recommend anything for home lifting equipment? I don't have a ton of space, nor think the floors here would support any kind of major bench/bar/rack, but the closest gym is a half hour drive and I can't be arsed to do that every day.
Low bar takes a bit of getting used to like anything else, but it should come quickly unless you're really inflexible. Regarding your knees you shouldnt feel anything at all. Make sure you shoot the knees out and they will track over your foot. The two big queues for me were knees out and back tight. Make believe there is a pencil right in the middle of your upper back just below your neck, tighten your shoulders / back to keep it there. Yeah stretching will help.I tried low-bar squat today. First of all, it fucking rapes my shoulders since you have to pull your elbows back. They aren't flexible enough. Will stretches help? I've always had a limited range of motion in my shoulders. Probably because of so much computer gaming when young.
Second, I instantly went up 20lbs on my squat to 165. Wider stance as Rippetoe advocates. Definitely feels like my whole leg & ass is being worked rather than just ass/quads. It also felt like less of an impact on my knees, though since they are finicky, sample size of 1 isn't very telling. I'm gonna stick with this and try to stretch my shoulders in the meantime.
Shoulder problem on low bar squats improved, but still there. I wasn't squeezing my back enough. Still, I have to rotate my shoulders back beyond where they're comfortable. I'm hoping it's simply a matter of getting more flexible, because I'm loving the low bar and wider stance. Feels like the pressure on my knees is gone. They haven't been this good, this consistently, for this long, ever.I tried low-bar squat today. First of all, it fucking rapes my shoulders since you have to pull your elbows back. They aren't flexible enough. Will stretches help? I've always had a limited range of motion in my shoulders. Probably because of so much computer gaming when young.
Second, I instantly went up 20lbs on my squat to 165. Wider stance as Rippetoe advocates. Definitely feels like my whole leg & ass is being worked rather than just ass/quads. It also felt like less of an impact on my knees, though since they are finicky, sample size of 1 isn't very telling. I'm gonna stick with this and try to stretch my shoulders in the meantime.
Jan 14 Goals:Dec 9:Squat: 135(x5) - knees be hurtin again. Mother fuckers won't let me go past 135. This time I'm gonna be super cautious. I've had success, when knees are really tight at the beginning of the workout, of just doing warmups up to 95 or 115, then doing my other routine, then coming back to squats at the end for the real lift.
Clean & Press: 125(x4)
Bench: 185(x4) - skyrocketing lately. I don't know where the hell this is coming from. I've plateaued around 160 my entire life. Moving up to 4x8 for 2 months, then back to 5 reps a set really made a difference. Gonna hit this goal a month early probably. Having shoulder pain though on the right side, and in my neck on the right side just above the collar bone. Should I be worried about this?
Bent over row: 165(x5)
Deadlift: 245(x5) - goin to 255 next session - I should hit this goal 2nd, just behind bench
When I first started to squat a year ago, I was on gallon of milk of day. Holy anal fire.The human body still doesn't digest dairy correctly, so no matter what, if you eat tons of dairy, your ass is going to stank.
Creepiest mother fucker on youtube holy shit.
This guys voice is annoying as fuck, and, well, he's just annoying as fuck, but he really does know what he's talking about. Most of his workouts cost like $5 to set-up aside from the cost of the bells.
You could also invest in a TRX.
If you are going to a gym do seated rows with weight machine designed for such. Or a cable machine. Or Pulldowns. I really don't like bentover barbell rows myself.I've had the same workout program for a few years now (although my actual success at going to the gym regularly all year is pretty pathetic). I'm looking to change up two exercises and I was hoping maybe someone here would have a good idea.
For my chest/bi day, I currently do:
Flat Barbell Bench Press
EZ Barl Curl
Incline Dumbbell Press
Dumbbell Hammer Curl
I'm wanting to swap out the incline dumbbell press. Firstly because I blame that exercise for fucking up my shoulder two years ago, which put me in my current state of going on/off to the gym ever since. Secondly, I'm wondering if there's another exercise that will hit my chest better to supplement the flat bench press. If incline dumbbell works, I can just be more careful about my shoulder. But if there's something else that'd be nice to try.
The second one I'm looking for help with is my back day:
Dumbbell Shrugs
Bentover Barbell Rows
I'm wanting to change out the barbell rows for something else. I've tried doing one arm dumbbell rows, but both exercises make me incredibly light headed and I feel like I'm not really able to isolate my back from my biceps either.
I think those goals are doable considering you were at well above a couple of years ago. If you hit it hard for 2-3 months I think you'll be fine depending on how you eat.Not a resolution, per se, but I set some goals for the first two months of the year to start approaching where I was 2 years ago.