

Arrow is back for a full season run on October 9th, here's the latest promo.

As hinted in the thread title, Summer Glau is joining the cast. 15th or so times the charm right? Sarah Connor Chronicles made it to a second season so she's not entirely a one season and done show killer

Season two adds Slade, Roy Harper and Felicity to the main cast listing and also has other intriguing actors lined up for the season including Bex Taylor-Klaus who certainly made a hell of an acting debut in the third season of The Killing as Bullet.

Talking of additions, The Flash gets a three episode arc which if succesful will see his character moved off to start his own tv series. The showrunners have said the overall tone of the show won't be changing to accomodate him or any other similar characters so how will they do him without superpowers?

Is Malcolm dead? The showrunners and Bannerman are refusing to 100% certify it which is fine by me, I'd love to see him back. Rarely did a villain have as much depth as he did, the scene towards the end of last season where he went from grieving father to full "Kill them all!" psycho in 10 seconds while Tommy looked on open mouthed was fantastic.

There's only one thing left to address really... That ending! Rarely has a first season show had such a daring ending, the bad guy won ffs! A big part of the city was trashed, Oliver lost his best friend and his mother is in jail for helping to cause it all. Damn son.

Season Two starts a few months after the end of season one and The Hooded vigilante hasn't been seen since he failed to save the city.


Millie's Staff Member
this show is so epic it might be able to defeat the Glau. Although , why keep giving her work? she is TV poison, sure she is pretty but there are tons and tons of other pretty girls with equal or better acting abilities who would give their left tit for a break at a TV show.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
damn....i hope the writers don't mess this up.the 1st season was amazing and that ending O_O
plus,i want to see malcom back in action eheh


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Dunno, I liked glau in firefly, tscc, etc. The shows failed but you can't point to her as a reason. Just because she was in all of these is not enough of a proof. TSCC had it's really slow moments mid-season that I think killed the viewership. The ending was too good to not cancel for fox though


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
TSCC was hurt by the writer's strike as well. It received a shortened 1st season as a result and the 2nd season was sort of slow to wind up.


Alphas made it to a second season then Summer got added to a few more episodes and Alphas had a good season finale only to be struck down by the curse. Can add that show to the list.
Arrow is fantastic hard to believe that CW has a good amount of quality shows.


<Gold Donor>
I'm not a huge fan of Glau (I don't hate her, and I'd certainly let her get crumbs in the bed), but I'd say the biggest reason she's a "curse" is because she is almost exclusively cast in sci-fi series. How long have ANY of those ever lasted? Aside from X-Files, which wasn't really sci-fi like all these other shows getting cancelled, Fringe was one of the longer ones, and it was constantly on the verge of cancellation and supposedly only saved because someone high up liked the show.

If she played in a sitcom with a gay, a black, and a chimpanzee she'd probably last 8 seasons.

Since Arrow did fantastically well without her, and is on the CW no less where ratings don't have to be stellar, I'd say we have a decent chance of the show lasting awhile with or without her. Fuck, Smallville went for 10 seasons and Lana did her damnedest to ruin like 7 of them at least. Arrow can easily do 5 without even trying with Glau.


Millie's Staff Member
just curious but how many actors on arrow have also appeared on dr who? i count 3 so far, Capt Jack, River Song and Doctor Moon


I'm really interested in the
League of Shadows being the main villain this season. Guessing they're the ones that trained Merlyn too.


Pretty excited for the new season but having a hard time figuring out how they are going to work in the flash.

Oh I'd be up for more of the Huntress too.


<Gold Donor>
I demand equality! Where is my poster of the hot bitches on this show without shirts on? Laurel, Huntress, Speedy, and Shiva would work for me.


Millie's Staff Member
yeah what the fuck? they made it seem like this show was some kind of gay oil wrestling tournament. where are the hottie girls of arrow?


Tranny Chaser
Just binge watched the whole season of this. Very cool how much DC Continuity and name dropping goes on in this show. I also like that they are taking time with Roy Harper and developing him as Red Arrow / Arsenal / Speedy. If they do a good job with this and the backdoor pilot for a Flash series they could form a nice basis for a TV DC Universe. Now if Warner Brothers had the balls to make reference to events of Man of Steel in Arrow... the mind reels.


Tranny Chaser
My guess is that they are going to drift towards metahumanity and by the end of the season we will not only have a superpowered Flash, but Laurel will manifest her Canary Cry and The Count will emerge from his catatonic state with his actual Vertigo powers.