Azrayne's drug geek thread


<Silver Donator>
I have heard stories of Ibogaine being an alternative medicine for opiate withdrawal, not sure on how effective. Could be rich and just be put into a coma for two weeks and then rinse and repeat.


Buzzfeed Editor
Educate me on norco and wife just got some ultram?

EDIT: Guess ultram is just tramadol which i know about and norco is hydrocodone.

Probably not a good idea to mix? Wasn't planning on it except maybe at night when pain worst.
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<Bronze Donator>
they both need to pass through the same liver enzyme before your body converts them into the chemical that does the real work. combining them won't be a 1+1=2 thing but more like a 1+1=1.5 thing.


Buzzfeed Editor
they both need to pass through the same liver enzyme before your body converts them into the chemical that does the real work. combining them won't be a 1+1=2 thing but more like a 1+1=1.5 thing.
So I'm a little underwhelmed with the hydrocodone. Doesn't seem to do much for my sciatic nerve pain i have upcoming surgery for. Don't really feel anything at all. It says only 1-2 a day for pain as needed. Is that a really conservative dosing and given im 6ft 200lb I could really be taking 1 and a half or even 2 pills twice a day?

I do want to be careful on the other hand I do want actual pain relief. Seems like 2x tramadol so far is better.

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
how much hydrocodone/acetaminophen is in your pills? You should be concerned with the upper limit of acetaminophen as that gets toxic pretty quick.

You could try taking it on an empty stomach and it will hit you harder. I used to love popping 60mg of hydro on an empty stomach. Wouldn't recommend it though!


Well-Known Memer
I am two weeks sober. I haven't hit this many days since last summer. I am going to try to attend a party tonight and see how it goes.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Haven't tried hydrocodone, but I've heard it's weaker than oxycodone, so 1 - 2 pills a day seems like a kinda small dose for a condition you need surgery for, unless the pills have some massive quantity in them.

I might just be talking out of my ass here, but I'm fairly certain nerve pain is one of the varieties where opiates are less effective than normal. You could ask your doctor for something like gabapentin (neurontin) or pregabalin (lyrica), which are supposed to be effective for nerve issues.

As Sir Funk said, the part you really want to watch is the paracetamol (acetaminophen). The maximum safe dose is 4 grams a day, after which it can begin to cause liver damage.


Buzzfeed Editor
Side note, took one of the norco at 6am. Got to work at 9 with abarometer change migraine took a tramadol and some ibuprofen.

None of them touched the migraine, got real bad nausea and by around noon even started kinda nodding off and i think missing a breath or two because i would snap back awake breathing heavy.

So sick of my existing back and because of nerve from herniated disc leg pain and limping around. I hate Colorado because the rapidly changing weather gives me these killer migraines that seem worse in recent years...

Really more of a health problems thread type post. But i am so sick of poison and feeling line nothing can alleviate it. Wtb a pill that's just a 8 hour coma until headaches or other things pass.

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
5mg isn't too much, definitely don't feel bad about taking 2 or 3 at a time. Of course I have no idea what combining this stuff with tramadol or any of your other medications does, but in and of itself, 5mg is a small amount


Molten Core Raider
LSD anyone? more specific to recent rather than past but welcomed to listen to a story or two.

One of the people i'm with, wants to try mixing psilocbyn and lsd, but I just never have a good time on mushrooms. I'll usually drop 300-700ug, and i'm debating microdosing because after the handful of trips in the last two years.. i've just been making some crazy positive decisions, even through the bad trips.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I smoked 2 cigarettes. :p
Congrats. If this was after attending that party and you managed to avoid everything else in an ocean of peer pressure, then well done! We just need to find you some kind of banana support hotline so you can stop fucking up the FSR. Baby steps.
  • 1Worf
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
LSD anyone? more specific to recent rather than past but welcomed to listen to a story or two.

