Avengers: Endgame (2019)


Millie's Staff Member
So it was explained that taking the infinity stones out of the timeline would split off an alternate universe so they had to go back at the end to prevent that.

But what about smaller changes to the timeline? I think they avoided making any real changes if you ignore butterfly effect, with two exceptions:
1) Loki got the Tesseract in 2012 instead of it and him going to Asgard. Is there an alternate reality where he is alive? Perhaps this ties into his TV show.
2) 2014 Thanos and his army was snapped and 2014 Gamora/Nebula came to the present. Is there an alternate reality where Infinity War never happed and Guardians of the Galaxy hapened differently?

It's possible that Loki could have travelled with Thanos' army in 2014 and he's alive again in the main timeline like Gamora is.
oh no, wait a second -record scratches-
you're right, if Cap puts everything back where it was at the right time, then GotG never happens, at the least he never meets Gamora


Tranny Chaser
Did Loki just take an empty tesseract without its infinity stone inside?


Potato del Grande
Did Loki just take an empty tesseract without its infinity stone inside?
No because he used it to teleport anyway, if it was empty it wouldn't have done anything and they wouldn't have had to go to 1970.


<Bronze Donator>
Did Rocket knife Natalie Portman? I didn't see Thor 1, so I have no idea what involved with removing the infinity stone from her. Just the implication they setup seems a bit dark for these type of movies.

Why was Hulk wearing the Hulkbuster armor when they go to Thanos the first time? There's no way he fits in that nor does he need it. In fact, I can't really remember a scene where Hulk smashes. I get why he was on the sidelines for the final fight. Just seems cheap to go two movies with no hulk smashing.

I'm betting that female "empowerment" scene was in Brie's contract.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Why is everyone using spoilers. Nobody should be in this thread since Weds that hasn't seen the movie yet.


Saw it last night in theaters. There were at least 5-6 different high notes where the entire theater was clapping and I swear everyone around me was crying at the end. I haven't been as invested in Iron Man / Cap to shed a tear though. My favorite characters survived, so I'm happy. GotG cast, Dr Strange, & Thor being the characters I want to see more of in the future.

I agree Infinity War was better, and even more emotional.

I also agree the female power scene was jarring. Simply because of when & where it happened. Great battle and then on the 25th hour they all assemble out of nowhere.

I was very happy Captain Marvel played a very insignificant role in this movie, but I do wish she got her ass beat more handily at some point in time by Thanos. Perhaps the initial battle on his private island could have been more exciting, with a 1v1 between Her & Thanos before the rest arrive. Seemed like he was quite strong without needing any stones, yet he's a bitch in the beginning.... surely "weakened" from the destruction of the stones but it still could have been different imo.

Also doesn't "destroying the stones" contradict a lot of things about them? I don't really know the full lore or how he got his gauntlet working again to be able to snap them out of existence.

I very thoroughly enjoyed them going back in time, very cool way to tie-in past movies. I was very concerned about Iron Man's daughter at first, but they handled the concept of Time Travel decently.

HOWEVER, any time you have time travel it always feels a little deus ex. Even though they tried to make it much more realistic. With this concept, of being able to bring objects, AND people, from the past to the future, technically it means Iron Man could be retrieved and RDJ could reprise his role at some future time when "We must find the smartest man ever to live, lets go back to 2012 and see Stark!".

Or they could just retrieve him right when he "solves" the time travel equation - all of a sudden Ant Man (or Potts) is in that living room, explains he's not going to survive, and to follow him/her to "the future", to be with his daughter/wife.

I loved seeing Cap with Thor powers, then completely disapointed we'll never see them on display again. Unless there is more time-travel shenanigans.

I do wish they were able to do End Game without time travel, seemed like there were a lot of better ideas. Like if he never destroyed the stones at minute 1, maybe they could have retrieved them a different way. Oh well.


One big reason this movie didn't feel as epic as Infinity War (imo) is because of the smaller, intimate, cast throughout most the movie, and the limited locations - or locations we're familiar with. I liked seeing the different pairings in Infinity War.

I give it an 8.5 / 10
Time travel ruins any movie, but revisiting old locations (films) was one of the more fun things, but the smaller cast made it less epic. So idk.
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Millie's Staff Member
Did Rocket knife Natalie Portman? I didn't see Thor 1, so I have no idea what involved with removing the infinity stone from her. Just the implication they setup seems a bit dark for these type of movies.

Why was Hulk wearing the Hulkbuster armor when they go to Thanos the first time? There's no way he fits in that nor does he need it. In fact, I can't really remember a scene where Hulk smashes. I get why he was on the sidelines for the final fight. Just seems cheap to go two movies with no hulk smashing.

I'm betting that female "empowerment" scene was in Brie's contract.
hulk hasnt been hulk since the beginning of Infinity War when Thanos pushed his shit in, that was Bruce in the Hulkbuster confronting Thanos at his farm. during the five years after that, Bruce scienced a compromise offscreen and became a pussy hulk
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Tranny Chaser
The more I think about it the more annoyed I am about one aspect of the ending
Cap travelling back to 194X to be with Peggy is super selfish for the guy who is supposed to be 'in it until the end'. Not to mention that he knows what happens for the next 60 years so he's gonna sit back and let a whole host of really awful things happen and do nothing about it? Really? I just don't buy it that he would be capable of sitting on his hands and not taking action when he saw shit going down.

Well that and there's all sorts of issues with him even being around given the whole business with going back in time being to a different reality. It would have made more sense if he had come back onto the platform as an old guy.
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Millie's Staff Member
The more I think about it the more annoyed I am about one aspect of the ending
Cap travelling back to 194X to be with Peggy is super selfish for the guy who is supposed to be 'in it until the end'. Not to mention that he knows what happens for the next 60 years so he's gonna sit back and let a whole host of really awful things happen and do nothing about it? Really? I just don't buy it that he would be capable of sitting on his hands and not taking action when he saw shit going down.

