Silver Baron of the Realm
- 26,407
- 35,011
For a minute I thought you were talking about a Mongolian draw when you said thumb release. I tried that draw and it was painful. Does the thumb release rotate your hand?
I like a leather finger tab.

Here's your basic guide to archery release aids
A good clean release.It's what happens when you correctly let go of the bowstring at full draw, allowing the energy stored in the limbs to be transferred to the arrow, which is propelled down range toward the spot where you're aiming.A clean release is something every archer strives for on every...
I use a 35 year old winn release because I like being able to climb trees with it on and leave it ready to go at all times while hunting other than hooking the release on the string and draw. It's kind of tough on a d-loop but they're easily replaced and during actual hunting season I'm not out shooting 500 shots a day. I've got a couple of other releases I shoot with in the off season that are a little more accurate and can be tuned down to almost no trigger weight but I still like my ancient Winn while hunting.
I normally bow hunt at ground level, not in a blind, so I really like just being ready to draw when the deer looks the other way when they step out into a lane at 15-20 yards.
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