Aradune Returns to EQ aka the EQ Nostalgia thread


Just a Nurse
Think he was eventually banned. Well, he was banned a bunch of times but kept returning as Dachandex, Dachandexx etc. Cats imploded a while back as well with most of their core jumping over to Maelin, including Aakla. Then, ironically, they merged servers and Drinal and Maelin were combined anyway.

This postperfectly sums up Dach for anyone who didn't have the pleasure of knowing him.
Dach and I go pretty far back since we played Aliens Online together when Gamestorm was active. Actually, we were both in the same clan (*M+K* and *A+K*). I started on Fennin Ro but, because it was so packed, I was lagging like a mother fucker (and I had less than 40MB of RAM), so he told me to switch to Mith Marr.


Dach and I go pretty far back since we played Aliens Online together when Gamestorm was active. Actually, we were both in the same clan (*M+K* and *A+K*). I started on Fennin Ro but, because it was so packed, I was lagging like a mother fucker (and I had less than 40MB of RAM), so he told me to switch to Mith Marr.
Didn't Cats form on Mith Marr then transfer to Drinal? It's so long ago now and my memory is complete arse at the best of times.


Nobody from Tribunal? We didn't have much drama. The two top guilds merged at some point around Kunark (The Elitists and The Vagrants became Elitist Vagrants), though I wasn't in either so I don't know why. I was in the 3rd or 4th best guild (The Companions). Always a couple months behind. During Velious we had a server rotation for NToV. Luclin was also pretty drama free. Emp opened up as soon as everyone in Eligrants got their VT keys. I don't know that anyone but them ever raided it or Sleeper's Tomb for that matter.

A couple months into PoP a new guild formed that was essentially the first PUG raid, at least on Tribunal. I don't remember their name (their initials were TDS or something like that but everyone called them STD). They were a zerg guild, and everyone who wanted to raid with them was welcome to, guild tagged or not. They always had something going on but the established guilds endlessly taunted and teased them in ooc.
Must have been Aurora Noctum. Other guilds of note were Elitists, Vagrants, The Companions, Sol Invictus and the zerg army over at <Legendary>
so many ppl from Tribunal old days

i was in Legendary and fuck yes we were a damn bunch of incompetent zergs full of drama. I think our record was 120 players in PoE...and i dont even remember if we killed the mob we were trying to kill haha. Two of our most influencing members were a scottish bard and a irish druid, you figure. Connovar, Nieros, if you guys read this board....i'm Raargh, the fat multicolored ogre. I salute you

We also had nice examples of psycotic personalities

a female elf called Razzine single handely destroyed our entire Officer group with her flirting. almost caused the divorce of 2 of them

the greatest drama was during our first attempts on Ntov rotation....we basically forced our entry stealing the rotation spot from another guild i dont even remember. Ah the serverboard drama it much h8

we stoped be our retarded self when EQ started dieng and euro players were extremely scarse. We merged with Companions creating...Legendary Companions (fuck yes creativity) and went on for few more years. In the end, there were not enought euro players left in the entire serve and the guild died and long agonizing death. Most of us transfered to Antonious Bayle and joined Wind of Tranquillity. I left the game 3 years ago during the House of Thule expansion.

goddamn the memories


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ah wow, the old Solusek Ro names...

The guild I was in (Wolfsclan) usually tried to not be dicks. Didn't work out every time but we tried.
Odisea was the spanish guild and they were not liked by many.
I remember the phone going off at 5.30AM for a Ragefire kill (in SolB). Had to leave for work at 7, and getting enough people on the batphone cost time, but in the end we made it.

I later (2004) applied to Magna Charta, and at the end of my trial period I quit because I met the crazy lady from the GWBYHT.
Should've stayed with EQ instead.

btw where's Ssssssssssssssorn and Bruuce
Ronaan the monk right? Bruuce is still around here actually. I actually was friends with the GM of Odisea even though they were pretty trashy, forgot his name damn dwarf cleric.

