This is enough for me to buy a used copy of the 4K disc. I enjoyed Venom, fully expect this movie to be shit, but if it's half decent with some good visual entertainment, I'm on board.It was ok, story was kind of garbage and there were too many characters and every time Jason Momoa had a scene they had to also put in a scene with Amber Heard so their screen time could be 50/50 but it was entertaining at least. The kids in my group got kinda bored about halfway thru but picked up for the last 20 mins. Its definitely not a "woke" movie, just tries to hit all demographics - men, women, kids, adults - and doesn't really do anything other than action/CGI really well. Lots of shit you could nitpick, at best I'd put it at around the same tier as an average MCU movie without really any heart or soul, but its an entertaining movie.
I doubt I'd ever want to see it again though.
I'd rate it slightly under Venom, I thought that was a bit more fun but this was a bit more spectacular. The underwater CGI is really amazing.
Wonder Woman had much better character stuff, but the terrible CGI shitfest ending was real bad. This movie has better CGI stuff, but there's basically zero chemistry between any of the actors so a lot of the dialogue/interaction is very cringe. It's not bad the way Suicide Squad or Batman vs Superman was but it's worse than most/all MCU movies including Thor2, IM3, etc.So browsing through the comments here it sounds like this movie although cheesy it worth watching at least. Would you say better or worse than Wonder Woman? Which was also a mediocre shit flick.. but head and shoulders over the other DC bullshit.
to be fair, its because Feige is one man, no other studio has had success as he has at building a cinematic universe. its not a Marvel thing. its not a Disney thing. its a Feige thing.Man of Steel / Wonder Woman caliber movie, absolutely worth seeing if you're interested -- it's just too bad they can't get any of the connective tissue stuff right in their universe the way Marvel does.