Saw it last night. Loved it. I think I like movie Thanos motivations more than the comic. They really hit it out of the park with him.
I'd love to debate this elsewhere but people would jump straight to genocidal maniac...
...but Thanos isn't wrong, in a way. Too many mouths to feed will lead to slow and agonizing suffering.
People want to be shocked and horrified by the thought, but we are still animals that must kill to live, and he's only a catalyst for the natural order of things.
I was just thinking what a red herring hulkbuster ironman was.I rewatched the original Avengers trailer and noticed this in the original trailer, I am now genuinely curious if the Hulk/Hulkbuster change will have a deeper story
There is also a scene where Thanos says he doesn't smile much but getting the second or third stone does bring a smile to his face, don't think I remember that in the movie.
I am super pumped to see this a third and fourth time, been a long time since a movie has made me wanna drag my ass back to a theater.
very possible. I had personally had thought it was a vision with Death, coming to him in the image of Gamora.So seeing it three times in a 24 hour period is just asking for your heart to be wrenched over and over again. That ending scene with Thanos smiling right with the ending note of the music being played, to the emotional turmoil seen in Tony's eyes with Peter. The movie was about as perfect as it could get for me. A solid 10/10. I'll be seeing this a few more times in theaters before its run is up.
Next up is spoilerish to a degree so avoid it if you want. So when Thanos snapped his fingers we see him transported somewhere. I realized it on my second viewing it had to be the inside of the Soul Stone. The orange atmosphere and the soul of Gamora inside. It just clicked. Its surprising how I haven't met anyone yet who has made the connection. You see his gauntlet wrecked after he comes out the gem wondering what happened. You can also see damage to his arm as he teleports out and as he walks to his seat at the end. Makes me wonder what he plans to do with the stones now that his glove and possibly arm are ruined. Next year cant come fast enough.
The more I think about it, the more I think Iron Man is going to be the one dying in Avengers 4, maybe more will die but Tony for sure, and the reason I think so is because the way Spider-Man died. Most of the death from Thanos snapping is finger were just the character turning into ash. None truly had a send off like Spider-Man did, saying he didn’t want to die, and crying in Tony's arm...and i think that will be what will motivated him to sacrifice himself...not just to make things right, but for Peter specifically they went to great length in Civil War, Homecoming and now Infinity War to show how much Tony cares for Peter.
I’d like to see it happen like this...Captain America and Iron Man still haven’t gotten together yet in the movie, no resolution to their Civil War break up. One group is fighting Thanos when the other arrives and help. At some point Tony and Steve look at each other, realize what needs to be words said...they just nod to each other and they do it, Iron Man sacrifices himself, maybe even Captain America...and it's what leads to victory.
Man this is going to be a ducking long year this part 2.
Obvious route is for Stark to die and Rogers to retire and let Bucky take over as Captain America. Or he could die, end result basically the same. Either way I don't see those two being 'regular' characters anymore after Avengers 4.
I think it's Cap that's going out and Stark retiring. Mainly because of the talk Tony and Pepper have at the beginning of the movie.
I always thought hulk had infinity strength cause if he was getting beat down he would just get madder and stronger.
very possible. I had personally had thought it was a vision with Death, coming to him in the image of Gamora.
Maybe you should go back to upper BRS. I think MC might be a little too much for you to handle.This movie is everything that is wrong with Hollywood and has been since the early 1980's and the death of the auteur filmmaker boom after the collapse of the old Hollywood system.
But most of you are mouthbreathing retards so I'm sure you'll like it. It's 100% spectacle and boom pow bang bang flashy shit.
40+ characters and a shit story. What a train wreck.
Fuck this gay earth.
why don't you just double the size of the universe?