Blackwing Lair Raider
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- 2,219
Nah, I just been browsing around for weeks. It is what I do lol. Tanks and chairs. If I had a connection to a new source I could probably write better articles on them at this point than the ones I read searching. Turns out everyone basically has the same 7 brands/tanks. Funny story, when I was looking at the 26G bow tank, I was like what stand even fits that thing. So I searched for the stand. Turns out only 2 places had them. One is 4 blocks away from me. Go figure. So I got to looking at their web page and everything is marked down with a front page plea to buy gift cards and buy locally. Turns out they are hurting due to CV. So I focused on what they have, which is the 3 selections I mentioned that fits my space.
As for heaters, ya I am going to do something about that. My room is climate controlled between hvac and window air so I just got to figure out how many hours a day I need to run it then split it into a off/on schedule or as Slu said a temp controlled plug. I've seen them.
Yeah, if you're only looking at PetSupermarket, PetSmart and PetCo, you're only going to find like 3 brands of tanks, or 4 major brands of suppliers like Aqueon, SeaChem etc.
Are there no local fish stores near you? There were some bomb ass ones where I used to live. Always had great tanks on display.