Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Not really BF3 had similar vids before launch and they removed the destruction post launch, huge radio tower anyone?
Exactly. Hell someone even asked on twitter way back before release and EA/DICE responded by saying yes and we all know how that turned out.


Vyemm Raider
Also that commander was total fail. You don't tell people "attack A" you tell them "rally at this marker" and when enough people show up (maybe 1/4th your team. maybe.) you tell them to attack A.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
I just know that its the fact there are usable elevators in the game that sold me. Fuck stairs.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You'd have to be fucking insane to get in an elevator in this game.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
Well elevators won't be as bad if the maps go back to BF2 size. There were some maps that you could be on a flag point for the entire game and never see an enemy show up.

If they keep them smaller and constricted like bc2/bf3 (only caspian was really open feeling imo, even still didn't take long to feel smaller) then yeah, elevators will be death traps, unless the only way to access certain things is via elevator or aircraft (perhaps roof insertion?)


Per duplicate thread, alpha invites went out or some shit.
My duplicate thread was also proven wrong by a poster who added this tweet:

@zh1nt0 EA eabastian To clarify: We accidentally sent e-mails about an invitation out. This is not a second wave of Alpha invites.

Retweeted by Daniel Matros


Golden Knight of the Realm
So glad they're tweaking the suppression system.

I suppose the only thing I ask for at this point is to have more official DICE-sanctioned servers so that my friends and I have places we can reliably play together on, as it's getting to the point that most of my friends are banned from every worthwhile US Conquest/Rush server. There are currently far too many badmins / casual baddies out there throwing around hackusations, which I'm sure will only increase come BF4.


Vyemm Raider
Maybe if they'd finally fucking put replays back in people could actually have some shred of proof when they cry hacker every 25 seconds.

And remove tac light and sun glare.

And put a 100ms upper cap on lag compensation so the game doesn't seem like its lagged to fuck and back when you have a 20 ping but the person you are shooting is playing from fucking Mars over two tin cans tied with a string. It gets really old putting 20 rounds into someone only to seemingly die in one shot, when on the server your shots were delayed by his piece of shit. Stop leeching off your neighbors wifi and get a real fucking connection. The only servers over 100ms in my battlelog right now are across the Atlantic Ocean, for fucks sake.

And make inaccessible rooftops out of bounds. Fuck all you queers putting spawn beacons up against a wall so you can parachute onto some mile high building to squat on the entire match.

And finally figure out the miracle of not spawning you into a hail of bullets. COD can do it.

And remove spawn invulnerability horseshit, because if someone does spawn in my face, I'm tired of emptying my clip into them for nothing.

And put in lots of incentives to play a variety of maps and game modes so that you don't wind up with 90% of the online population playing operation metro at all times.

And put more intelligent limits on how servers can be set up and still be ranked. No, we really don't need 64 players on DM maps made for 16. Because every retard flocks to those servers and then fills the chat with bitching about the spawn code. Fucking duh? Stop letting the dumbasses that control the servers ruin your game.

Split all of your main battlelog stats by game mode. K/D and SPM in Conquest and Squad DM and Team DM and so on. Further, you should be able to easily see a split by class as well. Battlelog stats are almost 100% useless as they are now, because they lump everything all together and that leads to the epeen dorks only playing one mode to get the best stats (tweeeeeenty four seven metro, fuck yeah!)

And build in slaughter rule to conquest so a fully capped side has X minutes to cap an objective or the match ends.

And if the score is lopsided scramble the teams by squad score at the end of the round.

And make some kind of retard proof UI to show what squad bonuses you are lacking or doubling up on

And give squad DM servers the option to remove the LAV so you don't get a parade of squadmates that join the server, jump in the LAV, get banned, repeat.

OH OH and holy shit - copy COD and put in PRONE BLOCK so some faggot can't shove his asshole into a corner and lay down with only the top third of his body poking out. Hell I've seen people manage to make all but their head and gun disappear into geometry. When COD does something that is more realistic than you, then you've really fucked up. Obviously a better solution would be force your guy to lay in a way that he isn't clipping into a wall rather than just throwing up a "prone blocked" message, but whatever.

