LMFAO now im curious. my bro does this for a living. i bet he could find whatever got this dude worried lolif you are this worried about it man you are fucked
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LMFAO now im curious. my bro does this for a living. i bet he could find whatever got this dude worried lolif you are this worried about it man you are fucked
How long ago was the post on the misc?Basically, there's this coworker I had a conversation with IRL, and there was a post on the misc that had a portion of that conversation that nearly matched what was said IRL. That post had our city, my ethnicity, my age, and my industry in it. He didn't post anything that could specifically identify me though, unless anyone else around us IRL heard what I said.
I don't know if he's a miscer, but I looked up his post history and he fit the description of who I thought it was.
So long story short, is that considered doxxing on his part? He was basically talking shit.
How long ago was the post on the misc?
Let us know what you end up going with brah, genuinely curious.Thank you to the couple of you who helped with scent suggestions
Yeah they should definitely get over here, this thread would be fukkin' poppin' like misc was back in the day. Instead they want to go with To Catch A Predator superstars.yeah Getter is there too. i told Kimm she should come here.Those losers hate us over here cause we arent degenerate scumbags like them. pedo fucks
brah, da fuk am I looking at?Pizza tonight
lmfao @ the mod to user ratio100%.
It's mostly a collection of the degenerates that killed the misc - I am not talking about the misc going dark, it was dead way before that.
I don't even know why some of you even bother visiting, the admin himself clearly said he would rather have a specific member who is a known issue, than a thousand other members. Said user constantly tells others to off themselves, posts how he would want to kill people for a difference of opinion, and is actually known for doxxing numerous people.
Then. the second in command can be quoted claiming that the same person described above, is a "good guy". Not sure what mental gymnastics you have to perform to claim that someone who is known for doxxing numerous members, with actual malicious intent, is a "good guy", but there you go.
Also, I don't know if they ever restructured, but the last time I checked, they had a mod to active user ratio of 1:2.
It's a big mess because it's ran by people who very clearly do not know what they are doing - the fact that they still haven't figured out to redirect the main url to main forum is a testament to that fact.
lmfao that's so true, even on this site I wouldn't post anything that is remotely identifiable because you know those cock gobblers are still going to lurk here, the peed0 / nonsense wannabe crew was constantly trying to get me to dox myself, brb: ur short, ur fat, ur bald, ur poor, ur a pajeet, ur this, ur that, post a pic to prove otherwise. I imagine they thought it was such a good plan, but that would only work on someone as dumb as they are.I was just telling G-dubs in our DMs how it looks like the wife and I are buying a franchise next month and how I can't talk about it openly on here too much cause wincel might flip out one day and try to dox my biz cause you know he's still lurking here
do you guys think user post history can ever be retrieved from the misc? like say law enforcement wanted to find something wincel said as a threat, could they get it now?
yeah they have software to do that kind of thing. local cops used it on my phone. why you got something to hide? short answer yes. if they want to they can get it
Idk, if anyone ever found my post history on misc and connected it to me it'd be bad. Im sure thats the same for all of us. I never posted anything illegal, but not stuff I'd want my employer or family to know about.
why do you think they would keep all that data for future use? Isnt there a timeframe in which they're like ok we'll permanently get rid of it?
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ man this is why I never posted anything but bullshit on misc, I can talk about stuff I have, stuff I bought, lifting, wardrobe, etc., but nothing personal, even kept profession vague, as tempted as I was to shit on some of these brokies, I found it more wise to just continue to rustle them instead of shutting them up, negging them was always a guarantee for a good time and some lulz.Basically, there's this coworker I had a conversation with IRL, and there was a post on the misc that had a portion of that conversation that nearly matched what was said IRL. That post had our city, my ethnicity, my age, and my industry in it. He didn't post anything that could specifically identify me though, unless anyone else around us IRL heard what I said.
I don't know if he's a miscer, but I looked up his post history and he fit the description of who I thought it was.
So long story short, is that considered doxxing on his part? He was basically talking shit.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ man this is why I never posted anything but bullshit on misc, I can talk about stuff I have, stuff I bought, lifting, wardrobe, etc., but nothing personal, even kept profession vague, as tempted as I was to shit on some of these brokies, I found it more wise to just continue to rustle them instead of shutting them up, negging them was always a guarantee for a good time and some lulz.
