Millie's Staff Member
i can agree with that, i have also pointed out how Disney is very much responsible for this wokeness being rammed down all their IP's throats. even Pixar is being slowly strangled with it and they used to be left alone to do their own thing. but it also doesnt help that they chose an Anita Sarkeesian clone to do it. like wtf? there are literally dozens(hundreds?) of attractive blonde actresses (with nice asses) who would suck off 20 Weinsteins for this role. many of whom can actually act. personally, i would pick Zoe Bell, but she might be too old now.The way I see it, most of the current MCU actors have been around for multiple films now, and had the big "gang all together" bonding of doing Infinity War. She's like that diversity hire a boss brought in because he knew it would hit all the check boxes that HR wanted ticked, and is now promoting her quickly and calling her the next big thing at the company. I would be surprised if any of them liked her at all, and it's probably only partially her fault.

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