Make sure and check out the Political Memes thread. We're always battling racism to the fullest in that one. We need allies.Just a qualification here. I've got a ten day ban from the misc because I hurled a racial epithet at another poster, but that poster attacked me first, and has previously hurled a lot of homophobic and transphobic slurs at me, always completely unprovoked. Based on the misguided belief that I'm a homosexual or that I bang trannies.
Even though, long before that episode I argued extensively against the biological reality of race, refuted racist conspiracy theories, and constantly called out Trump for his racist and stupid beliefs/comments/actions.
In short, you don't judge someone's character by deliberately trying to provoke an angry reaction out of them. You look at the philosophies they embody. And I don't embody any racist philosophies.
Are you sure? Because this forum seems to be a hotbed for all forms of bigotry and hatred. Obvious homophobia and transphobia, of course, and whilst I've not seen any racism here myself, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there was, given what a carbon copy of the archetypal radicalized right-wing safe space it appears to be.Make sure and check out the Political Memes thread. We're always battling racism to the fullest in that one. We need allies.
Are you sure? Because this forum seems to be a hotbed for all forms of bigotry and hatred. Obvious homophobia and transphobia, of course, and whilst I've not seen any racism here myself, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there was, given what a carbon copy of the archetypal radicalized right-wing safe space it appears to be.
Are you sure? Because this forum seems to be a hotbed for all forms of bigotry and hatred. Obvious homophobia and transphobia, of course, and whilst I've not seen any racism here myself, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there was, given what a carbon copy of the archetypal radicalized right-wing safe space it appears to be.
Are you sure? Because this forum seems to be a hotbed for all forms of bigotry and hatred. Obvious homophobia and transphobia, of course, and whilst I've not seen any racism here myself, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there was, given what a carbon copy of the archetypal radicalized right-wing safe space it appears to be.
Actually, there was a poster here who spent his precious internet points to cancel me from the main forums for a day. For no reason other than that I'm pro-vaccine, anti-homophobic and anti-Trump.Unlike Left-wing safe spaces, you can exercise a siginificant amount of freedom of speech here without being banned. Why do you think that is?
Are you sure? Because this forum seems to be a hotbed for all forms of bigotry and hatred. Obvious homophobia and transphobia, of course, and whilst I've not seen any racism here myself, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there was, given what a carbon copy of the archetypal radicalized right-wing safe space it appears to be.
I do miss
Actually, there was a poster here who spent his precious internet points to cancel me from the main forums for a day. For no reason other than that I'm pro-vaccine, anti-homophobic and anti-Trump.
The fact you even have this feature here is not only cringey and geeky as all fuck, but also the very exemplar of cancel culture. Real talk, though, the fact someone had spent so long actually saving up these internet points and got so triggered he had to spend them all to cancel me for 24 hours was hilarious. I was literally laughing out loud at that.
Do you even lift bro?Actually, there was a poster here who spent his precious internet points to cancel me from the main forums for a day. For no reason other than that I'm pro-vaccine, anti-homophobic and anti-Trump.
The fact you even have this feature here is not only cringey and geeky as all fuck, but also the very exemplar of cancel culture. Real talk, though, the fact someone had spent so long actually saving up these internet points and got so triggered he had to spend them all to cancel me for 24 hours was hilarious. I was literally laughing out loud at that.
Are you sure? Because this forum seems to be a hotbed for all forms of bigotry and hatred. Obvious homophobia and transphobia, of course, and whilst I've not seen any racism here myself, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there was, given what a carbon copy of the archetypal radicalized right-wing safe space it appears to be.
LolActually, there was a poster here who spent his precious internet points to cancel me from the main forums for a day. For no reason other than that I'm pro-vaccine, anti-homophobic and anti-Trump.
The fact you even have this feature here is not only cringey and geeky as all fuck, but also the very exemplar of cancel culture. Real talk, though, the fact someone had spent so long actually saving up these internet points and got so triggered he had to spend them all to cancel me for 24 hours was hilarious. I was literally laughing out loud at that.
Jasker - I'd love it if you could weigh in on current events in this thread. I feel like I'm on the cusp of a happygasm and you always push me over the edge.
Actually, there was a poster here who spent his precious internet points to cancel me from the main forums for a day. For no reason other than that I'm pro-vaccine, anti-homophobic and anti-Trump.
Yep, of course. Got an arms workout pending for tonight.Do you even lift bro?
What's this american inventor on about?Are you sure? Because this forum seems to be a hotbed for all forms of bigotry and hatred. Obvious homophobia and transphobia, of course, and whilst I've not seen any racism here myself, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there was, given what a carbon copy of the archetypal radicalized right-wing safe space it appears to be.
A case study on propaganda's effects on the autistic mind?What's this american inventor on about?
Are you accusing me of being autistic?A case study on propaganda's effects on the autistic mind?