And find whoever made that god damn bad word kick mod and shove his keyboard up his ass and wrap his mouse cord around his balls and hang him from it. Then turn BF3 on at full volume and let him listen to the game scream obscenities at him every three seconds until he realizes how fucking retarded he is. Repeat for every dipshit who uses it.

You might have noticed that I grew to hate BF3.


That guy
Maybe if they'd finally fucking put replays back in people could actually have some shred of proof when they cry hacker every 25 seconds.

And remove tac light and sun glare.

And put a 100ms upper cap on lag compensation so the game doesn't seem like its lagged to fuck and back when you have a 20 ping but the person you are shooting is playing from fucking Mars over two tin cans tied with a string. It gets really old putting 20 rounds into someone only to seemingly die in one shot, when on the server your shots were delayed by his piece of shit. Stop leeching off your neighbors wifi and get a real fucking connection. The only servers over 100ms in my battlelog right now are across the Atlantic Ocean, for fucks sake.

And make inaccessible rooftops out of bounds. Fuck all you queers putting spawn beacons up against a wall so you can parachute onto some mile high building to squat on the entire match.

And finally figure out the miracle of not spawning you into a hail of bullets. COD can do it.

And remove spawn invulnerability horseshit, because if someone does spawn in my face, I'm tired of emptying my clip into them for nothing.

And put in lots of incentives to play a variety of maps and game modes so that you don't wind up with 90% of the online population playing operation metro at all times.

And put more intelligent limits on how servers can be set up and still be ranked. No, we really don't need 64 players on DM maps made for 16. Because every retard flocks to those servers and then fills the chat with bitching about the spawn code. Fucking duh? Stop letting the dumbasses that control the servers ruin your game.

Split all of your main battlelog stats by game mode. K/D and SPM in Conquest and Squad DM and Team DM and so on. Further, you should be able to easily see a split by class as well. Battlelog stats are almost 100% useless as they are now, because they lump everything all together and that leads to the epeen dorks only playing one mode to get the best stats (tweeeeeenty four seven metro, fuck yeah!)

And build in slaughter rule to conquest so a fully capped side has X minutes to cap an objective or the match ends.

And if the score is lopsided scramble the teams by squad score at the end of the round.

And make some kind of retard proof UI to show what squad bonuses you are lacking or doubling up on

And give squad DM servers the option to remove the LAV so you don't get a parade of squadmates that join the server, jump in the LAV, get banned, repeat.

OH OH and holy shit - copy COD and put in PRONE BLOCK so some faggot can't shove his asshole into a corner and lay down with only the top third of his body poking out. Hell I've seen people manage to make all but their head and gun disappear into geometry. When COD does something that is more realistic than you, then you've really fucked up. Obviously a better solution would be force your guy to lay in a way that he isn't clipping into a wall rather than just throwing up a "prone blocked" message, but whatever.

And find whoever made that god damn bad word kick mod and shove his keyboard up his ass and wrap his mouse cord around his balls and hang him from it. Then turn BF3 on at full volume and let him listen to the game scream obscenities at him every three seconds until he realizes how fucking retarded he is. Repeat for every dipshit who uses it.

You might have noticed that I grew to hate BF3.
I agree with your statements and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. However, most of the good PC servers have team scramble if a round ends too lopsided. Best way to avoid the tac-light bullshit is just play outdoor maps, they're a bit useless there.

My number one complaint about BF3 is the fucking indoor maps. Yeah it's fun to lob rockets, hand grenades, and 40mm grenades down a blind hallway and get 3 kills but in reality get 0 because the team is 75% Assault so everyone gets revived. Just as fun to be on the receiving end of some asshat popping around a corner just long enough to shoot a rocket and you die. Oh wait no that shit's dumb as hell and needs to go. Thankfully on PC there's automated scripts that'll auto kick/ban people who get a kill with an explosive device on certain maps (hi2u Metro). That brings up another point:

- If you go down again within 5 seconds (pulled random number from ass) of being revived, you're fucking dead. A lot of those CQ Metro games take 10x longer than they need to and people are able to farm way too many points by just spamming their defibrillator.


