Aradune Returns to EQ aka the EQ Nostalgia thread


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I wish we could go back to regular GM events, need to put the 'Role Play' back into MMORPG. Some of my funnest EQ memories (besides the long term friendships made) include stumbling on GM events. I was slumming it up with a friend in West Commonlands at then cap 50 to help them level, and a bunch of GM controlled werewolves showed up and were taking over the zone. I almost one shot one of them, he actually sent me a tell later laughing about it. Not to mention Best of the Best organized tournament. I'd pay a sub for that kind of interaction again, but not for anything else that comes to mind.
I was friends with the guides/GMs on Cazic Thule. Shortly after Vanilla, they heavily curtailed what a guide/GM could and could not do (ie, no more spur of the moment GM events for the most part). Then there was that whole quest team thing and the premium server bullshit which basically killed it for good. Used to be more fun when they could DM it up, though. I remember the GMs speaking through raid bosses. One time a rival guild kept chain wiping on Nagafen and the GM emoted that Nagafen was sharping his claws on the corpse of their guild leader lol.


Molten Core Raider
So you left Xegony to join Heroes of the Seven Suns who who left Sol Ro because we didn't let them get any raid bosses and chased them off server?
We left Solusek because it was overcrowded as shit-- even in the middle of the night because a lot of Europeans decided to make it their home server. HOSS was originally a small tight-knit guild with highly skilled players who originally played Quake together prior to EQ, and they had to team up with my first guild (Phoenix) to kill Gods. Despite not having numbers, HOSS was the first to get any fear loot on the server (among other firsts) and were one group farming the zone back when other guilds struggled to break in, which is why I made an effort to get to know them.

HOSS went on to utterly dominate Druzzil to the point of having zero competition from late Velious on until the guild broke up when WoW released, eventually becoming one of the first guilds to reach p5 time and kill quarm. Moving with them was the best choice I made in the 6 years I played the game. They are a great group of people who were quite friendly for how successful they were in the game.


I was friends with the guides/GMs on Cazic Thule. Shortly after Vanilla, they heavily curtailed what a guide/GM could and could not do (ie, no more spur of the moment GM events for the most part). Then there was that whole quest team thing and the premium server bullshit which basically killed it for good. Used to be more fun when they could DM it up, though. I remember the GMs speaking through raid bosses. One time a rival guild kept chain wiping on Nagafen and the GM emoted that Nagafen was sharping his claws on the corpse of their guild leader lol.
Pretty sure it was after velious they stopped them from having fun.
I remember a few events in great divide and other frozen shithole areas that had gm events.
Like a naked iksar monk leading us to the tower of frozen shadow to fight random crap in there.
Or the great divide event that gave out an amazing mage/wizard item and anyone else who could roleplay got decent stuff.
Hell, on my mid level ranger at the time I managed to get a decent hp earring with regen on it because i was capable of roleplaying with the gm.
We left Solusek because it was overcrowded as shit-- even in the middle of the night because a lot of Europeans decided to make it their home server. HOSS was originally a small tight-knit guild with highly skilled players who originally played Quake together prior to EQ, and they had to team up with my first guild (Phoenix) to kill Gods. Despite not having numbers, HOSS was the first to get any fear loot on the server (among other firsts) and were one group farming the zone back when other guilds struggled to break in, which is why I made an effort to get to know them.

HOSS went on to utterly dominate Druzzil to the point of having zero competition from late Velious on until the guild broke up when WoW released, eventually becoming one of the first guilds to reach p5 time and kill quarm. Moving with them was the best choice I made in the 6 years I played the game. They are a great group of people who were quite friendly for how successful they were in the game.
That's the sorry you guys are going with?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Pretty sure it was after velious they stopped them from having fun.
I remember a few events in great divide and other frozen shithole areas that had gm events.
Like a naked iksar monk leading us to the tower of frozen shadow to fight random crap in there.
Or the great divide event that gave out an amazing mage/wizard item and anyone else who could roleplay got decent stuff.
Hell, on my mid level ranger at the time I managed to get a decent hp earring with regen on it because i was capable of roleplaying with the gm.
If memory serves me right here, this may have been the time they created the Quest Troupe. But I am unsure of the timing of that. Along with the $49.99 a month server. If so, the took some guides to focus on centralized GM events. Which usually ended up on that server instead. Which was retarded.


