yeah naughty dog became naughty cuck when that cuckold ideologue sack of shit took over
The best part is that he's the typical male feminist who replaced an actual woman who was qualified and talented for the position.
And yet the Soyny drones licking his balls can't even see that obvious affront that's sticking right in front of their noses.
Man, I had a nasty cold that I'm still getting over with because the dryness murdered my throat, so I went to the doctor and had them run a flu/covid test* just to make sure it wasn't something extra contagious
just to be sure. I still can't believe that quick swab was the shit people were crying over like we were enduring the black plague and all the more reason we all needed to get Fauci'd.
*I knew I didn't have covid just on the symptoms alone, but now they're the same test apparently? As in, only one swab and done. The last time I had one, it was outrageously expensive on the bill, so just another point in favor of it being a money-making scam.
So anyway, I've just been using Mucinex nasal spray twice a day, some throat coat tea, and just started injecting research chemicals for the last two days and I'm feeling a lot better. Tendons and joints are still shot, but that's just my "fuck 2024" as usual.
I can't even imagine wincel post election and now with the covid report showing he was wrong on so many aspects
I can imagine that all of the lockstep lefties are even more insufferable now than ever before.
knowing wincel he is likely still denying the lab leak
The problem is how just about
every. Damn. Time. There was
something they said with the utmost confidence like it was their religious scripture, only for reality to come contradicting it explicitly with a vengeance later on.
In hindsight, if covid shows us one thing, it's that the left really fucking sucks at pattern recognition and seeing the signs laid out in front of them, which is precisely what cost them this election. We had an entire year alone of blowback against everything woke now not just amongst "the fAr RiGhT," but the average person, so of course they ran with the patron saint of woke dei dipshittery laughing her hyena ass up there with notorious degenerates.
Oh, even better, the months leading up to the election saw an escalation to masses of illegal immigration and upturns in crime as American citizens who once supported that mess saw firsthand how their taxpayer dollars were swiftly reallocated to the hordes of rats filling up their hotels and even shelters once reserved for them. All meanwhile the exact same thing many of us warned about had already happened years ago across Europe after their impotent leaders bowed down to savage inbreds for fear of being called racists, leading to the ongoing collapse of an entire continent.
That isn't even to mention how these retards kept trying to fool themselves that the vice fucking president would do things different than the actual fucking president who wasn't even fit to run for reelection, calling into question why she wasn't just put in place as said actual fucking president since that was her #1 job. Although, again, the rest of us all knew she wasn't even qualified to secure the border or flip burgers, but hey, she's a sTrOnK bLaCk WoMaN democrat who can
surely fix the country... yeah?
Altogether, the one overblown fear from leftists that I hope actually does come to fruition is that they're deported alongside the criminals to deal with the cultural "enrichment" they're always gong on about.