Mr. Poopybutthole
- 5,538
- 791
So, since you admitted it, I'll admit I tried it. My friend (that passed) turned me onto it, and told me to do my research to know the protocols. I took 500 mg of the crystal version. The results were astounding. I lost 15 pounds in 15 days. By day 11, the side effects were so bad, I quit. I lost four pounds after the cycle ended. None of it appears to muscle. And everything I read said that it took out 90% fat and 10% muscle.I tried that shit when I was young and stupid(er) and wouldn't recommend it to anyone. You really can't be on anything other than a really small dose and try and lead a normal life. Your sweat has a yellow tinge to it and you're constantly sweating. Each dose lasts for a couple days so you're fucked for about 48 hrs if you take too much.
I doubt I'll do another cycle, though. For one, I've gone from 250 to 234. I wanted to get my weight lower to make my insurance people happy. I might get into the 220's, but my BF % would be pretty low at that point.
The side effects were a bitch. I had to have a fan on me at all times, it got so hot. It is a non stimulant fat burner, and it actually makes you tired (as it interrupts your ability to absorb carbs). The side effects got worse every day. This past Sunday, I had problems getting out of bed, and Labor Day, I sat on the couch all day (couldn't get up). I also broke into hives all over my body on Labor Day. All of that has since faded. But one side effect I wasn't counting on happening, but knew about, happened. It increases some people's allergies. I take Zyrtec and Fluonase for allergies. It made my allergies worse, and gave me a full on ear infection.
I lost a pound a day, and didn't cut a calorie, and did maybe an hour of cardio over the 15 days. I ate over maintenance. Even at 250, I have a slow BMR. I've found I don't gain weight on 2,500 calories a day. Some days, I lost two pounds, meaning I was burning 9-10k calories a day.
But yeah, fuck the sides. Maybe others might be able to handle it, but 500 was to much for me, and I'm a big guy.
Below is me at 250, at 5'10". I'm not wanting to post after pics yet, because you don't look quite right after a DNP cycle. It pushes all of the water out of your muscles and organs, and makes you hold it under your skin. So your muscles go flat, and you look flabby, until about two weeks after a cycle. I honestly thought that getting to 234 would make me shredded, and I'm still not.