Ssraeszha Raider
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Saw it a second time today as well, was not really sure I was gonna since its so long. I am glad I did, I enjoyed it but not sure I'd see it a third time in theaters (I saw Infinity War like...5 times in theaters). The first 2 hours is not bad on rewatch, but kind of like a regular MCU movie with a lot of predictable stuff going on and pretty uneven pacing/story. Its not bad by any means but really only fun the first time.
From the second though Hulk snaps his fingers to the second Iron Man does, that is 45 minutes of fucking THIS SHIT IS FUCKING AWESOME. Its not just one single fight sequence, there is an ebb and flow I really appreciated a lot more on second watch, with so many iconic moments now like Cap standing solo against Thanos or the 3 main guys going in or Cap going super saiyan with mjolnir or Hawkeye radioing in or AVENGERS, ASSEMBLE. 15 seconds of a dumb "lets go, girls!" doesn't ruin the other 44 minutes and 45 seconds. I also really like on second rewatch how Tony beats Thanos not by being stronger or more powerful than him, but just outsmarting/tricking him.
I'm shocked at how much the box office numbers are though, this is really a movie that will be nearly incomprehensible without a pretty deep understanding of the MCU and characters, its freaking 3 hours long, and I'm not sure how many people really are gonna wanna rewatch it. Its just a testament to Feige and the Russos that they pulled this off, and really exposes Kathleen Kennedy for the fucking hack she is.
Day 1 buy on 4K UHD for me, a rewatch of Infinity War plus the last hour of End Game is almost as good as a threesome with Nebula and 2010 Black Widow
22 movies over 10 years with consistently increasing profits and the last 2 movies literally released a month apart should shit all over the "Star Wars Fatigue" nonsense
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