Aradune Returns to EQ aka the EQ Nostalgia thread


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Very unlikely Lady D was gullible about anything. If he let you get away with something I can almost certainly assure you it was by choice. He had a great sense for the overall balance that being a good GM requires and was certainly one of the best around. He was also merciless to have as an enemy. When they needed internal company investigation, they would sic him on the suspected person. If there was dirt to be found, he would find it.
Unless their names were Scotto and Crosby. In which case it was ignored.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
After you guys split to Xev Fawy it was never the same. We (Triton) had little to no competition except for RA from time to time.
It was great times killing shit with Triton, I was even included in your guys first entry to VP cause I was the first person in Harm to finish the key. I kinda regret not staying on Povar and joining ya'll. I hated Bave for some of his decisions, like allowing you all to farm Trak unopposed etc. People in harm didnt have the motivation to trailblaze, it was all about the lewtz. That annoyed me to no end
All fun to look back on though! Still accomplished everything of worth, just always months later than other servers, and was always 1st on our server with MONTHS of farming all to ourselves. PoP was the best, we had control of the planes for at least 2-3 months easily, and PoTime even longer.



Golden Knight of the Realm
And who the fuck are you? Your memory is terrible. The Hoss forum still exists and has every post going back to June 2001, so I can say with absolute confidence that the following is accurate as I just went back and took a trip down memory lane.

First of all, Seekers imploded in the middle of Velious. Before that happened, most of them split off to form Vindication. Vindication is the guild that moved to Stormhammer, and they moved after Luclin shipped.

When Druzzil opened, there were two other major guilds: Seekers and Mythic Legion. Both guilds outnumbered Hoss by like 4 to 1 or more at the time. But when those guilds saw Hoss doing planes with a faction of their zerg numbers, it attracted some of their more talented individuals to our guild. Our MT from Kunark to mid Luclin was ex-Seekers, and I'm pretty sure our freakin' guild leader was ex-Seekers. I assure you the flow of guild members went one way with very few exceptions.

When Velious launched, we went on dragon faction, which delayed our entrance into NToV a bit. We started doing that wing later than Vindication yet still beat them to the three hardest kills at least. I can't confirm server firsts for the other dragons, but I'm sure we had more.

I can confirm the following server firsts for Hoss:

Venril Sathir
Chardok Queen
Warrior Epic
Test of Tactics 1 (flawless victory)
Test of Tactics 2
Multiple Velk kills before any other guild
Upgraded CT
Upgraded Innoruuk
Zlexak (killed with 35 people, 2 deaths)

I wish the wayback machine had the Velious news posts so I could confirm possible other server firsts and maybe get some more kill attendance numbers. We were doing ntov with sub 40 while other guilds had 50+

If Vindication was the top guild on the server, why would they flee to pay 4x the sub price? Btw, Hoss hosted the guild rotation and interguild relations forum. It's still up and viewable without a forum account here:

Found this little gem of a post from my guildleader:

Vindication wanted shots at the dragons they couldn't clear to themselves and were complaining that rotations were a week long, even though the respawn rate was 7 days. When that was posted, Zlexak had been killed by Hoss a month prior; Vyemm and Vulak were killed for the first time on Druzzil by Hoss days later. (Vyemm on 2nd attempt with lower numbers than any other guild that we knew of)

The hilarious part was, Vindication had planned on going FFA (Druzzil mobs were heavily rotated) before they moved.
Haha calm down. I was in seekers of norath, which is what seekers/vindi was called back on fennin ro. Transfered with them to druzzil and played in seekers. I played mostly vanilla, kunark, and early velious whivh is where my memories come from. I was part of the vindi group who had planned eBay as soon as storm hammer was looking to be a reality. All I remember of hoss is they were a small, talented group that never pushed us much until the guild core had pretty much shattered. Also the names lmalla and mythic legion bring back a tonof memories god.. lol. ( sorry for typos on my phone)


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I went by the name of Guide Taldayan on the Quellious server. I remember that name, which wouldn't be good.

Taldayan sounds kind of familiar, but who knows.

I'm disappointed that I couldn't find anything earlier than 2005 or so, but this thread and excerpts should suffice. I'll post some choice quotes so that people don't have to deal with "attack site" warnings.

Unholy Czars.... the walking leper colony of Quellious.
I don't think he quite understands that he's playing for the L.A.Clippers of Everquest
Yeah. Your truths are you're an inbred, idiotic, cocksucking moronic piece of shit lining the good people of Quellious's boots, merely a plague - as a cancer would be insulting to people WITH said malignant issue - apon the very face of the server. You truly belong in Unholy Czars if that is your guild - it helps us track where the fucktards truly reign.
1. Um when you have Leerah as a leader ... what else can I say that hasn't already been said..