Check this out for SR memories

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
so many ppl from Tribunal old days

i was in Legendary and fuck yes we were a damn bunch of incompetent zergs full of drama. I think our record was 120 players in PoE...and i dont even remember if we killed the mob we were trying to kill haha. Two of our most influencing members were a scottish bard and a irish druid, you figure. Connovar, Nieros, if you guys read this board....i'm Raargh, the fat multicolored ogre. I salute you

We also had nice examples of psycotic personalities

a female elf called Razzine single handely destroyed our entire Officer group with her flirting. almost caused the divorce of 2 of them

the greatest drama was during our first attempts on Ntov rotation....we basically forced our entry stealing the rotation spot from another guild i dont even remember. Ah the serverboard drama it much h8

we stoped be our retarded self when EQ started dieng and euro players were extremely scarse. We merged with Companions creating...Legendary Companions (fuck yes creativity) and went on for few more years. In the end, there were not enought euro players left in the entire serve and the guild died and long agonizing death. Most of us transfered to Antonious Bayle and joined Wind of Tranquillity. I left the game 3 years ago during the House of Thule expansion.

goddamn the memories
I remember all those names and I remember you too. The guild you were fighting for NTOV rotation was Transcended.

Edit: Its all coming back to me now. EV by then moved to muck around full time in Luclin (this was in early Luclin era), Transcended took EV's spot in the rotation and Companions agreed to it as the Comps still had to gear up some members before moving on to SSra Temple. Transcended spent the evening of their first Aaryonar raid figuring him out and killed him on like the 2nd or 3rd try and then went to bed since it was late, assuming all the mobs would be there tomorrow to finish up as Legendary was not part of any rotation .

So while they were sleeping, an 80 man <Legendary> army walked into Ntov (they couldnt beat Aaryonar then) and proceeded to spend the next 6 hours wiping to Feshlak and Dagarn. I think they only got the 3 dragons on the right hand side before logging out. That was some epic lulz for the next few weeks.


Molten Core Raider
Ronaan the monk right? Bruuce is still around here actually. I actually was friends with the GM of Odisea even though they were pretty trashy, forgot his name damn dwarf cleric.

Check this out for SR memories
Yeah, I remember SolRoRage. Epic times.

There was also that one guy, Albertasx I want to say, human female warrior or some knight class, had a corpse in every PoP zone at some point.

I also remeber doing NToV and somehow Eternal Flames was there to do Ring of Vulak once we were done. So Galadred, one of our Paladins, runs up to the crossing, waves at them, and by pure mistake runs south to start the ring instead of north to where our raid was ...
yeah that was pretty bright.

I applied for the guide program for the three euro servers (Ubisoft) they started... Kane Bayle and whatever they were called. Didn't last long because between raiding and work and girlfriend I just couldn't be arsed to log onto their badly (badly badly) translated servers and deal with stupid (stupid stupid) adolescents.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Little known fact about some old ass drama was that the GM that suspended Tigole and LoS for "exploiting" Vex Thal was a senior officer in our guild. I'm not even sure Zaar knew. That update is probably still on the LoS site somewhere if it is still active. Only a couple of us knew and we couldn't say a word. That would have been a huge shitstorm back then.
Yeah, we're still around. The site is set up to show today's update from 10 years ago, it's good times.

I can't find that particular update (if it's there anymore), but there are a hell of a lot of them in the archives.


Trakanon Raider
Troppo got banned for SEQ as far as I remember, to sure if that was on Tropp or Vabeker, ie before Vabtoo, it's a long time ago.
You're right, Vab was banned for SEQ. I just can't remember if it was on Troppo or Vabeker. I *think* Vabeker, and he just didn't log Troppo in very much.

I never understood why AO went for east wing instead of NToV, or anyone else for that matter. The gear differential between north and east ToV was night and day. You're right btw, the Sleeper thing was entirely a cockblock to AO. There was fuck all in there for me so I didn't much care, but it got pretty annoying in Fu soon after that. There was a definite have/have not crowd, and Pouty had her little gang of sycophants that always seemed to have the inside track on new gear. That's any guild, I guess.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
You played a magician or wizard, right?
I remember a high elf with a wizard epic named Zacx. Why I remember that is beyond me.

