Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Mr. Poopybutthole
I have a Hulkfit power rack (was 300 on Amazon a couple of years ago) that I have had outside due to my previous living situation and lack of indoor space. Recently upgraded and got an office big enough to put the rack, a bench, all the weights (I have about 380lbs of raw weight and an ez bar, barbell setup (all olympic).

Having it indoors has been absolutely f'n amazing.


Tranny Chaser
Got a squat rack and 140kg plates delivered at the start of April.

Been bulking since then, got stuck under the bar on 2nd rep of 90kg bench press a few weeks ago, just did 100kg for 2 reps yesterday.

Been super lethargic this week and I like being lean (but recognise in the first pic I'm probably too skinny), tempted to adjust program but wanted to keep pusing strength and mass gains for the duration of the lockdown.

Diet hasn't been super strict, been having a weekly pizza order and some of the weight gain will be water weight. Clearly lost some definition but still holding onto abs, it's just that mental feeling almost dysphoria of feeling fatter/softer

Pic is March 20th (day the gyms shut) to a few days ago. Got my weights delivered at the start of April, so exercise from start of lockdown until then was just walking. Diet wasn't on plan for that 2 weeks either
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A Mod Real Quick
Cannot find weights or Olympic bars ANYWHERE, except eBay. Gonna need to research.

Just ordered this guy though



Mr. Poopybutthole
It's probably going to continue to be rough until this stay at home bullshit boils over. I can bet that home fitness companies are absolutely fucking loving it though; their shit has never sold out so fast.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm really torn. We're getting prepped to move so I want to get rid of shit, but I don't know when. I'd love to get rid of the gym shit super easily and at a premium. But at the same time I don't want to be without a gym for months.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Sooo. Gym's are back open in Massachusetts as of yesterday. My bench went from 485 max last I me failing to rep 225 x10. Only got 7. At my age it will take me MONTHS to gain that back.

Today was back, and I fared no better. I literally am at half weight on every exercise. To top it off my triceps/biceps are failing on these exercises.

Fuck me.


Golden Knight of the Realm
That sucks, I guess I am glad it isn't just me. I haven't been able to properly lift since early March. The gyms in Austin got the go ahead and I have been going back in to my Anytime to get some technique work in. The lack of lifting combined with the cut I have been on for most of the year has led to some really disappointing sessions. On the bright side, cut ends next week and I can hopefully start some form of linear progression back up to near where I was pre-world going crazy. On top of that, by the time Texas gets shut down again I may even have some actually equipment at my house.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Going to have to take some creatine. Was trying to avoid it, but my recovery is absolute shit right now. At least bi's/tri's are not failing me now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone here taken the plunge on Greg Doucette's anabolic cookbook, if so do you think it was worthwhile investment? Tried the ice cream recipe and its great but i dont know if im ready to drop $99 for the whole book.


<Silver Donator>
Sooo. Gym's are back open in Massachusetts as of yesterday. My bench went from 485 max last I me failing to rep 225 x10. Only got 7. At my age it will take me MONTHS to gain that back.

Today was back, and I fared no better. I literally am at half weight on every exercise. To top it off my triceps/biceps are failing on these exercises.

Fuck me.
See- I went backward-- since I have a decent enough bench, I have been lifting like crazy during COVID. I have a mix of olympic and standard weights, but there is just something beautiful about playing with the vintage York 75lb plates...

Don't fret it-- take it easy and take your time. Gains happen, but not if you tear something or blow your back out going too fast.

However long it took you to decondition, it will take that long (likely x2) to get it back. But it will come back. One day at a time.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I too am looking to ditch my gym membership. We have a very nice Y here. Just opened a few years back, but young kids make it hard for us to go as often as we like. And frankly, we have half a garage we’re not using. We spent $1000 a year on gym, so I’m setting my budget at $2000.

what power racks do people recommend? COVId has shit so far on back order with prices jacked up. I had planned to order the REP 2K package and just get it all. Rather not pay a Rogue tax. Been looking on Craigslist and Facebook marketplace. Found a decent shape Wynmor rack for $1100. Looks well used though.


Guarding the guardians
Finally managed to build back to something resembling a gym habit again. Completed my 5th week of pulling and pushing weak shit that was warm ups 6 years ago.
Crossing north of 40 this year, but have decided to prove to younger self that older self can get stronger.

It will just be a ... Long journey.
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Trakanon Raider
Question I am hoping someone knows a bit about. I've started running sprints recently and have had a few weird events where I am not winded where I feel I should be. So today I ran an easy mile (9:40 pace) to warm up, then began 100m sprints. Each time my heart rate would get at or near peak (around 180 @ 40 years old) and I would bring it down into the 130s and go again (hot as hell here in TX so getting much lower ain't happening outside). I work up to around 90% effort and afterwards note my HR at 183, but I am not winded at all.

I haven't ran sprints before and it seems strange for this to happen. Has occurred a few times. Using a polar chest strap which seems to be pretty rock solid to measure HR and aside from that at the pace I was running it would also make sense. I simply don't understand the breath thing.

Not dizzy or weak or anything. Just seems I should be out of breath similar the previous effort and I am not.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Whats your pace on the sprints? Whats the rest time between sprints? How many sprints are you doing?

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Gyms reopening here in NY but you have to socially distance and wear a mask. Who the fuck is going to work out in a mask? More people are going to die from lack of oxygen than corona caught in the gym. Fucktarded.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I want to go back to the gym, but since they've reopened they're on limited-capacity, so even if you're paying for gym access you aren't guaranteed to actually get in when you go, and they don't have the infrastructure for scheduling timeslots online.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I want to go back to the gym, but since they've reopened they're on limited-capacity, so even if you're paying for gym access you aren't guaranteed to actually get in when you go, and they don't have the infrastructure for scheduling timeslots online.
Same here. 33% capacity allowed. Omegalol.


The Big Mod
I cancelled my gym membership when they started enforcing masks and changed my fitness plan to eating one meal a day instead. Smartest thing I've ever done.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
My gym is pretty empty at my workout times. 25 people tops. Gym holds about 300 or so easily. Used to be about 75 peeps at my times.

Anyway...slow gains. My flat bench is back up to 225 for 12+ after five weeks. Not going to bother with lifting heavy until I am back to at least 225 for 25+ reps. Couple more months I assume.

My back is coming along nicely. Faster than expected. I was down to 285 (2 plates 1 quarter...not really 285 since it's a machine) for 10 on upright rows. I'm up to 455 for 10.

Arms aren't failing me. Took me a month to get to that point.

Squats, I'm still behind. Just 315 for 7. But the gains are at least there. I was at 185 for 10 a month ago.

Shoulders I am back up to 315 for 10+.

I'm pretty much where I thought I would be minus legs.
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