Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)


Golden Knight of the Realm
I don't see how the kill swap is a bug? If you kill someone but they still have bullets in the air, those bullets should be able to kill you also, even if they are dead when you are hit. Unless its something else? Like bullets firing from a actual corpse.
The small differences in time to kill across weapons (especially in CQC) means that said event requires your reaction speed, accuracy, and bullet velocity to be so close to par with one another (especially at close range, we're talking <100ms) that such swaps take place. Don't get me wrong, it can legitimately happen quite a few times...but as much as it does in this game? C'mon now.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't have it happening nearly as often as it used to. It used to happen all the time before, so dunno maybe they fixed something.

I just don't want it taken out all together, I like that it can happen.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I don't have it happening nearly as often as it used to. It used to happen all the time before, so dunno maybe they fixed something.

I just don't want it taken out all together, I like that it can happen.
I don't think anyone wants it taken out completely; if it was entirely legitimate, then so be it. I still can't help but compare it to CS, where trades are EXTREMELY rare, which is seemingly appropriate given the small chance of it legitimately taking place. Of course, bullet velocity and other mechanics are quite different (or non-existent) there, but the hit reg is still a hell of a lot more consistent / precise than what we're dealing with.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Compare the complexity of Quake 1 with Battlefield, and then realize that the internet has not changed in that time.
Wait what?? I was playing Quake 1 on a 9600 Baud modem for God's sake over Kali and it worked flawlessly, staying connected all the time. Correct me if I am wrong, it has been a while, but didn't Quake also have Z-Axis as well? Now I have a 50 Mb Cable connection to my house. Sure, there are plenty of more servers and traffic - but this shit also worked in alpha and beta remember?

Not that I don't think EA is the Great Satan, but come on. 1992 Kali?
Games that were just as complex for the computing power the developers had with limited communications and VERY limited bandwidth/internet at it's infancy? Yes.

And 45% of the time, the game works? Well you need to play on PC then because for me that number is closer to 99%. Consoles versions must really be fucked.
You may want to check out the SA PC thread. In the meantime, you have EA/Dice themselves apologizing their asses off and still patching all 5 platforms on a continual basis, than outright lying saying they stopped DLC development, which is a bigger sham than the old tried and true alpha excuse from BF3, "This is an old build of the game" At least we agree EA is Satan.

EA Wont Work On New Battlefield 4 DLC Until Flawed Game Is Fixed


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Wait what?? I was playing Quake 1 on a 9600 Baud modem for God's sake over Kali and it worked flawlessly, staying connected all the time. Correct me if I am wrong, it has been a while, but didn't Quake also have Z-Axis as well? Now I have a 50 Mb Cable connection to my house. Sure, there are plenty of more servers and traffic - but this shit also worked in alpha and beta remember?

Games that were just as complex for the computing power the developers had with limited communications and VERY limited bandwidth/internet at it's infancy? Yes.

You may want to check out the SA PC thread. In the meantime, you have EA/Dice themselves apologizing their asses off and still patching all 5 platforms on a continual basis, than outright lying saying they stopped DLC development, which is a bigger sham than the old tried and true alpha excuse from BF3, "This is an old build of the game" At least we agree EA is Satan.

EA Wont Work On New Battlefield 4 DLC Until Flawed Game Is Fixed
You're a retard. Quake didn't have head/body region hitboxes. Also the entire environment was completely static.

Quakeworld did have very advanced player movement prediction based on vectors, but it was considered very ahead of it's time, and it still wasn't as great as you remember on modems.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
You're a retard. Quake didn't have head/body region hitboxes. Also the entire environment was completely static.

Quakeworld did have very advanced player movement prediction based on vectors, but it was considered very ahead of it's time, and it still wasn't as great as you remember on modems.
Quit trying to make excuses for these assholes. Jesus Christ. As I stated, looking then to now with computing power and internet/server traffic, it was amazing what they did back then, yet somehow it is lost on these fly by the night assholes (EA) Oh, and don't give me this hit box shit. I was playing BF1942 flawlessly, I played Battlefield BC2 flawlessly (360) and this one was just a horrible fucking experience from a technical perspective. I cannot believe anyone without being paid $5.00 per post would be excited about their new upcoming star wars game - because if they can't get this shit to work, how the fuck, are they going to get that to work?

The game was one of the worst (Top 3) BF launches and game launches, next to SimCity. The fucking thing still doesn't work, quit sugarcoating this shit.

As I stated, the game is fun when it fucking works - unfortunately, for a lot of people outside of this glorious bastion of viral bullshit thread here, that isn't much.

Some of you asshats really amaze me. Knock this shit off and get back to real discussion without glossing over a shittastic launch so you can promote selling more boxes.

Part of me is pissed that I paid damn near full price for this on PC, to have issues for 3 weeks, then see a holiday price drop. Now is that a kick in the ass we can at least agree on? Or are you going to sugar coat that now as well?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The internet has actually gotten a lot slower for realtime applications (aka games) thanks to Deep Packet Inspection and other traffic shaping techniques. We have way more bandwidth now but real-world latency is higher in ways that aren't reported by ping times.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
The plot thickens for our friendly EA folks in regards to this game.

