Aradune Returns to EQ aka the EQ Nostalgia thread


Trump's Staff
Lady Daegarmo was awesome, he used to let me get away with tons of shit and never warned me once.
You guys were on Xegony? I remember Daegarmo. He gave me a ton of free shit when my character "accidently" got deleted. Ah, the good old days of gullible GM's.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I was a Guide on Povar during release and Kunark. I got kicked out for posting about the Guide program on the ShowEQ forums. The funny part was that the post was actually defending the Guide program(I don't recall over what exactly), but since it was on the ShowEQ boards, they booted me. I don't know how they connected the account to me, as I wasn't under any EQ name or email there. Clearly someone who was on the admin level of the ShowEQ board on sourceforge had some way to connect me to my EQ account. Maybe one of the GMs from EQ was an admin for ShowEQ!

My account still has Guide "status" though, as far as account age.


yeah i don't think their standards were that high if they were allowing 18-year-olds to become guides.

wasn't there a hidden memorial zone dedicated to deceased GMs/guides?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ya he was, he used to play with us on TZ back in the day, he was a huge advocate for PVP.
Yeah, that was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the name. Wasn't he the one that either came up with or ran the Best of the Best competition?


My account still has Guide "status" though, as far as account age.
Yeah haha, I have like 90 years /played or something, which is nice for vet rewards. They definitely kept up the free acount/free expansions on up until GoD and I'm pretty sure OOW. Thats when I decided to quit.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Yeah, that was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the name. Wasn't he the one that either came up with or ran the Best of the Best competition?
Yea, I believe it was Lady D and Aradune who ran most of those tournaments. I took place in one of the test of tactics, was tons of fun, even though we lost :/

Can still find some of the videos on youtube, holy nostaglia watching them.


Just a Nurse
Was a Guide on Veeshan named Haoh. Was inducted and in training mode when FoH was learning Trakanon. Good times, lol. Loved their shit with CT.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Daegarmo was one of the earliest "holy shit that's cool" moments in EQ. I was on my very first character in Lake Rathe camping those big Aviaks, and Daegarmo appeared and started trying to talk to some ogre player for some reason. Anyway, the ogre started running away from Daegarmo while he was talking, and Daegarmo kept summoning him back in order to talk. After the third or 4th time of this, instead of summoning him back, he smited the ogre and then disappeared. I felt like an ancient Greek who stumbled upon a God walking among mortals.

Considering it was my first MMO I was in awe of watching that happen.


TLP Idealist
I felt like an ancient Greek who stumbled upon a God walking among mortals.

Considering it was my first MMO I was in awe of watching that happen.
I remember how it used to say "You have been summoned by the Gods" whenever a GM summoned you across zones.


Vyemm Raider
I saved the introduction emails from back when I joined for a week or two in 2005. I'd post them but the program is still running.

I think you had to take a basic knowledge test, answer some questions about customer service and be over the age of 18. Pretty minimalist standards.

You got a special guide and gm only zone called cshome or something. It had a couple vendors and some neat lore about deceased members of the program. A couple of gear vendors with free stuff to show off as well. Other than answering some low priority reports and escalating stuff to GM level support I spent most of my time in the program screwing around exploring the game and messing with people camping shit in LGuK or whatever.

The GM events were fun if a little underwhelming. I think they had me on Stromm and most of the players gave no fucks about GM events.


Trakanon Raider
I think they had me on Stromm and most of the players gave no fucks about GM events.
That's funny to read, because I remember back in the day I was basically frothing at the mouth for gm events just because of the mystique behind them. Too bad I was on 7th hammer which was basically one of the shittiest servers available.


The GM events were fun if a little underwhelming. I think they had me on Stromm and most of the players gave no fucks about GM events.
I used to try and run one a week or so, but I stopped because it got to the point where the majority of the people were just like, "get the fuck on with it and give us loot" while I was doing the roleplay lore macros, and then bitched about the loot not being amazing when it was over. Kind of a downer, because I always just assumed people would think the GM events were inherently cool and want to be a part of them.


This thread was making me feel nostalgic for EQ, and I was tempted to give it another run just for kicks. I changed my mind, because a couple days ago a friend talked me into logging into LOTRO and I started remembering all the grindy aspects of that game (I have an old level 60 there that farmed a lot of deeds on.) I logged out and didn't look back. I know that if I feel like LOTRO is too grindy to stomach anymore, I probably wouldn't last more than a day in vanilla EQ, hehe. Man, remember just farming a camp of mobs for hours and hours and hours? The only thing that made it fun was that there wasn't anything better out, and you were probably drinking beer, and you were hanging out with friends and bullshitting the hours away.


Favorite GM event was them coming at me in werewolf form in Butcherblock, even did a zone wide message to "prepare myself". Ended up fighting one near the docks and getting worked. We had a huge shouting match zone wide where I think since I played along talking shit they got into it more, ended up getting handed a piece of gear or 2. I still remember liking it so much because of the shit talk, it was a really fun big dick contest through shouts. All around a total and unexpected blast.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
I wish we could go back to regular GM events, need to put the 'Role Play' back into MMORPG. Some of my funnest EQ memories (besides the long term friendships made) include stumbling on GM events. I was slumming it up with a friend in West Commonlands at then cap 50 to help them level, and a bunch of GM controlled werewolves showed up and were taking over the zone. I almost one shot one of them, he actually sent me a tell later laughing about it. Not to mention Best of the Best organized tournament. I'd pay a sub for that kind of interaction again, but not for anything else that comes to mind.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
You guys were on Xegony? I remember Daegarmo. He gave me a ton of free shit when my character "accidently" got deleted. Ah, the good old days of gullible GM's.
The name of this character was on Druzzil Ro with Hoss, and I left with my original character from Xegony to Druzzil Ro. I was pretty infamous on Xegony for being an ass.