Sorry, I should have elaborated.
It's not the religiosity that annoyed me, it's the fact that fucking robots who know who their creator is, and know that their genesis doesn't involve any kind of supernatural explanation. It would be like Data in Star Trek becoming all religious believing in a soul and an afterlife. It's a machine bound by rules of logic and science. It's just something that annoys me personally. I get it that others aren't going to necessarily be irked by that as much as I.
Huh? Isn’t that the entire point? Like, literal machines, coming to question their existential nature in the face of knowing their creator? It is an alt metaphor for humans being “biological” machines and knowing what we evolved from, but developing religion (or sticking with it even in presence of scientific advancement). It seems clear to me? But the religious stuff doesn’t really prickle me regardless.
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