Legal documents show executives sold thousands of shares ahead of Battlefield 4's release.
I'll make a new thread for this as it is now EA executives getting their asses kicked by the same people that uncovered Enron.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Does it have problems? Sure. Am I still having fun? Yep. I'm not invested mentally in this at all and that makes it fun. If this was a mmo I'd probably be bitching more, and I can still bitch about Simcity.

I'm far from a fanboy about anything these days(outside books), I just don't complain much about something I'm willing to play anyway, and I'll continue to mention the kinks I see on ps4. I'm super excited about the new battlefront SW game simply because it hasn't been done in a while. Press also said Dice isn't doing BF5. I wonder if they said no, or if it was not even offered to them.

I do agree them dicking with the prices a few weeks post release is a douche move. People would be buying this for the holidays anyway. I got it at a discount, but I'll have to pay full for premium if / when I do upgrade. No point yet though. Aren't 360/xbone players even getting premium for free if they complain to EA about it?

I'm not sure what the real discussion is aside from weapon comparisons and specific strats people are using.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
On BF4 PS4 only about 5 hrs over 2 sessions so far - but for it being unforgivably horrid, I have yet to hit a hitch.

Or more simply as someone coming late to the party with no baggage from month1, it seems a passable launch at this point. I believe you that M1 sucked - but its M2 now.

If it launched today instead of Nov I'm sure the grinding of teeth would've been less.


Golden Squire
The launch was problematic with a lot of crashing bugs but those have mostly been fixed. Battlefield 4's launch is nowhere near the worst launch, and to compare to even the SimCity launch is laughable at best.


Vyemm Raider
9600 baud, get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. You ruin any point you try to make with your goddamn hyperbole. 56k was old by the time Quake came around. And Quake had massive lag - even your own movement inputs had to go to the server and back until quakeworld came about with its prediction, and even then it was many years before client-side hit detection came about because the client could not be trusted.

Yes, we had less bandwidth - from our house, to the curb. But the rest of the internet worked basically how it does today. Compare the number of objects being tracked in Quake with a game of Battlefield and realize the difference is fucking exponential. Every single piece of destructible or moving anything is an object that has to be synced between the server and clients. And it is all done with a bandwidth limitation of what, 50k on the xbox and ps3?

Quake is Pong compared to BF4. It's not even a remotely fair comparison. "oh, our computers are faster." So?. Do you think a team the size of id could make this game? I used to make a Quake map in a day and playtest it to perfection in a week. id had 4, maybe 5 guys making maps, one texture guy, and one guy making models. It probably takes 100 damn people to do the same in BF.

You sound like those people who compare with the geocities page they made back in the 90s.

There isn't any other game doing what Battlefield is doing. The closest comparison would be something like Planetside 2, and even that falls short in a lot of ways.

So, again, I state that the problems with BF4 are directly related to having 5 platform releases and a firm release date, along with a brand new engine and a multiplayer mode that is more complex than any other game in existence. Is it a bad thing to have such a strict release schedule? Yes, probably. But would a game the scope of BF4 get made without a big evil publisher forcing such a thing? Even if they stripped out the campaign, I don't think so.


Silver Knight of the Realm
This is amazing. + since I never thought of it.
You don't even need to shoot it, as soon as the vehicle moves they explode.

I'm also wondering how to kill people with these though, they never seem to activate when I put them in buildings etc.


FPS noob
I'll give dice a lot of slack because yeah this shit was unbelievably complex, the sad thing is when they announce star wars battlefront 2 I am going to be a day 0 buyer of that shit, no questions asked. However battlefield 5 will definitely be a 1 month wait, since you pretty much know its gonna be 50% off at that point now.

either way I have had way more fun in this game than in any other game I have played in the last few years, and thats all that matters end of day. weirdly though I just don't feel like playing it anymore, didn't think the china rising maps were good so probably will just take it easy until next dlc.


A nice asshole.
You don't even need to shoot it, as soon as the vehicle moves they explode.

I'm also wondering how to kill people with these though, they never seem to activate when I put them in buildings etc.
The wording is lame, they don't kill infantry. You can place them on walls that tanks pass by and they will trigger, lots of drivers look for mines but not SLAMS.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
9600 baud, get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. You ruin any point you try to make with your goddamn hyperbole. 56k was old by the time Quake came around. And Quake had massive lag - even your own movement inputs had to go to the server and back until quakeworld came about with its prediction, and even then it was many years before client-side hit detection came about because the client could not be trusted.
Alright now you are pissing me off and it's time for a fucking history lesson. Listen up wiseass. You are entering my domain and remember it like yesterday.