2. When most of yer members have been rejected or turned down by almost every other guild in the game.

3. When you have yer assclown guildmate friends start posting other poeple's RL info and threatening them IRL... Now thats what I call... Class
EDIT by sceleris:
Yup you really prove us that UC isn't full of basket cases.
Unholy Czars, a GUILD as a WHOLE, bring their reputation on themselves. I can't believe I am saying this, but Leerah is trying to do some good, though when you have a guild full of whiny, spoiled brats who think the way to deal with a situation is by threatening individuals over a GAME, she has her hands tied.....
Leerah has set the standards for your guild and the sheer idiocy that is called UC. SHE is the single person responsible you guys are being treated like cannonfodder ..we will shoot on sight when we see your guildtag.
Unholy Czars, you are now officially the new LoTBB. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
I will say that Leerah was always nice to me, as was most people in that guild when I was there (before this thread). Leerah's problem though was that she took everyone in that couldn't get into other guilds (particularly when other guilds were being picky about recruits.) So all she ever got were 1) alts 2) noobs or 3) people that couldn't get into any other guild. She dreamed about turning that guild into a legit raiding guild (as opposed to having to run primarily with ORQ), and I did get guilt-tripped when I got my toon to where I could app and raid with my friends and left. I'd been up front about that though, that was the only reason I had started EQ1 in the first place, but people there got bent out of shape when I left. I think I leveled mostly through soloing and learned more about my class when I went to other guilds (Tuddar comes to mind from IH, and MC later) than I learned throughout leveling in Unholy Czars. IIRC Leerah wasn't even the original GL, had been a dude named Wolfkind, but he never logged on much and I think she just took over.

I wish some of the old threads were around, I remember thinking"why is this guild so hated?"and occasionally someone would refer to a thread in ooc, and after I'd found it and read it I'd be like"Seriously? Awwww, fuck...". My biggest regret with EQ1 was not starting sooner, or at release. Starting late and having to catch up (including being forced to solo and join guilds that were barely even active) was an incredibly bad, ball-smashing experience. Once I got into other guilds the game changed drastically though.



Molten Core Raider
It was just a rumor AFAIK that Brad was on EQNext. Pretty sure as others have stated he never actually was assigned to work on EQN
Brad came in on VG but since nobody gave a shit they moved him to EQ where people only gave slightly more of a shit.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I'm not sure, but that's probably due in part to SoE making specific euro servers like AB, Kael, Venril etc around that same time.
A number of people had restarted on the Ubisoft-owned euro servers during late PoP.

What emptied the servers was when SOE started to offer free transfer since the servers were perennially empty (which was ok - on Sebilis we had ONE raiding guild, period. No racing). A lot of europeans who didn't want to restart their chars and have to grind all their AA back jumped. And a lot of eu guilds thought they could rule the "empty" servers (oh boy, were they surprised when they discovered that half of the top EU guilds had decided to do the same).


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Xev really had very little drama in general. Although the Synd/Hawkstone Sleeper thing was a bit of a firestorm lol.
I remember this very clearly, Synd went from being a great person to being pretty wacky once he left Harm. I remember expressing my disappointment with Synd not because they released the Sleeper but because they did it secretly and wouldn't at least give other guilds a heads-up so we could all participate in the event. By the time they released it soooooo many guilds already farmed the shit out of ST. Xev was one of the last servers with Sleeper on it... I believe we were already farming Quarm by the time Sleeper was released. I remember being in PoK and hearing the news it was awakened. I didn't think there was too much drama, perhaps a lot of younger guilds had hissy-fits over it and I just didn't know about it. There was certainly a valid reason for doing it - the new ST had some different loots. There were only 2-3 items people wanted from pre-awakened ST, the warrior sword, monk robe, and bard/rogue illusion mask.

Remember before keys became soulbound, we had to leave corpses outside VP & ST with the key on them in case of a raid-wipe? What a crazy design.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
On Drinal the Asian zerg guilds kept to themselves and screwed us Euros equally as much as the US guilds until PoP hit and then for some reason they vanished almost overnight.
I suspect that FFXI releasing in Japan a few months before PoP was released might have had something to do with it.


I suspect that FFXI releasing in Japan a few months before PoP was released might have had something to do with it.
Yeah, very good point. It released in May/November 2002 on PS2/PC in Japan according to wiki which would explain it.

