

Still a Music Elitist
Last night's episode was much better than the last two. Finally, Archer is out kicking ass and Cyril is still a fucking moron.


"Momma big boy".... lolz

Yea this episode was better but I wish they'd get back to being special agents. This cocaine drug dealers arc is getting old.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Still didnt care for the episode and I still feel like changing the channel every time Pam get screen time. When the hell are they going to stop the shit with her and cocaine, why on earth would any of them go a long with pam wasting all the coke and doing dumb shit all the . None of them cared for pam when she is nice and wouldnt put up ransom and let her die now shes fucking them over daily and they're all babying her


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think you are confusing reality with this show.

How could Mallory possibly own and run a spy agency?
How could Archer possible their (arguably) best agent?
Why do they never listen to Lana who is clearly the only intelligent one there?
Why does Lana still work there even given the above question?
Why hasn't Ray done *anything* regarding his legs?
How about the whole Bionic thing in general?
How was Cyril ever allowed to do anything outside of the office?

The show is fantasy. The characters are clearly put in absolutely absurd situations and make some questionable(at best) decisions on a daily basis.

So Pam going all cokey smurf 24/7 is just part of the show. Admittedly though it is played out at this point. Considering the "climax" of it was her hulking out. At least they could have done something useful with that.


Silver Baron of the Realm
I think you are confusing reality with this show.
I despise this argument in defense of bad writing in fiction. For a story to have any sort of quality and impact on the viewer/reader there needs to be some level of plausibility and continuity (within the context of the narrative) to a characters motivations and actions or else the story will inevitably fall apart and turn to shit. Crazy things can happen in fantasy and that is fine and expected but long established character interactions arbitrarily changing will kill the flow and cause train wrecks as we have clearly seen with this season.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I thought it was a nod to Pulp Fiction. Didn't Archer even say something like there better be a human soul in it or something to that affect?
Why would you say that? Was it supposed to be a human soul in the case in pulp fiction? i don't recall them ever saying anything like that.

And I had such high hopes for the season. I was even planning to buy the cherlene CD. But it turned out cheryl can only ruin awesome songs. I hope she get choke raped soon and snaps out of it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Why would you say that? Was it supposed to be a human soul in the case in pulp fiction? i don't recall them ever saying anything like that.

And I had such high hopes for the season. I was even planning to buy the cherlene CD. But it turned out cheryl can only ruin awesome songs. I hope she get choke raped soon and snaps out of it.
The biggest theory was it was marcel wallaces soul in the case. Something a long the lines of why he had a bandage on the back of his head


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
From reading this thread I have to assume that this show is now running on Season 5, even though season 4 was just released on Netflix? Anyway, seeing as I just watch episode 1 of season 4 I have to say that I thought it pretty good. It had me laughing hard to realise I was obviously not the only one who wondered why "Archer" was suddenly working a burger joint when Bob's Burgers first aired. However, as I only ever watched the first two episodes of that show I have to ask, did they ever have any Archer crossovers too?


Why would you say that? Was it supposed to be a human soul in the case in pulp fiction? i don't recall them ever saying anything like that.

And I had such high hopes for the season. I was even planning to buy the cherlene CD. But it turned out cheryl can only ruin awesome songs. I hope she get choke raped soon and snaps out of it.
Homsar pretty much answered you already, but yea, it was the most popular theory as to what was in the Pulp Fiction briefcase. Its not of course, Tarantino has said as much, but the theory was all over the place back in the day. So since we never see inside the Archer briefcase, and its deemed so important, when Archer made the comment I thought that was the joke/nod he was going for. However I could be overreaching I suppose.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It was obviously a reference to Pulp Fiction. Are we going to debate whether the Southbound and Down episode was a Smokey and the Bandit homage next?

Decent episode. It was nice to see Archer actually be mildly useful again. When he beat up the soldier it was a nice reminder that the character used to be a badass on top of all his negative traits. All season he's just been a colossal useless fuck up pretty much.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
It was obviously a reference to Pulp Fiction. Are we going to debate whether the Southbound and Down episode was a Smokey and the Bandit homage next?

Decent episode. It was nice to see Archer actually be mildly useful again. When he beat up the soldier it was a nice reminder that the character used to be a badass on top of all his negative traits. All season he's just been a colossal useless fuck up pretty much.
pretty much the best part, archer has always been a sarcastic dumbass but he could always have the upperhand if he cared. Lately hes a mellow dumbass that gets beat by everyone and doesnt care. If he was to make references about being terrible and failing thats fine, but the writers seemed to completely forget how that charater was


Golden Squire
Tonight's episode was the best all season. Felt like something out of season 1/2. Probably the exception rather than the rule though :[


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
The jungle part was great. The people back at the mansion was horrible, but it was at least short. Definitely better than average for this season.


Still a Music Elitist
It's so played out, but Cyril being the constant punching bag doesn't get old. I love how much he sucks.