Assassin's Creed: Syndicate


Molten Core Raider
I hate how this franchise always puts the PC version on the back burner. Fucking Ubisoft. I guess they're getting a little better, we actually get it on PC only a month late, instead of not until early the following year like most of the previous releases.


Platinum'd the game on PS4, going to trade it into best buy for $43.50 (good until next saturday) which is about what I paid. Really enjoyed it, only AC I have platinum'd - its super easy compared to the rest in the series - no online/MP stuff, no real grinding other than destroying stuff on a vehicle.

Setting was great, story was pretty good, they are trying desperately to make something coherent mixing modern times and Assassins vs Templars but it comes across as pretty jumbled and incoherent. They really just need to reboot the series at this point but they are clearly setting up for a new modern era arc with the ending of Syndicate. Still, London is pretty awesome, the twins are cool, and there is a ton of fan service in the game esp for AC4 fans. 8/10 for me, while there are flaws in the game and its a very Ubisoft game (million collectibles, pushing real $$ for maps, boring combat) its still a fun Assassins Creed.
I forced myself playing through Unity last week. A horrible game (gameplay and story-wise). However, Assassins Creed Syndicate is really fun. I enjoy the new combat change and all the fun side missions (like the "Batman" investigations etc...) Definately agree with Spronks 8/10.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
This is nearly 40% off on pc on gmg right now.

Not a great sign but I figured Id let people know in case someone is interested


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hope this is true, but it 4chan. AC 2016 cancelled, team is going to work on a reboot of AC for 2017 that will be set in Egypt and be open world, made by the Black Flag team.
Rumour: No Assassin's Creed in 2016, 2017 set in Egypt - Gamereactor UK -

If its true it also probably means an AC Collection and AC Rogue release for ps4/xbone (PC) this year.
That would be great. I, personally, thought that Black Flag was the best in the series.

I kind of liked Unity, the indoor environments were pretty great to play through. Syndicate I actually traded in before I finished it. I just couldn't get into the story or the characters.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is the general consensus that unity is a funner game then syndicate. Kinda itching for an ass' creed game as I haven't played one since black flag.


Vyemm Raider
I finished this game a few nights ago and finaly got the Plat last night. Its a very fun game. I loved Black flag and Rogue, but could not finish Unity.

Syndicate is not as good as the two boat games (which i am a bit of a sucker for) but head and sholders above Unity last time i played it.

If you have a Ps3 or 360 get rogue first, its dirt cheap now with a few sales being even $10. Buy Syndicate this game when its on sale which has been pretty oftne.

The plat is super easy on this one as well, you dont need all the collectables.

The economy is way out of wack however, i bought the $$ making gang skills early and hit a bunch of chests hard, i ended up having more cash than i could spend half way through making a ton of rewards/chest near the end pointless.
Really easy to just leave the game on and accumulate cash on the train while you do other things. Thats not a terribly new mech for AC but i noticed it more in this game. The train paid me $68,000 one time and the most exspenive thing you can buy is only $16,000 with most being $10,000. It might have been a bug.

Anyway, better than Unity, a solid game if you like AC, way less annoying climbing things in the wrong direction movement. It has sparked my desire to go back to Unity and try it again, i hear some stuff got patched.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah got it last nght. Was 33 bucks on gmg. I am kind digging it but a bit difficult to get into the story which there isn't really much of one. It's no where on the same level as black flag or even AC 3 story/character wise. It feels kinda weird to be thrown into the thick of it with no character building, its like "oh hai, get that piece of ancient eden" or whatever. The game permeates a rush hobbled together vibe everywhere which is no wonder considering they were putting them out once a year.


I finished this game a few nights ago and finaly got the Plat last night. Its a very fun game. I loved Black flag and Rogue, but could not finish Unity.

Syndicate is not as good as the two boat games (which i am a bit of a sucker for) but head and sholders above Unity last time i played it.

If you have a Ps3 or 360 get rogue first, its dirt cheap now with a few sales being even $10. Buy Syndicate this game when its on sale which has been pretty oftne.

The plat is super easy on this one as well, you dont need all the collectables.

The economy is way out of wack however, i bought the $$ making gang skills early and hit a bunch of chests hard, i ended up having more cash than i could spend half way through making a ton of rewards/chest near the end pointless.
Really easy to just leave the game on and accumulate cash on the train while you do other things. Thats not a terribly new mech for AC but i noticed it more in this game. The train paid me $68,000 one time and the most exspenive thing you can buy is only $16,000 with most being $10,000. It might have been a bug.

Anyway, better than Unity, a solid game if you like AC, way less annoying climbing things in the wrong direction movement. It has sparked my desire to go back to Unity and try it again, i hear some stuff got patched.
Unity got patched and is much better.

Haven't played Syn but Rogue is still my hands down favorite. Fuck the Creed.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Finished this a few weeks ago and I think I gave it a 3/5 on Trueachievements which I still think is fair. This game is held up by the improved game play, art assets and sound assets but the story falls flat.

The Good:
It looks really good. The art team did a great job building a fantasy London playground. It's not as pretty as Paris was in Unity but it captures a grimy Victorian London pretty well. And as you cross the city the background music can suck you in to the setting.

The game is a fun murder simulator. If you?ve played any assassin?s creed game the combat system hasn?t changed much beyond fine tuning. Canes, knuckle weapons and Kukri?s are the games primary weapons with bombs, guns and knives making up the secondary weapons. Multi-kills make a return but they work a little differently in that you have to get multiplied bad guys into a near death state to trigger the multi-kill. The game features a split skill system that specializes Jacob for brawling and gun use and Evie for throwing knives and stealth. The game is easy enough that both characters can do everything well but if you want to go loud play Jacob and if you want to play stealth play Evie. Switching between the characters is very easy but the game forces you to use each character for different missions.

Movement has been streamlined. This is Assassin?s Creed for the ADD generation. You get a grappling hook that lets you climb the tallest buildings in a few bounds and lets you cross long spans from building to building in a zip-line fashion. Pretty ridiculous and really out of character in the game but it makes moving around a lot easier. You also get access to horse drawn carriages that you can hijack GTA style from anyone in the city. If you played Revelations they?re the same as the ones present in a few story missions. I would?ve preferred a horse as a transport device as was in previous games.

The Bad:
The story sucks. I?ve played all the Assassin?s Creed games and this is the one I consider the worst in terms of story. Just like Unity you get no access to the present timeline beyond cut scenes. The in Animus story is a mess of one dimensional characters and the Templars are back to having no depth. I don?t hate most of the characters in the game I just think they were poorly used. I would really enjoy it if they re-added present future sections to the series but I?d settle for getting characters with depth and well written stories.
It's more of the same. If you didn't like the previous games you won't like this.

As I mentioned the game has a skill system which you?ll easily fill out by the end of the story. There?s also a fillable skill system to improve your gang and city holdings to make your time in the city easier.
Side activates include bounty hunts, Templar murder, save the children, gang area takeovers, boat/carriage hijack or escort, hand to hand fighting tournaments, races and a small WW1 story simulation.

Jack the Ripper DLC:
The only story DLC for the game is a small story about the origin of Jack the Ripper. The writing is much better than anything in the main game and features new combat movies including a ?brutal takedown? which is basically a QTE mutilation killing. During the DLC you?re restricted to a small section of London and it has a very Halloween vibe. Highly recommended if you have Syndicate.

Bottom line:
If you don't like the Ubisoft formula don't buy this but if you find some enjoyment in their games it's worth buying at a reduced price.


Yeah I pretty much agree with Sukik. 3/5 is about what I gave it.

It should have been set in China or India.