I was playing it last night for the first time, and managed to fuck up some how lol. Apparently, I broke my oath or something on my Paladin because I chose to save the wierd angry chick from the tieflings. Not sure what I did that triggered the oath breaking.
Luckily I have a save state some time before this where I can go back and try it again. It's just annoying that I had no indiciation that I could break my oath or even a hint at what it would be that would cause it.
There's a lot about this game that I feel I don't understand or know about simply because I haven't played pen and paper DnD in many, many years. I get the feeling that anybody that actively plays DnD 5th edition would be like "duh dude... you did xyz.. dumb ass" and I don't know how I would have ever known that ahead of time just by playing the game.
That being said, I like the game.