Misc Refugee Thread


Trakanon Raider
piggy backing - general question for everyone

who would be your ideal President right now?

Mike Lee is about the only politician I can think of
I say this as someone who is not a dyed in the wool MAGA guy: Trump

Two reasons:

1. I think he will (try to) do what he says he will do.

2. It will send a message to Democrats, both the politicians and their base. This is not me saying "to own the libs". A message needs to be sent that what they have done to prevent him from running, or even surviving his run for the office, is unacceptable.

If I am being completely honest Walz did a great job dialing in the crazy. If you had no idea about either you wouldn't think Walz is supporting medical experimentation on children, putting violent men in women's prisons, dismantling the 1st amendment, price fixing, and all the rest of it.

I sincerely hope that everyone in "fly over country" didn't get drawn in to his "I'm just a Midwestern boy" shtick. He was picked to dress up coastal elite politics in a pair overalls and camo. Being from the Midwest I can say he pulled it off really well, but those eyes don't lie. He is as crazy as the rest of his party.
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Trakanon Raider
fuck - I am glad the sister got 10 years at least though - holy fuck how was she still driving at 19 with all those tickets

I once had my car totalled by a college chick who was around 19 or 20 years old. Bitch turned left in front of me while I was going straight and I had the right of way, just turning in front of me in a manner that caused a nearly head on collision. Totalled both vehicles out hard even at 30mph, lucky no one got hurt honestly. She even admitted full fault to the cop who showed up, as he said in his police report, which I quickly referenced to her insurance company when they said she changed her story to them and wss claiming it was my fault for "speeding". I got the full payout, of course.

Saw her photo in the local news about a month later. It said she had been arrested for her 4th DUI, plus underage drinking (hence how I realized she wasn't even 21 yet). That means she had to have had at least 3 of those D-dubs already on her record at the time she totalled my car. How is someone like that insurable in the first place, if not even un-lisenceable? I assume she had rich parents paying the many bills associated with that, but that's still ridiculous imo. Such a terrible driver that she was racking up several D-dubs and still getting into bad accidents of her own fault even when sober.
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Trakanon Raider
I say this as someone who is not a dyed in the wool MAGA guy: Trump

Two reasons:

1. I think he will (try to) do what he says he will do.

2. It will send a message to Democrats, both the politicians and their base. This is not me saying "to own the libs". A message needs to be sent that what they have done to prevent him from running, or even surviving his run for the office, is unacceptable.

If I am being completely honest Walz did a great job dialing in the crazy. If you had no idea about either you wouldn't think Walz is supporting medical experimentation on children, putting violent men in women's prisons, dismantling the 1st amendment, price fixing, and all the rest of it.

I sincerely hope that everyone in "fly over country" didn't get drawn in to his "I'm just a Midwestern boy" shtick. He was picked to dress up coastal elite politics in a pair overalls and camo. Being from the Midwest I can say he pulled it off really well, but those eyes don't lie. He is as crazy as the rest of his party.

I think it's hilarious that people are too retarded to realize that Kamala was never gonna pick someone other than a fellow progressive Democrat for her running mate. The fact that she picked him is reason enough to be suspicious of him, but he truly is a vile piece of shit who has used the "good ol' Midwestern boy!" shtick to his advantage for 20+ years.
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Molten Core Raider
Walz' state. Two joggers decide to drag race at a stop light. One jogger hits an oncoming vehicle so hard it splits the car in half killing both people inside.

MN courts decide that because the jogger was 2 months shy of being 18 his punishment for being convicted of a double murder should be 3 years probation

Bro, the perp's sister was yelling death threats at the dead victims....that's too much. TRASH CULTURE.
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Walz' state. Two joggers decide to drag race at a stop light. One jogger hits an oncoming vehicle so hard it splits the car in half killing both people inside.

MN courts decide that because the jogger was 2 months shy of being 18 his punishment for being convicted of a double murder should be 3 years probation

I watched this entire thing yesterday while I was working

Man I wanted to strangle that bitch thru the screen so bad

Almost criminal how easy the brother got off
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Trakanon Raider
Bro, the perp's sister was yelling death threats at the dead victims....that's too much. TRASH CULTURE.

What the fuck is up with the whole holding up money for social media photos bullshit? That stupid ass shit should have been retired and left back in 2008 where it belongs. Kids these days seriously still think that shit is cool? When will the whole rap/hip-hop fake gangsta tough guy bs ever go away, it's been a thing for 30+ years now and they never move the fuck onto the next thing...

That old lady talking about what bs the juvie court system is was also spot on. It is absolutely insane the type of ridiculous shit someone can basically get away with if they simply do it before their 18th birthday. There's zero excuse for a 17 year old getting a significantly lighter sentence than an 18 year old for the exact same crimes that costed people their lives.
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Big goobaaa

Bronze Knight of the Realm

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Trakanon Raider
Have you guys been seeing some of the liberal meltdowns about last night's debate? lol
"Walz was over-prepared and Vance was too polished."

After 8 years of portraying MAGA as ignorant yokles Dems tap a Midwest grandpa for VP in a bid to identify with the people that have spent so much time smearing. And then they watch as their boy gets btfo by a Yale educated Appalachian mountain boy.

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Big goobaaa

Bronze Knight of the Realm
Vance instead of debating last night shoulda stepped down and said he won’t be in tv while Americans are suffering from this storm. Huge pr boost especially if he went to help with the efforts
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