Well that and there's all sorts of issues with him even being around given the whole business with going back in time being to a different reality. It would have made more sense if he had come back onto the platform as an old guy.


Trakanon Raider
I liked Infinity War much better. Still a good movie but I was never a fan of movies with
time travel.
Ok since Tony dusted Thanos I wonder who is going to be the next big bad guy in the MCU? I'm hoping its Galactus especially Disney own the rights to Fantastic Four and X-men. It would of been awesome if they had a Galactus cameo at the ending credits.


Millie's Staff Member
I liked Infinity War much better. Still a good movie but I was never a fan of movies with
time travel.
Ok since Tony dusted Thanos I wonder who is going to be the next big bad guy in the MCU? I'm hoping its Galactus especially Disney own the rights to Fantastic Four and X-men. It would of been awesome if they had a Galactus cameo at the ending credits.
take this with a grain of salt
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Ok since Tony dusted Thanos I wonder who is going to be the next big bad guy in the MCU? I'm hoping its Galactus especially Disney own the rights to Fantastic Four and X-men. It would of been awesome if they had a Galactus cameo at the ending credits.
It's supposed to be the end of P3. New greater villain will only start to be hinted during P4.


Tranny Chaser
P4 starting with general world-building stuff would be par for the course and having Dr Doom as the initial big bad would be great provided that they then dovetailed into something else.

The problem with them doing Galactus is that it relies on pulling the 'big bad' from the Cosmic pantheon again. Its just always gonna be a hard act to follow when you start out with universe destroying gem stones.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Dr Doom seems like a no-brainer and the 10-year plan would most likely lead up to another cosmic villain.
I'd be surprised if it took 10 years though. A 5 year plan seems more likely.
Hopefully we see some good X-men & Fantastic 4 movies finally because the non-Marvel movies have just been shit. Dark Phoenix looks horrendous.


Tranny Chaser
In my theater they played the Dark Phoenix trailer and a guy towards the front yelled out (in a perfect Letterkenny deep Canuck accent): 'Hard no'
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FPS noob
I think Feige has said its gonna take a few years to fold the X-Men into MCU, a bunch of movies are already in production and filming so its gonna be a while.

The Russo Bros make a cameo in the "snap recovery" meeting captain america is chairing at the beginning, only cameo they have done.

if you google thanos and click the little infinity gauntlet on the right side of the screen it snaps half the snap results lol
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Trakanon Raider
I honestly believe the no credit thing was for a couple of reasons, first they were really intentional to this being a bookend and proper send off to the original 6 even if they want to make more movie and TV series. Additionally, I think they're going to rethink the direction just a touch so why give the nod if the net was cast that much wider. Now, Feige said they already had a plan for the next 10 years but I think if they would have given a nod to a preexisting plan with all the new IP's, it would have been disappointed. If you nod to Anniulus or anyone that essentially not Galactus or Dr. Doom, people would have bee like WHY? So, I think they set a few things up and regain the trust with these new characters/direction then start nodding to a big bad. I think the only character they could have gotten away with would have been an ambiguous nod to Adam Warlock. We know he's baking somewhere and GotG is green lit. He doesn't have to be a big bad but we know he's coming and we have no idea how he's going to be used but that's a want of the fans.

They've got time though. Just like the first 10 years, we'll take the Iron Mongers and Red Skulls of the world for 4-5 movies then give us that Thanos level nod part of the way in. That way "if" you wanted to go for Dr. Doom or someone like that, you go through some of your existing plans but write in the access to these new characters.

That's just my thoughts so I'm not too bothers by the end credit. It's somewhat of a tradition but I don't think it's quite time yet. Though, I would have liked a Dormamu or Adam Warlock nod just because they're already there and we know they're in the universe.


<Gold Donor>
Saw it, enjoyed it mostly but thought IW was a much better, tighter film. This was actually my least favorite of the big "team up" marvel films, but still good and there were a few satisfying payoffs.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I felt like Infinity War was stronger because Thanos was such a presence in it. This movie felt more like some of you have said, that it was a tribute/send-off film.
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Trakanon Raider
I also agree the female power scene was jarring. Simply because of when & where it happened. Great battle and then on the 25th hour they all assemble out of nowhere.

I was very happy Captain Marvel played a very insignificant role in this movie, but I do wish she got her ass beat more handily at some point in time by Thanos. Perhaps the initial battle on his private island could have been more exciting, with a 1v1 between Her & Thanos before the rest arrive. Seemed like he was quite strong without needing any stones, yet he's a bitch in the beginning.... surely "weakened" from the destruction of the stones but it still could have been different imo.

Also doesn't "destroying the stones" contradict a lot of things about them? I don't really know the full lore or how he got his gauntlet working again to be able to snap them out of existence.

I found the Girl Power moment jarring, but that feeling went away pretty quickly since they failed. And then in the next scene Captain Marvel gets punched out of the movie by Thanos. The Captain Marvel thing I did like was her destroying the ship since it was a payoff to what she did not do at the end of her movie.

Also, upon further reflection, with the girl team-up, I wonder if it wasnt a little backhanded. Valkyrie says "She's not alone" and all the other women who have been in Marvel movies show up to escort her, with pepper flying in front, like "hey people, captain marvel isnt special, we've had women be strong in our movies since day 1, look at all of them". Probably not, but Valkyrie being the one to say it after being absent from IW and Pepper swooping in to lead the charge seemed funny.

As for destroying the stones, I am pretty sure after they were blown up, they would just reform somewhere else in the universe over time. I dont think you can destroy universal constants forever.