1) 28.8k and 33.6k V32, V32bis modems were starting to sell, and speeds weren't nearly reaching those because of horrible last mile copper. So get your facts straight. a 56k modem even at v.32bis connected at 44k tops - and that was with relatively new copper whicvh about 5% of homes had. People had $700-900 invested in 9600 baud-14.4k USR Dual Standard HST/V.32 models at the time (myself included) and without a need for faster speeds unless you were a courier for fucking The Humble Guys or Inc pirating the latest copies of whatever the fuck on Bi-Modem, you had ZERO need for that shit. Movement speeds were fine. What game were you fucking playing? Your problem is Quakeworld - you do remember that Kali was fucking different right? Sorry you didn't want to pony up the $20 lifetime registration fee.

Yes, we had less bandwidth - from our house, to the curb. But the rest of the internet worked basically how it does today.
What the * Fuck * are you talking about? You are obviously trolling. The rest of the internet worked completely different today then it did in 1996. Or Christ, even in 1991 connecting to BBS's and running fucking doors.

Compare the number of objects being tracked in Quake with a game of Battlefield and realize the difference is fucking exponential.
Oh Christ on a cracker. Exponential my asshole. What we did back in the early 90's with limited communication and emerging online gaming technology blows away anything that comparably can and should be done with today's horsepower if this industry wasn't full of scum sucking dollar-leeches. And you fucking know it so don't start. The problem here isn't the technology, it's the inetptitude fucking behind it. DICE is a shell of itself, EA is EA, and had this title been in the hands of a decent developer who had a clue and wasn't piping down unattainable deadlines causing faulty lines of code every other trip wire we wouldn't have seen this shit-hole of a launch.

Do you think a team the size of id could make this game?
A Company the size of EA couldn't make it either. I would put more faith in 5 peoplel who knew what they were doing than 700 employees cross teams in an overbloated processed to hell and back organization like EA which cripples the design process and ships out this pile of shit. Don't give me this "complex" fucking garbage. Games were complex when you are trying to figure out how to use two viable memory streams concurrently from the same source to utilize a better gaming experience. Here they had all the horsepower in the world to fuck around with, and this abortion comes out. (Next gen and PC)

I used to make a Quake map in a day and playtest it to perfection in a week. id had 4, maybe 5 guys making maps, one texture guy, and one guy making models. It probably takes 100 damn people to do the same in BF.
Good. So you know David who invented Capture the Flag in Quake correct? Went on to make Metroid Prime with Retro and now with Valve?

Even if they stripped out the campaign, I don't think so.
Quit being a fucking apologist.

56k was old by the time Quake came around
Quake: 1996. 56k modem: 1997.

I'll take it easy on you here because v.90 was a firmware update on existing 33.6k USR technology. But that wasnt rolled out until a year after Quake released.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Alright now you are pissing me off and it's time for a fucking history lesson. Listen up wiseass. You are entering my domain and remember it like yesterday.

1) 28.8k and 33.6k V32, V32bis modems were starting to sell, and speeds weren't nearly reaching those because of horrible last mile copper. So get your facts straight. a 56k modem even at v.32bis connected at 44k tops - and that was with relatively new copper whicvh about 5% of homes had. People had $700-900 invested in 9600 baud-14.4k USR Dual Standard HST/V.32 models at the time (myself included) and without a need for faster speeds unless you were a courier for fucking The Humble Guys or Inc pirating the latest copies of whatever the fuck on Bi-Modem, you had ZERO need for that shit. Movement speeds were fine. What game were you fucking playing? Your problem is Quakeworld - you do remember that Kali was fucking different right? Sorry you didn't want to pony up the $20 lifetime registration fee.

What the * Fuck * are you talking about? You are obviously trolling. The rest of the internet worked completely different today then it did in 1996. Or Christ, even in 1991 connecting to BBS's and running fucking doors.

Oh Christ on a cracker. Exponential my asshole. What we did back in the early 90's with limited communication and emerging online gaming technology blows away anything that comparably can and should be done with today's horsepower if this industry wasn't full of scum sucking dollar-leeches. And you fucking know it so don't start. The problem here isn't the technology, it's the inetptitude fucking behind it. DICE is a shell of itself, EA is EA, and had this title been in the hands of a decent developer who had a clue and wasn't piping down unattainable deadlines causing faulty lines of code every other trip wire we wouldn't have seen this shit-hole of a launch.

A Company the size of EA couldn't make it either. I would put more faith in 5 peoplel who knew what they were doing than 700 employees cross teams in an overbloated processed to hell and back organization like EA which cripples the design process and ships out this pile of shit. Don't give me this "complex" fucking garbage. Games were complex when you are trying to figure out how to use two viable memory streams concurrently from the same source to utilize a better gaming experience. Here they had all the horsepower in the world to fuck around with, and this abortion comes out. (Next gen and PC)

Good. So you know David who invented Capture the Flag in Quake correct? Went on to make Metroid Prime with Retro and now with Valve?

Quit being a fucking apologist.

Quake: 1996. 56k modem: 1997.

I'll take it easy on you here because v.90 was a firmware update on existing 33.6k USR technology. But that wasnt rolled out until a year after Quake released.
Quake sucked on 56k. Highspeed connections improved gameplay and gave you such in edge in multiplayer than the neckbreathers started calling people with cable modems low ping bastards.