I've tried every idea possible. Squats are by far the best rehab for my knee. They didn't start really improving until I started doing squats with just the bar and worked my way up. Up to 145 now Wakandans (155 is Jan 14 goal). Leg extensions feel like the inside of my knee is being compressed and results in unbearable pain. There was 1 machine ever that didn't do that. It was in Korea. I have started doing negatives, however. Lunges are similarly painful. I already bike occasionally.Dabamf, you sure it's a good idea to do squats? If your knees are fucked up, squats have a much greater likelihood to re injure them than to actually strengthen them. There are safer ways to strengthen the muscles around than knees. Squats fuck people up, and aren't necessary. At least from all I've experienced and gathered from others. Seems a bunch of top dudes are saying the same thing nowadays. Or maybe I'm just stupid (HIGH PROBABILITY).
Come join the pussy brigade on leg machines. We may look like pansies using them, but we get results.
In the past 2 weeks my knees have been the best they've ever been. I think finally after 2 years I know them well enough to push them without risk of injury. They still do spazy weird shit, but I know when I can push through and when it means I need to stop. I'm also on 4-5 ibuprofen a day and ice it at least twice a day. That helps a lot.
Also, are hamstring strength exercises necessary? I've been ignoring them now for a long time. What would you recommend for that? I hate the laydown leg curl. How about Good Mornings?