It's mostly a collection of the degenerates that killed the misc - I am not talking about the misc going dark, it was dead way before that.
I don't even know why some of you even bother visiting, the admin himself clearly said he would rather have a specific member who is a known issue, than a thousand other members. Said user constantly tells others to off themselves, posts how he would want to kill people for a difference of opinion, and is actually known for doxxing numerous people.
Then. the second in command can be quoted claiming that the same person described above, is a "good guy". Not sure what mental gymnastics you have to perform to claim that someone who is known for doxxing numerous members, with actual malicious intent, is a "good guy", but there you go.
Also, I don't know if they ever restructured, but the last time I checked, they had a mod to active user ratio of 1:2.
It's a big mess because it's ran by people who very clearly do not know what they are doing - the fact that they still haven't figured out to redirect the main url to main forum is a testament to that fact.