apartment in Dallas, the management (Post Properties) decided to do massive renovations that caused all the floors/units to be flooded with dust/fumes, and they pretty much told us to go fuck ourselves when we complained and asked for a rent reduction. The only thing that caused them to compromise was that a few lawyer tenants in the building sent the management threatening letters and initiated the process of getting a TRO against the building management doing construction.

My advice is get a lawyer to write up a threatening letter and send it by courier to either your landlord, or in the case of it being owned by a corporation, their internal general counsel.


Molten Core Raider
If you're in Texas you're fucked. From my experience, they can pretty much walk into your apartment, take an Ebola dump on your floor, rub your face in it, then demand their rent check the next day, "or else". When I lived in an apartment in Dallas, the management (Post Properties) decided to do massive renovations that caused all the floors/units to be flooded with dust/fumes, and they pretty much told us to go fuck ourselves when we complained and asked for a rent reduction. The only thing that caused them to compromise was that a few lawyer tenants in the building sent the management threatening letters and initiated the process of getting a TRO against the building management doing construction.

My advice is get a lawyer to write up a threatening letter and send it by courier to either your landlord, or in the case of it being owned by a corporation, their internal general counsel.
Texas sounds like easy mode.

SB 1448 (81st Regular Session), effective January 1, 2010, now grants justices of the peace authority to order landlords to repair or remedy conditions affecting a tenant's health and safety, as long as the cost of the repair does not exceed $10,000. Tenants can go to justice court without an attorney to obtain a repair order.


Lord Nagafen Raider
OOC is getting a house or renting a house out of the question where you are Kirun? Multiple nightmare experiences with apartment complexes is what drove me to buying a house.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
OOC is getting a house or renting a house out of the question where you are Kirun? Multiple nightmare experiences with apartment complexes is what drove me to buying a house.
We're looking at all of our options. We're putting in an application today for a condo.

To add to the layer of bullshit, they finally send out a cleaning crew to pump the water and dry out the crawl space. The complex put us up in a hotel for 4 days while this is going on. I keep calling the moron manager every day, because despite me explicitly telling her that she needed to call me every day with updates on progress, she still doesn't. Anyhow, I call her Friday (the last day of our hotel stay) and ask her if the work has been finished. She said that she was "in meetings all day" and had to make some calls, but she'd call me back. She ends up calling me back about 10 minutes from 5 o'clock and says the cleaning crew is done. I told her, "Well, that's great, but what about cleaning up the crawlspace access? The carpet is still torn up there, it's going to need a new piece of plywood to cover it, etc.". She says, "Oh, let me call Juan (the maintenance supervisor) and have him come out".

An hour goes by and I hear nothing from Juan, so I call him myself (super nice guy. He's the only one that has been giving me any concrete information through this whole mess.). He says that he's about 30 minute away, but he'll be there asap. So, he comes over, has to leave briefly to grab some materials, but decides that he'll go take a look in the crawlspace just to make sure everything is completed. He comes out, shaking his head, and informs me the cleaning crew never pumped the second round of water. It was the pipe from the sink that ended up rusting all the way through, so it wasn't holding any water. Almost everything from the sink was draining into the crawlspace area. Well, when the crew came the first time, they pumped all the water out, and Juan repaired the pipe once they did. The problem is, between the first pumping (lol) and the repair, people had obviously used their sinks/water (surprise, the manager never shut the water off!), and so some areas had filled back up. Anyhow, the cleaning crew laid down the vapor barrier on TOP of the standing water, in a hope (I'm assuming) that nobody would notice. So, now we get to do this all over again...

Needless to say, we're looking for new places right away. My wife and I have already lost our shit on the apartment manger and she told us we can leave without notice if we choose. So, once we find a place, we're definitely out of this dump.


Avatar of War Slayer
I rent a duplex. Lived at this residence for about 15 months now. Rent paid on time. No problems with neighbors. Things have been good.

Within the last week, an animal of some sort has died in the walls or attic. Complained to the landlord. He has been ignoring me. He finally contacts me back this evening and said I can either tough it out or I can move. He had no intentions of ripping up walls.

I have never dealt with anything like this and I don't really know where to begin. Any suggestions or help? Maybe at least get me pointed in the right direction?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I rent a duplex. Lived at this residence for about 15 months now. Rent paid on time. No problems with neighbors. Things have been good.

Within the last week, an animal of some sort has died in the walls or attic. Complained to the landlord. He has been ignoring me. He finally contacts me back this evening and said I can either tough it out or I can move. He had no intentions of ripping up walls.

I have never dealt with anything like this and I don't really know where to begin. Any suggestions or help? Maybe at least get me pointed in the right direction?
I had the misfortune of a similar problem. A squirrel had snuck in my attic and fell to its death in the space around the chimney. It wasn't possible to reach the dead animal without tearing up a bunch of stuff, so I had to put some heavy duty odor eaters in the fireplace and let the problem fix itself.

The landlord should at least have a pest control guy come check out the attic and make sure it is clear of additional animals and any accesses they made are repaired. If he finds the source, he'll remove it. Otherwise, you just have to let it run its course and cover the odor.


Lord Nagafen Raider
2-4 weeks typically. Heavy duty odor absorbers make a big difference if you can identify the source area.