so was Thanos the underdog or were The Avengers?
According to Ambiturd, Avengers were definitely the favorites to win, coming off several title defenses in The Avengers, Age of Ultron and several other independent efforts.
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so was Thanos the underdog or were The Avengers?
The claim was that Rocky wasn't the underdog in the first fight. Trying to say "WHAT IT'S REALLY ABOUT is whether I used the worse "everyone" in a literal or figurative sense" is fucking stupid. That's not what it's about. The movie itself has proven me right, why are you still trying to argue this?
LOL wormie verbal games
The claim was that Rocky wasn't the underdog in the first fight.
The movie itself has proven me right, why are you still trying to argue this?
Trying to say"WHAT IT'S REALLY ABOUT is whether I used the worse "everyone" in a literal or figurative sense" is fucking stupid.
Words have meanings, learn what they are before embarrassing yourself like this in the future
Haven't been able to argue against anything I've said, so I'll take my victory lap.
I'd say you were a worthy opponent, but lol holy shit no you weren't![]()
HOW THE FUCK DOES ROCKY LOSING PROVE THAT HE WASN'T THE UNDERDOG? Were you Ivan Drago's sparring partner or something? You have literal brain damage
HOW THE FUCK DOES ROCKY LOSING PROVE THAT HE WASN'T THE UNDERDOG? Were you Ivan Drago's sparring partner or something? You have literal brain damage
We did argue about everything you said in the past few hours. And we proved you wrong repeatedly.
You have a memory of a goldfish or something? No wonder you'll never make detective.
How are you this retarded? The announcer talks about how big of an upset it was. Do you not know what those words mean? You've lost, Bro. Going back to try and scour 1 of 100 posts to try and find some insignificant word to attack is just pathetic.
You got your ass handed to you, AGAIN, and all you've been able to do is increasingly pathetic cop jokes. "LOL YOU'RE A METER MAID!!!!!! HAHAHAHA" "YOU WERENT PROMOTED TO DETECTIVE HAHAHAHA"
It's ok, you really really wanted to win asshat, but you're not important like you thought you were. It's not a big deal, you've never been important and you never will be. You should probably just accept it at this point
I'll make it simple for you:
"Your claim was "Everyone but Mickey" thought he was the underdog. But if just one person thought "maybe Lang was right" then your claim is false."
Respond to this or throw in the towel.
It's also amusing that you're trying to weasel out if "everyone but Mickey" with the claim "everyone" was a figure of speech, whilst simultaneously relying on one commentator calling the second round ko an "upset"
You don't get to just change the argument and make stupid shit up as some retarded condition of victory. You claimed Rocky was the underdog, I've given video evidence he was a heavy favorite. Your idiotic "If just one person other than Mickey believed it then he's not the underdog!!" is far too stupid for anyone to take seriously. You can't even come up with a consistent position and keep flip flopping as your shit gets shot down.
You lost. Get over it.
LMAO your video "evidence" is one sentence from one person
I've posted "video evidence" of Lang calling him out for ducking him and fighting bums in front of the boxing press, and his coach admitting he'd gotten soft and he was picking bums
A) do you have proof "upset" refers to the loss and not the second round ko?
B) if he was fighting bums then that means that any one who thought he was favorite was basing that opinion on his bum opponents. Thus his reputation is built on a lie
Omg how can you not see that LMAO
C) do you really think only Mickey + one took langs call out seriously
I would easily put this to a forum bet or forum vote but I don't trust this forum to vote neutrally LMAO even though everyone who has commented so far agrees with me and nobody has posted you're right
The challenger saying he's better as proof Rocky was the underdog
I haven't seen any Rocky movie but even I know that he has the shit beat out of him in Act 1 making him the underdog,
The point is that ALL of act 1 is dedicated to making the audience think Rocky will lose because
A) he's gotten soft from years of fame and wealth
B) his manager was deliberately picking easier opponents and ducking his opponent
C) his manager also says he's gotten soft meaning this message is reinforced by both show the audience and tell the audience
D) his opponent also recognizes that Rocky is fighting bums and ducking him
E) he treats his training camp like a joke
I'm arguing it was obvious to the audience that Rocky was the underdog because of all of the above
His argument is that anyone inside the world of Rocky would think he was the favourite despite his opponent publicly accusing him of d)
It's in inarguable that it was made obvious to the audience that Rocky would lose. Which is why he's trying to cling to "I was just talking about everyone inside the movie" but D) being a public accusation destroys that claim which is why he has to straw man D)
D) = you're fighting bums and ducking me, but he phrased it as "the challenger saying he's better"
Besides, both d and e are surely obvious to anyone inside the movie with half a brain cell lmao which again destroys his argument
Of course they set up why he would lose.
Rocky being the champion coming off 10 straight title defenses
you even have the announcer calling it a tremendous upset.