I only flew the spark a few times during tradeshows and stuff, so not a ton of experience fyi.The drone seems to be working fine. The normal controller is wierd though as the right stick is hit or miss. Tried calibrating once and it got better but does not respond all the time. No weather to try outside just now as it is -15C.
I think I want to use the phone to control it anyway.
Edit: The same with onscreen controlls. I guess I need to read the manual and stuff.But as I got no room to try it out just now I'll have to wait for better weather.
If it looks >mechanically< sound, but both the controller and the phone app show that's unusually with inputs on one stick, I would have tried the same thing you did first. After that, try updating the firmware or rollback/update. Afterwards, do an IMU calibration and another stick calibration.
edit: Ohh, I missed your note about "seeing walls". Yea, that is probably the obstacle avoidance. It's a good idea to leave it on for now. Don't get too crazy with flying that thing around indoors until you're really comfortable with it. They can't survive too many bumps before they start flying funky.
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