Vyemm Raider
I completely disagree with the use of any retarded scripts that ban players for using things that are in the game. Don't like that shit? Don't play fucking metro all fucking day. Even better, play on hardcore so that grenade spammers get auto kicked for team kills. Sadly the health restriction actually works against HC - it would be the best mode to play, if it not for the half health shit to appease COD fans. It breaks the game balance, especially for vehicles vs infantry.

Oh, that reminds me of another point:

Stop counting teamkills against the victim's score. Holy fuck.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, way too many servers have kick/ban happy admins on them. Did you just say fuck? BANNED.

all the while the games say fuck/shit/bitch/damn every 3 seconds.

Also for the love of god no Metro/Bazaar type maps please. If you want some close quarters shit fest go play cod.


Maybe if they'd finally fucking put replays back in people could actually have some shred of proof when they cry hacker every 25 seconds.

And remove tac light and sun glare.

And put a 100ms upper cap on lag compensation so the game doesn't seem like its lagged to fuck and back when you have a 20 ping but the person you are shooting is playing from fucking Mars over two tin cans tied with a string. It gets really old putting 20 rounds into someone only to seemingly die in one shot, when on the server your shots were delayed by his piece of shit. Stop leeching off your neighbors wifi and get a real fucking connection. The only servers over 100ms in my battlelog right now are across the Atlantic Ocean, for fucks sake.

And make inaccessible rooftops out of bounds. Fuck all you queers putting spawn beacons up against a wall so you can parachute onto some mile high building to squat on the entire match.

And finally figure out the miracle of not spawning you into a hail of bullets. COD can do it.

And remove spawn invulnerability horseshit, because if someone does spawn in my face, I'm tired of emptying my clip into them for nothing.

And put in lots of incentives to play a variety of maps and game modes so that you don't wind up with 90% of the online population playing operation metro at all times.

And put more intelligent limits on how servers can be set up and still be ranked. No, we really don't need 64 players on DM maps made for 16. Because every retard flocks to those servers and then fills the chat with bitching about the spawn code. Fucking duh? Stop letting the dumbasses that control the servers ruin your game.

Split all of your main battlelog stats by game mode. K/D and SPM in Conquest and Squad DM and Team DM and so on. Further, you should be able to easily see a split by class as well. Battlelog stats are almost 100% useless as they are now, because they lump everything all together and that leads to the epeen dorks only playing one mode to get the best stats (tweeeeeenty four seven metro, fuck yeah!)

And build in slaughter rule to conquest so a fully capped side has X minutes to cap an objective or the match ends.

And if the score is lopsided scramble the teams by squad score at the end of the round.

And make some kind of retard proof UI to show what squad bonuses you are lacking or doubling up on

And give squad DM servers the option to remove the LAV so you don't get a parade of squadmates that join the server, jump in the LAV, get banned, repeat.

OH OH and holy shit - copy COD and put in PRONE BLOCK so some faggot can't shove his asshole into a corner and lay down with only the top third of his body poking out. Hell I've seen people manage to make all but their head and gun disappear into geometry. When COD does something that is more realistic than you, then you've really fucked up. Obviously a better solution would be force your guy to lay in a way that he isn't clipping into a wall rather than just throwing up a "prone blocked" message, but whatever.

And find whoever made that god damn bad word kick mod and shove his keyboard up his ass and wrap his mouse cord around his balls and hang him from it. Then turn BF3 on at full volume and let him listen to the game scream obscenities at him every three seconds until he realizes how fucking retarded he is. Repeat for every dipshit who uses it.

You might have noticed that I grew to hate BF3.
Because of all this and more, I doubt I will be purchasing BF4...