Alkorin vs. TJT
babo vs. Chukzombi Astr0creep
Bald Brah vs. Big Dirty
Luc1fer vs. Bandwgon
Izo vs. billymain
Blazin vs. Maul
Denamian vs. Nirgon
Kaines vs. Boozecube
Cybsled vs. Talos
break vs. Cleveland
Hoss vs. Soygen
brikker vs. bruuce
Rajaah vs. Nettripper
lurkingdirk vs. RQB
Jasker vs. Sarinth Descartes
Dicktrickle vs. Erronius
Gavinmad vs. Kiroy
Grabbit Allwoth vs. Lightning Lord Rule
Lumi vs. Oldbased
Furry vs. Butthurt
Dr. Retarded vs. Rude
Phisey vs. Moglyzoke Moogleman
Pysek vs. Siliconemelons
Fucker and Gravel got left off the ballot. What is Our Democracy
coming to?!
Alkorin vs. TJT - Devil's advocate fetish.
babo vs. Chukzombi Astr0creep - Chuk is a harmless Boomer.
Bald Brah vs. Big Dirty - No idea who the latter is.
Luc1fer vs. Bandwagon - Bandwagon has a very nice pair of balls. if this was a ballshat competition, Bandwagon would be our undisputed champion. Sadly, it is not.
Izo vs. billymain - No idea who Billy is, so Izo wins by default. Izo is hilarious, though, and I don't expect either of these choices to win against the next level in the bracket.
Blazin vs.
Maul - Blazin has fun takes in the stock thread.
Denamian vs. Nirgon - No beef with either, but the blue color that amod titles are outlined in is something I covet. If I can't have it, no one can.
Kaines vs.
Boozecube - Kaines has too much to lose and can't fight.
Cybsled vs. Talos - Too many "both sides" takes.
break vs. Cleveland - No beef with either; Break is probably the more prodigious poster.
Hoss vs.
Soygen - No beef with either. Soygen's avatar is worse.
brikker vs. bruuce - No idea who bruuce is.
Fucker vs. Gravel - Fucker is FoH's equivalent of the demented 70 year old uncle that no one wants at the table at Thanksgiving but nonetheless everyone feels obligated to invite and suffer through. Tells interesting stories 10% of the time; the other 90% of the time is him randomly flinging his own shit.
Rajaah vs.
Nettripper - Rajaah just has bad takes; he's not an asshat.
lurkingdirk vs. RQB - Dirk had two jobs - making a bracket and ensuring the ballot was correct. He did neither.
Jasker vs. Sarinth Descartes - Sanrith and I are jd_vance_stare.jpg bros.
Dicktrickle vs.
Erronius - Coin flip. No beef with either.
Gavinmad vs.
Kiroy - Types like a kindergartener 50% of the time. Is capable of more; chooses not to.
Grabbit Allwoth vs.
Lightning Lord Rule - No 10bux until the search function is fixed.
Lumi vs. Oldbased - My working theory is that Lumi and Alkorin are twin brothers who were separated at birth. They hailed from a long family line of people who like taking contrarian takes simply for the sake of taking contrarian takes.
Furry vs. Butthurt - "Yeah, bro, I have obsessions about being an animal, but fags are the
real degenerates!" Between the FEMA hot takes in the Pol Pit and having no chill in Serious Discussion, Furry is a serious contender this year, although I don't think he'll win.
Dr. Retarded vs.
Rude - What's in a name? One is retarded, the other is rude. QED.
Phisey vs. Moglyzoke Moogleman - I didn't know that Phisey was still around. Nonetheless, he was awful back in the day.
Pysek vs. Siliconemelons - Glows like an anglerfish. At least he's occasionally funny.