So, you hate trannies? Frightened of trannies? An open transphobe?You're not going to fit in here. Just go.
Let's just start here (for lulz)
My work here is done.So, you hate trannies? Frightened of trannies? An open transphobe?
tranny chaser nose don't work too gudSo, you hate trannies? Frightened of trannies? An open transphobe?
what a fucking moron lolSo, you hate trannies? Frightened of trannies? An open transphobe?
Lol. You are powerful stupid. How much stupid you squat?So, you hate trannies? Frightened of trannies? An open transphobe?
Lol. You are powerful stupid. How much stupid you squat?
Confirmed will be cruising for tranny dick in DMs.I think trannies are people and shouldn't be ostracized or demonized simply because they're trannies. I ultimately think they're biologically male--since I'm not a relativist or dualist when it comes to biology or mind--and don't buy into the ludicrous notion that you can change your biology by psychological whimsy, but I've got no problem with a tranny.
I think the ones with obvious transphobia and tranny hatred/bashing are the real ones in the closet. It's always the ones getting hyper aggressive and defensive in conversations like this that are secretly worried they'll taste a dick and love it.
I think trannies are people and shouldn't be ostracized or demonized simply because they're trannies.
Only because Lumi doesn't believe in gravity.Lumi is lighter than air.
So, you hate trannies? Frightened of trannies? An open transphobe?
People were acusing me of being a Foler alt...
We have one of our best autists in the Rickshaw!
Pimping ladyboys.Just curious what you did for work in that region?
I expect that every grunt who has been deployed has played Gay Chicken; the objective is to lose as quickly as possible!
"Friends"I had two friends that went to Marine Corps boot camp together. When they came back, one of them was telling a story about how while they were all naked in the shower a DI told them "Get A to B" which I guess means form a line where you're actually touching each other. He said that no one moved and the DI said something about "Good men, we don't need a bunch of fags around here". Pretty good story so when I saw the other guy I told him "(marine#1) told us about the DI telling you to get A to B in the shower". He was like "Oh man I can't believe they made us do that". Turns out marine 1 was lying and they had all stuck their dicks in each other's butts like the DI told them to. I guess they should have gotten their story straight before they came home.