So the Apple TV 4k experiment steam link thing worked great - Epic response times - the color mismatch was something that had to be accounted for (washed out) but a color increase changed that. With that said, there are a few trade offs. You can select options for all the abilities through the RB buttons through the menu systems, it slows down the decision making process in combat a bit but controlling the camera and such is much easier in those situations. Movement in the open out of combat is MUCH more fluid with easier camera control. Downside is that inventory management between characters is a nightmare. Much easier to navigate that via KB/M. Also, I hit the left alt key to bring up highlights of corpses/ground items I have not looted yet, and I didn't see what button that was in the controller set up and it is easy to miss looting things without that sometimes.
I would have to bet since the PS5 version launches at the end of the month the bulk of what I was playing is in the PS5 version like for like. In the end, just TOO much go0ing on in the game with so many options to get used to a controller set up. One can do it, but it is a lot to learn above what average console players are used too in simplicity of the UI and controls.
Although for
, who is patiently waiting for the PS5 version to come out, bear fucking with haptic feedback might be one trick pony (no pun intended)