One of the people i'm with, wants to try mixing psilocbyn and lsd, but I just never have a good time on mushrooms. I'll usually drop 300-700ug, and i'm debating microdosing because after the handful of trips in the last two years.. i've just been making some crazy positive decisions, even through the bad trips.
Exactly the opposite experience here. Tried LSD once and hated it because it felt very intense. I would have called it an "experience", and I very muh dislike the sensation of not feeling like I'm in the drivers seat in my own body.

However, shrooms has never been anything other than fun for me. Typically take an 8th of caps. And my experience has been that things get a little bit swirly, but no hallucinations or very intense trips. I just spend the better part of 6-8 hours laughing at everything.


Molten Core Raider
Exactly the opposite experience here. Tried LSD once and hated it because it felt very intense. I would have called it an "experience", and I very muh dislike the sensation of not feeling like I'm in the drivers seat in my own body.

However, shrooms has never been anything other than fun for me. Typically take an 8th of caps. And my experience has been that things get a little bit swirly, but no hallucinations or very intense trips. I just spend the better part of 6-8 hours laughing at everything.

Ah, iunno, I tjhink its rather controllable in my experience. I feel like I just process information/thought at such an insanely high rate. My friend has that though, where he can let go and just be gone; but I have a real hard time from letting go but my perception of time is basically out the window. I will say though at a much higher dose, I feel like around the peak, I just want to lay down and curl away out of existence, trying to move about/function becomes a little more daunting. Just gotta run down the rabbit hole, I feel is the easiest way to control it.

I think the last time I tripped on shrooms, I puked because it was some chocolate mix? idk, it just didn't sit well in my stomach. Others just haven't been all that fun, not bad but after having experiencing lsd.. its just a tease. I don't think i've ever gotten the giggles from it though. My natural state is kinda stoic, lsd just kinda brings out more from me.


<Silver Donator>
I fucking loved LSD! The first time I did it was at Bonnaroo in '06 or '07 and it was one the best experiences of my life. I first new it was starting to hit me at a black crows concert(I believe) the people walking in front of me started to have tracers of themselves following them. After the concert, a friend and I who dosed the same blotter went back to our tent to smoke weed. It was a pretty windy day, so while in the tent we are just belly laughing and geeking the hell out. Well, our tent was red, but not to me, as the wind was moving the sides of the tent it was like the moving colors of a rainbow. I asked my friend if he saw it as well and he did and we continued to just keep laughing at whatever. I knew in my head what I was seeing wasn't real so I was perfectly fine sub-consciously(?).

Well as the night progressed I got lost from my group of friends and was standing in a random area just people watching. I have no reflection of time really but eventually they found me and it was awesome! Some would think that being around 80,000+ strangers might give you a bad trip, well I guess it just depends on your mindset, I had a fucking blast. Too bad I have been able to get my hands on anything nearly that good since, weak ass shit, mostly blotter that could of been handled wrong or just weak, no idea. I would love to experience that again.

Also, not a huge fan of mushrooms, except some lab ones I ate at bonnaroo that might friend had bought, that was the same night I was tripping so there is no telling what my mind was going through.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sludig Sludig The Norco will do fuck all for nerve pain, and 5mg twice daily is a really conservative for a man your size. At your size a therapeutic dose is about 8mg and best case they last around four hours. Ultram will more specifically target nerve related pain.


Buzzfeed Editor
Ya, running low of tramadol. Gotta beg from the wife but she's super wierd about being straight edge even though same meds and dosage..... gotta find a time she's being sympathetic to pain.

Not sure why they gave me the norco if it doesnt work on that. I did try like one 5mg at 6am. Then at like 10 or 11 I took 1.5 so i guess 7.5mg but also a tramadol. Did it because the leg pain was intense this morning after an hour in my crappy computer chair (a more executive lean back and for gaming I get no back support, went and got a costo cheapo herman miller type to try today). Rubbed on some icy hot and ended up zonking out off and on the couch for a couple hours.

Hard to tell which is which, but my feeling was the hydro did work on my ambient just aching pain but did nothing for the sharper pains when I tried to shift myself laying down or move.