Dachande Skullripper was alevel 60 Shadowknightwhen he solo pulled that dragon train?

Yeah, even with Unholy Steed it's an impressive achievement.

Kubla Kas_sl

Imagine if WoW was open tagging world bosses that were the height of equipment gathering for progression. I have trouble not believing that lots of real world violence would have come out of that kind of drama and perhaps some actual international action if there were asian/european/us guilds all on the same servers.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Too bad I was on 7th hammer which was basically one of the shittiest servers available.
I loved playing on 7th hammer. While the server was never at the front of bleeding edge progression it was definitely filled with a lot of WTF moments and drama. Our first 2 GMs were fired from SoE. Hakosako for owning the shit out of Lum the Mad's wife in Unrest and the guy after him for using his GM account to do corpse recovery for his main's guild. Test server refugees that were transferred to the server in full RoK gear before Trak had even been killed. There was plenty of guild drama, KSing, training and shit talking for years. Bad guys, good guys and random acts of betrayal were around every corner. I hooked up with a guild officer's in-game girlfriend IRL when I was 16-17 and she was around 32. That server had everything.


Trakanon Raider
hahaha, doesn't sound like we were in the same guild. I was in Fortitude and mainly Forged Souls. Never a officer in either so you're safe with me.


Trakanon Raider
Bristlebane's server drama seemed fairly tame by a lot of other server standards. We had the usual sniping between raiding guilds and what often seemed like an overabundance of manginas (until the recent forum incidents here and on FOH), but otherwise Bristlebane had a relatively close knit population.

Our biggest drama came fairly early on when the raiding calendar got blown up. The raiding population seemed relatively small at the time, but it was still more people than you could cram into a dragon raid so eventually the whole calendar system collapsed under its own weight. The server just couldn't reliably concentrate enough good gear into few enough hands to accomplish much, and folks got tired of it. Ring of Valor ended up the server villains for that one (for a while anyway), but in the end it was for the best.

Funny thing is, RoV wasn't able to stay top dog for long. Arch Overseers and Club Fu were the other two big guilds on the server, and RoV ended up a distant third after a while. I jumped ship to Fu when folks became a little too complacent. The driving incident was when we finally had enough people with VP keys to start making progress, and the leadership just wasn't there anymore. We couldn't advance past Hroshkar for weeks, and people started giving up. That was a low point, but the guild survived and even recovered somewhat down the line. I just wasn't a part of it anymore.

Still, despite the competition there really wasn't all that much bad blood. Everyone knew everyone, and guild tags would switch around with some relative frequency. We even had our little clique guilds like Brohamijarnimorinar, which was half mercenary, half private Club Fu chat channel. Those guys were fucking hilarious. Mairu, Shayp, Kappelheim, Barudin, etc. I have never laughed so hard at guild chat in any other game, and it made passing the time worthwhile.

I miss that kind of community. WoW never had it, and I don't think any game ever will. They're too focused on making these massive, anonymous games where no one has a reputation and everyone is a stranger. Something gets lost when you do that.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Gladoitor. Bro wanna know some irony? Your haxin got me kicked out of DB more or less which lead me to joining you guys for like a month before i finally quit.
Holy shit I actually remember you, sorry about that lol. Darkblood, the GD memories that name brings. I actually liked most DB, it just motivated us more if we had someone to hate / race. I ended up quitting Sol Ro by xferring to Magister on EMarr and hiding under Elegua and then going to TR changing my name to Kavuil.

I got my brother Ragunbulls into BoR but damn that guild was zerg haha.
100+ people on raids on accident. Ragun I remember, I liked him he was old PD. I had a toon in BoR I would raid with them named Iyamm, what a wild guild. I dont know if you guys remember Brotzi, man that dude was a clown from BoR.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Nobody from Tribunal? We didn't have much drama. The two top guilds merged at some point around Kunark (The Elitists and The Vagrants became Elitist Vagrants), though I wasn't in either so I don't know why. I was in the 3rd or 4th best guild (The Companions). Always a couple months behind. During Velious we had a server rotation for NToV. Luclin was also pretty drama free. Emp opened up as soon as everyone in Eligrants got their VT keys. I don't know that anyone but them ever raided it or Sleeper's Tomb for that matter.

A couple months into PoP a new guild formed that was essentially the first PUG raid, at least on Tribunal. I don't remember their name (their initials were TDS or something like that but everyone called them STD). They were a zerg guild, and everyone who wanted to raid with them was welcome to, guild tagged or not. They always had something going on but the established guilds endlessly taunted and teased them in ooc.