A few things. Worked out earlier and wanted to attempt a front squat. Man, thats eye opening. Told me a couple things - Bad posture and a lack of mobility/flexibility with wrists/arm/shoulder. I'm already working in corrective stretches along with (sigh) additional small light front squat workouts to help improve form and mobility. It annoys me to no end I can't perform a proper Olympic grip front squat with any sizeable weight on it, so hence the previous.
In the meantime, I've completely done away with what I was previously doing in backsquats and started doing ATG. For this session I started pretty light, only doing about 5x5 200lb. I'll probably stay light for a little while longer, once I'm completely comfortable with ATG. Noticed more leg muscle activation.
Incidentally, I accidentally deadlifted 375 (didn't pay attention and ended up adding more by accident), making it the most I've deadlifted yet. I dropped it back down to 350 so I could complete a set, but I felt I could've probably done more one rep of 375 but was surprised so I stopped after one.
Gained ten pounds on standing overhead press since doing it slightly less than a week ago.
All in all, not really bad since I'm still gaining on a weekly basis but progress seems slow since I'm still finding that I'm all sorts of fucked up on posture and am working to correct that (along with improving mobility/flexibility).