No, it's Tony Stark, inside of Iron Man, inside of Iron Man.So the Hulkbuster is Ironman inside of Ironman inside of Ironman.
No, it's Robert Downey Jr, inside of Tony Stark, inside of Iron Man, inside of Hulkbuster Iron Man Armor.No, it's Tony Stark, inside of Iron Man, inside of Iron Man.
No, it's Robert Downey Junior, PLAYING Tony Stark, inside of Iron Man, inside of Hulkbuster Iron Man armor.No, it's Robert Downey Jr, inside of Tony Stark, inside of Iron Man, inside of Hulkbuster Iron Man Armor.
That's stupid.No, it's Robert Downey Junior, PLAYING Tony Stark, inside of Iron Man, inside of Hulkbuster Iron Man armor.
Hulk went apeshit?Hey , why are they fighting though? Also where the fuck is Vision...wasnt he suppose to be in this as well?
Because they just picked him up after he had to attack Tony for some reason? No one else in the plane seems concerned about having Banner there.I think Hulk goes apeshit, he isn't looking good in Bannerform earlier in the trailer.
This is a really good what if.Tony isn't even in the armor, it's Ultron or Vision controlling it?
No, the part where the Hulkbuster helmet comes over the ironman helmet is usually when RDJ, would give some sort of 1 liner. pretty much everytime facemask covers face = 1 liner.This is a really good what if.
What if it's Ultron controlling the Hulkbuster armor, not Tony? That would change things pretty dramatically and make it much more likely that the Hulkbuster beats Hulk down.
I keep seeing people talking about Ultron and mentioning how he's always upgrading himself so none of the images we've seen are necessarily his "final form" and all I can think of is this.