I was in Companions during that whole NToV stint and remember everyone lolling at Transcendence getting their NToV week taken. A few months after PoP launched I ebay'd my magician (Dandai) because I was only a senior in high school and I thought no more EQ meant I'd force myself to have more of a social life. It didn't work so a few months later I booted up the second account and played a cleric full time (Gendan).

Good to see you Tribunal folks around. Lejina Bloodbath (he was an SK) used to post on FoH. Not sure if he ever made the move to rerolled.


I remember all those names and I remember you too. The guild you were fighting for NTOV rotation was Transcended.

Edit: Its all coming back to me now. EV by then moved to muck around full time in Luclin (this was in early Luclin era), Transcended took EV's spot in the rotation and Companions agreed to it as the Comps still had to gear up some members before moving on to SSra Temple. Transcended spent the evening of their first Aaryonar raid figuring him out and killed him on like the 2nd or 3rd try and then went to bed since it was late, assuming all the mobs would be there tomorrow to finish up as Legendary was not part of any rotation .

So while they were sleeping, an 80 man <Legendary> army walked into Ntov (they couldnt beat Aaryonar then) and proceeded to spend the next 6 hours wiping to Feshlak and Dagarn. I think they only got the 3 dragons on the right hand side before logging out. That was some epic lulz for the next few weeks.
haha yes. We pretty much said "fuck the law" and went there. Damn if there was bad blood between us and Transcended. We were on each other throat for months. It was a miracle we did not have any major incident like training each other. Anytime members of our guilds were in the same zone /ooc became very intresting to read

who were you btw?


Most of us transfered to Antonious Bayle and joined Wind of Tranquillity. I left the game 3 years ago during the House of Thule expansion.

goddamn the memories
I remember WoT, good people iirc but AB was pretty light on drama. There was that French zerg guild but that's about it. I was in Mortalis, transferred from Tholluxe after starting on Povar. Didn't stay long after PoP release though, and Mortalis disbanded/moved on soon after I think.

Any of you BB RoV folk remember a cleric called Olanthe?


You're right, Vab was banned for SEQ. I just can't remember if it was on Troppo or Vabeker. I *think* Vabeker, and he just didn't log Troppo in very much.

I never understood why AO went for east wing instead of NToV, or anyone else for that matter. The gear differential between north and east ToV was night and day. You're right btw, the Sleeper thing was entirely a cockblock to AO. There was fuck all in there for me so I didn't much care, but it got pretty annoying in Fu soon after that. There was a definite have/have not crowd, and Pouty had her little gang of sycophants that always seemed to have the inside track on new gear. That's any guild, I guess.
Troppo was banned for sure, as I never saw the character again once Vabeker was around. We had basically zero necros in AO and I am sure he would have logged him on for lewts if he was still available at some point. Vabeker must have also been banned, as that character never popped up again after Vabtoo came around, I am not sure of the timeline here really anymore.

Thte sleeper thing fucked me off to no end at the time, I had a burning hatred for Pouty and Club Fu for ages.

In terms of ToV, fuck knows why we went EToV first, although I reckon that can also be blamed on sleeper cockblock, ie no prismatics. Fucking Club Fu!!

In terms of the have/have not crowd, AO was the same, all via loot council with usual suspects taking the good stuff. I was pretty much okay with that though, it paid off to have MT etc geared in EQ, and I was one of like 3 of my class in guild anyway, so competition was low.

Tell me, whatever happened to ROV? I remember them sort of disappearing at some point completely from top tier raiding, with only Fu and AO left, was it that bullshit ring event they went for and found out it wasn't itemized?


During my time in RoV the ring event was thrown around a lot as an excuse for us falling behind. Didn't really buy it though. Thinking back I recall times where we couldn't muster the numbers that fu or AO could... And if we did it was a crap shoot if we'd actually kill it. I remember coirnav in PoWater being a ongoing problem for us