Just a Nurse
It was after Velious they essentially destroyed the Guide program. Touraxus is correct.

Kubla Kas_sl

I started on Bristlebane. I also got into guide program and can't even remember if I was on Bristle as a guide or got assigned some random server? The only other server I ever played on was Test Server (and obviously they didn't need guides on that).

Test Server was a crazy place, you'd run into the GM guild Bunnies of Chaos all the time messing with stuff. Then the rest of us tried to help out by actually, um, testing the content. Then they wanted to start doing resets on Test Server (cause you actually need to do that sometimes) and we put up such a stink, eventually they relented and we never got a reset until Test Server was finally killed for good. And probably the reason there has never been a Test Server with a stable population in any other game ever. You could argue the merits of having a regular population who tests for you and isn't just copies of their characters, but maybe copies is just fine but I bet you don't find a lot of just naturally occurring bugs from copies that you might from natural chars.

Back to the guides and GM involvement in game, its an obvious throwback to MUDs where there was immortal interaction and the best muds had the best interation... considering they stole DIKU code, its not surprising they wanted to reproduce that part of the game.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Euro guilds are part of the reason we all loved instancing when WoW came out. GG euro sluts killing raid bosses while your guild is sleeping/at work/at school.


Molten Core Raider
What really killed the Guide program was giving players the top 2 CS reasons you needed Guides in the first place.

Summon Corpse
Call of the Hero

edit: Soygen. 99% sure Brad hung out in ShowEQ IRC quite a bit. That's probably how you got banned, they just gave him the IP. There was a famous incident after they added new encryption to the game, where Brad stopped by HackersQuest to brag, and they had already broken it. Then they hacked his computer and got a few design documents after being stupid enough to email people to prove it was the real Brad McQuaid in IRC...

Story might be bullshit, but that's how I got emailed the RoK design docs. So either someone was leaking the docs, or it made for a good story, I dunno.


Golden Knight of the Realm
We left Solusek because it was overcrowded as shit-- even in the middle of the night because a lot of Europeans decided to make it their home server. HOSS was originally a small tight-knit guild with highly skilled players who originally played Quake together prior to EQ, and they had to team up with my first guild (Phoenix) to kill Gods. Despite not having numbers, HOSS was the first to get any fear loot on the server (among other firsts) and were one group farming the zone back when other guilds struggled to break in, which is why I made an effort to get to know them.

HOSS went on to utterly dominate Druzzil to the point of having zero competition from late Velious on until the guild broke up when WoW released, eventually becoming one of the first guilds to reach p5 time and kill quarm. Moving with them was the best choice I made in the 6 years I played the game. They are a great group of people who were quite friendly for how successful they were in the game.
You forgot to mention that the reason hoss dominated druzzil late velious is because the top guild on the server (seekers) left to that legends server when it opened ( creating township rebellion). Hoss was number 2 on druzzil until then! ( love the fact that eq guild rivalries still exist lol).


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
If memory serves me right here, this may have been the time they created the Quest Troupe. But I am unsure of the timing of that. Along with the $49.99 a month server. If so, the took some guides to focus on centralized GM events. Which usually ended up on that server instead. Which was retarded.
The Quest Troupe predated the Legends server. In fact it was Legends that was directly responsible for the implosion of the Quest Troupe. They were volunteers that SOE decided to leverage into a "feature" of their premium server.
You forgot to mention that the reason hoss dominated druzzil late velious is because the top guild on the server (seekers) left to that legends server when it opened ( creating township rebellion). Hoss was number 2 on druzzil until then! ( love the fact that eq guild rivalries still exist lol).
Oh Hoss, you were so bad. lol