Right, but you're worried about it.I mean I don't even think it's doxxing tbh. He didn't post any of my personal details. Unless there happened to be a couple miscers standing around us IRL who saw that post, there's no way I could be doxxed by anyone. Idk if it's even really him, it's just there was one thing he typed where I'm like wtf, that sounds exactly like what I said.. but he made the post like several months after I said it. Idk what to believe.
Isn't doxxing legally defined as posting something specific like name/address/phone number? I don't think I can say shit to the guy IRL because he didn't do any of that.
I am trying to get my head wrapped around what you just posted, but it doesn't make any sense...Basically, there's this coworker I had a conversation with IRL, and there was a post on the misc that had a portion of that conversation that nearly matched what was said IRL. That post had our city, my ethnicity, my age, and my industry in it. He didn't post anything that could specifically identify me though, unless anyone else around us IRL heard what I said.
I don't know if he's a miscer, but I looked up his post history and he fit the description of who I thought it was.
So long story short, is that considered doxxing on his part? He was basically talking shit.
meh, not a big deal. I'm probably paranoidI am trying to get my head wrapped around what you just posted, but it doesn't make any sense...
It really sounds like it could be a coincidence, unless I'm getting it completely wrong...meh, not a big deal. I'm probably paranoid
It really sounds like it could be a coincidence, unless I'm getting it completely wrong...
What was the stuff posted in context of?its basically liek this.
imagine you open a thread and there is a vague description of you.. like age, race, industry, city. then there's a description of something you said. you look through the poster's history and it fits the description of someone you had a similar conversation with a long time ago.
could be a coincidence, true. I was curious if I could legally request to find out if it was him from bb.com forum owners, but I don't think I can since he didn't actually post my personal info. so there's no legal basis.
super paranoid on my part, but I take my career seriously. can't call him out IRL unless I know for sure.
I'm not from india either fwiw.
What was the stuff posted in context of?
LMFAO!! based on your paranoia you must have some gay shit you dont want getting out just lol if it makes you feel better nobody knows you and nobody cares. i doubt anyone would go to the trouble of doxxing your gay ass. next time dont post pics or posts you dont want exposed in the future. and yes my brother could hack and find all your dark secrets. not that he would. we dont care. but be more self conscious in the future.its basically liek this.
imagine you open a thread and there is a vague description of you.. like age, race, industry, city. then there's a description of something you said. you look through the poster's history and it fits the description of someone you had a similar conversation with a long time ago.
could be a coincidence, true. I was curious if I could legally request to find out if it was him from bb.com forum owners, but I don't think I can since he didn't actually post my personal info. so there's no legal basis.
super paranoid on my part, but I take my career seriously. can't call him out IRL unless I know for sure.
I'm not from india either fwiw.
That doesn't even make sense.100%.
It's mostly a collection of the degenerates that killed the misc - I am not talking about the misc going dark, it was dead way before that.
I don't even know why some of you even bother visiting, the admin himself clearly said he would rather have a specific member who is a known issue, than a thousand other members. Said user constantly tells others to off themselves, posts how he would want to kill people for a difference of opinion, and is actually known for doxxing numerous people.
Then. the second in command can be quoted claiming that the same person described above, is a "good guy". Not sure what mental gymnastics you have to perform to claim that someone who is known for doxxing numerous members, with actual malicious intent, is a "good guy", but there you go.
Also, I don't know if they ever restructured, but the last time I checked, they had a mod to active user ratio of 1:2.
It's a big mess because it's ran by people who very clearly do not know what they are doing - the fact that they still haven't figured out to redirect the main url to main forum is a testament to that fact.
Idk, if anyone ever found my post history on misc and connected it to me it'd be bad. Im sure thats the same for all of us. I never posted anything illegal, but not stuff I'd want my employer or family to know about.
why do you think they would keep all that data for future use? Isnt there a timeframe in which they're like ok we'll permanently get rid of it?
Has to be a total coincidence.I think Jan or Feb last year. He's been pissing me off but idk if it was really him